Author Topic: SHR: Dan Wetzel Standing Up For The G-5's Plight In College Football Playoffs  (Read 362 times)

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Offline mu79grad

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  • Dan Wetzel makes some salient points that have been discussed here before.  From the link below:  "Stop the charade, this is no playoff for college football. It’s the Four-Team Invitational for Certain Teams in Certain Conferences in College Football."

    From Yahoo Sports:
    « Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 07:38:16 PM by mu79grad »

    Offline coalherd

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  • Oh, its always about the same this time every year.  Somebody in the media, and maybe a talking head or two at ESPN and Fox Sports, for example, will throw a bone or two to the G5 teams and schools.  Soon forgotten, and quickly in and out of the ears of those in charge and who really matter and control the status quo!!  Nothing changes.

    Offline elginherd

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  • Oh, its always about the same this time every year.  Somebody in the media, and maybe a talking head or two at ESPN and Fox Sports, for example, will throw a bone or two to the G5 teams and schools.  Soon forgotten, and quickly in and out of the ears of those in charge and who really matter and control the status quo!!  Nothing changes.

    Wetzel wrote a well researched short book, "Death to the BCS", which is credited with being part of the reason that there is a 4 team playoff & an access to a NY6 bowl for the G5. Wetzel is not the typical talking head.
    In memory of Dr Daniel P Babb who taught so much to so many.

    Offline Herdfan73

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  • Oh, its always about the same this time every year.  Somebody in the media, and maybe a talking head or two at ESPN and Fox Sports, for example, will throw a bone or two to the G5 teams and schools.  Soon forgotten, and quickly in and out of the ears of those in charge and who really matter and control the status quo!!  Nothing changes.

    Maybe it’s the ones I follow, but I’ve seen far more disdain in the media for the CFP’s treatment of the G5 this year than I ever have. Tons of well respected and highly followed writers and broadcasters are spitting flames.