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Offline Herdalum83

ODU Game Observations
« on: October 01, 2023, 05:47:28 PM »
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  • First, I want to say I am happy with the win but these are some observations I had while watching the game yesterday both good and bad. I'll start with the good.

    The Good.

    1. We never panicked. Got down 21-3 and battled our way back and got the W. What that does mentally for a team can not be understated.

    2. Cam Fancher. I thought Fancher played pretty well yesterday. Did a good job on the read option and scrambling which kept a few drives alive and his 102 yards on the ground were desperately needed to keep the ground game productive on a day when ODU was selling out to stop Ali. Passing wise he was 29-35 for 278 yards and a couple of TD passes. He did have the one bad throw on the interception but for the most part was accurate and made the right reads. Some of those out routes look easy but that's one of the hardest throws in football and he was on the money with them. But, the biggest play he made was the tackle he had chasing down the ODU defender after the fumble recovery. Not only did that tackle save a TD but a couple of plays later we get the Pick 6. We don't win without that hustle play, so hats off to Fancher.

    3. Caleb Coombs & Pierce Mason - We have desperately needed a WR to emerge as a go-to guy.  Yesterday these two guys both emerged and had great games combining for 13 catches for 150 yards and a TD. Hopefully, these guys can keep it going as the season continues. The offense gets much better if they do.

    Now for the Bad

    1. Coaching - I thought the coaching yesterday was pretty poor in a lot of ways. Offensively, Trickett, again, got way too conservative late in the game and kept ODU alive. First, there was the possession when we were in the Redzone, and could have made it a 3-score game by going up 17. Instead, I felt like we shut the offense down and played FOR THE FG, ODU scored on a big run just a few moments later and bam game was back to a single-possession ball game. Then late in the 4th Quarter with about 4 or 5 minutes to go we were facing a 3rd and 5 and ODU had just called their 3rd and final time out, meaning a first down essentially ends the ball game. What do we do? Call a designed QB draw and have to punt giving ODU a final shot at winning the game. You HAVE to TRUST your QB to come up with a play in those situations, especially on a day he was playing pretty well.

    Not only do I think Trickett got too conservative late, I was also frustrated he never took a shot deep. Go back and look at the tape. ODU was playing all day long with between 8-9 guys in the box six yards or less from the LOS. We never took a single shot down the field, even if you don't complete it, you need to do it on occasion to keep the defense honest. Instead, we just allowed ODU to continue to stack that box and they smothered Ali all day as a result. Teams are going to play us this way until we show a willingness and ability to throw downfield. No matter how good Ali or the line is, they aren't going to win matchups when there are more people in the box than we can block.

    Defensively, I also felt like coaching was pretty poor. I mean how many times were we going to allow them to just run the same play up the middle for 60+ yards before we adjusted and decided to put defenders in the middle of the field? I mean all day long we allowed ODU to spread us out so that our linebackers were set wide with no safety back in the middle meaning once the ODU got beyond the DLine there was no further resistance.  I feel like after the 3rd 60+ yard run maybe we should have tried something different defensively.

    2. Coming Out Flat - We started the game with absolutely zero energy and waited until we were down 21-3 before we finally snapped awake. Luckily for us, ODU isn't very good and we were able to overcome a poor, emotionless start. But, do that against pretty much anyone left on the schedule, and we are beaten.

    3. The Car Race Lady Got Robbed - The Green car which was the one she picked was in the lead when they had to cut the video early. They gave the White car the win and I'm sure it did if the video was able to be finished. But, since it wasn't and what we last saw was the green car in the lead, they should have let that lady have the prize pack.
    The following users thanked this post: Garbanjo

    ODU Game Observations
    « on: October 01, 2023, 05:47:28 PM »

    Offline goherd24

    Re: ODU Game Observations
    « Reply #1 on: October 01, 2023, 06:18:04 PM »
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  • Right on pretty much, good post. Stacking the box won't stop, and we won't take those shots because they know he can't and it'll end in disaster more often than good. But i do agree with your sentiment, but we don't have a QB to make them pay, which is why others will do it the rest of the year.

    To be fair on the hustle tackle, he wouldn't have had to do that if he didn't throw it into the ground behind Ali, resulting in the fumble lol. But it did lead to the D scoring which was much needed or we get the L.

    It was Fanchers best game, against the best team we had played so far, and certainly the best coached. If ODU had the studs, they win yesterday going away. Their coach will do as well rhere as possible, and I'd expect them to be in the top tier next year and beyond.

    NC State will be a great benchmark for where we are. They are an "ok" p5, not good, not terrible. But probably a 6-6 or 7-5 type of team in the ACC. I an excited to see how we do.

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    Offline Herdalum83

    Re: ODU Game Observations
    « Reply #2 on: October 01, 2023, 06:20:26 PM »
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  • Right on pretty much, good post. Stacking the box won't stop, and we won't take those shots because they know he can't and it'll end in disaster more often than good. But i do agree with your sentiment, but we don't have a QB to make them pay, which is why others will do it the rest of the year.

    To be fair on the hustle tackle, he wouldn't have had to do that if he didn't throw it into the ground behind Ali, resulting in the fumble lol. But it did lead to the D scoring which was much needed or we get the L.

    It was Fanchers best game, against the best team we had played so far, and certainly the best coached. If ODU had the studs, they win yesterday going away. Their coach will do as well there as possible, and I'd expect them to be in the top tier next year and beyond.

    NC State will be a great benchmark for where we are. They are an "ok" p5, not good, not terrible. But probably a 6-6 or 7-5 type of team in the ACC. I an excited to see how we do.

    Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk

    I thought the play call on that screen was a terrible call. But, that's par for the course at this point with Trickett.
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    Offline goherd24

    Re: ODU Game Observations
    « Reply #3 on: October 01, 2023, 06:21:50 PM »
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  • I thought the play call on that screen was a terrible call. But, that's par for the course at this point with Trickett.

    It was. Fancher was just off that drive. He overthrew another one before that too i think

    Offline samson.yates

    Re: ODU Game Observations
    « Reply #4 on: October 01, 2023, 07:51:39 PM »
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  • NC State will be a great benchmark for where we are. They are an "ok" p5, not good, not terrible. But probably a 6-6 or 7-5 type of team in the ACC. I an excited to see how we do.

    Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk

    To hear the ?sports commentators? here in Raleigh there isn?t a team in in world better than nc state and that Marshall has an ?ok running back with that Raheem Ali guy? I personally hope we beat the breaks off of state. Every time I talk about Marshall here in Raleigh I call them my beloved herd because that?s what they are. I love Marshall and I love sports. I am so tired though of hearing how Marshall was lucky last year in beating Notre Dame ?catching them on an off day? and how we were played out of the building against ecu, we just got lucky with the weather delay, and how we didn?t really be tech this year, because tech is so horrible that even the local technical college could put together a team and beat them. So I personally hope that I?m sitting in the stands this upcoming weekend in my Marshall gear cheering on a win. Sorry for the tangent that nothing to do with your comment.
    The following users thanked this post: Herdalum83

    Offline goherd24

    Re: ODU Game Observations
    « Reply #5 on: October 01, 2023, 07:55:49 PM »
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  • To hear the ?sports commentators? here in Raleigh there isn?t a team in in world better than nc state and that Marshall has an ?ok running back with that Raheem Ali guy? I personally hope we beat the breaks off of state. Every time I talk about Marshall here in Raleigh I call them my beloved herd because that?s what they are. I love Marshall and I love sports. I am so tired though of hearing how Marshall was lucky last year in beating Notre Dame ?catching them on an off day? and how we were played out of the building against ecu, we just got lucky with the weather delay, and how we didn?t really be tech this year, because tech is so horrible that even the local technical college could put together a team and beat them. So I personally hope that I?m sitting in the stands this upcoming weekend in my Marshall gear cheering on a win. Sorry for the tangent that nothing to do with your comment.

    I understand. They are arrogant and conceited fans. Think they are better for sure. The refs saved them in the past. But they have a very beatable team, and we have some grinders that will want it. I am excited for our shot at them and ill be there!

    Online 2xBison

    Re: ODU Game Observations
    « Reply #6 on: October 01, 2023, 08:05:13 PM »
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  • Still chirping weeks after talking about ecu crushing us thirty something to 3.

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    Offline MUther

    Re: ODU Game Observations
    « Reply #7 on: October 03, 2023, 05:13:07 AM »
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  • I remember thinking to myself as I watched the game that the Pierce fellow ran angry.  He caught the ball and then ran with a purpose and tried to kill people as he did.  Not a big guy, or didn't appear to be, but he has attitude and a chip.  I was impressed.  Hope to see more of him.
    The following users thanked this post: Garbanjo, herdfan129

    Re: ODU Game Observations
    « Reply #7 on: October 03, 2023, 05:13:07 AM »