Well, if Herd Zone is the official website of MU Athletics, where fans, future student athletes, etc., etc., could expect to REGULARLY get accurate and Up To Date information about "everything" pertinent in said MU Athletics, it currently leaves a lot to be desired.
Wouldn't expect to see too many in the General Public, the HERD FAN BASE as a whole, and certainly not student athletes in high schools, Jucos, etc., with no connections otherwise to MU, all willing to "shell out" $$$ to get info that should be "free content" on the regular Herd Zone site.
As for other "social media" filling in as "accurate" sources of such desired info, well just remember we just went through nearly a DECADE of So-So, barely above .500 Herd Basketball, and just how much on Social Media was about how GREAT the Team was looking in practice play, how So and So players were just "Killing It", blah, blah, blah!!! How did that WORK OUT?????