Author Topic: SHR- - First it was Medicine, now it is . . .  (Read 771 times)

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Offline coalherd

SHR- - First it was Medicine, now it is . . .
« on: July 27, 2024, 06:34:49 PM »
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  • . .  . now it is education.  WVU has unleashed an unrelenting campaign to dominate the medical field in about 54 of West Virginia's 55 counties.  (I believe that there was also something out not too long ago that it was even planning to open some type of pediatric care facility somewhere in Cabell County along Route 60).  All in accord with President Gordon Gee's public announcement not that long ago that WVU was out to "Capture Southern WV"!!  Now, announcement out today in the press that WVU has signed up 50 educators in Kanawha County to obtain a free master's degree in education, starting in August of this year.

    If Marshall and its "leadership" is still trying to figure out its enrollment "problem", declining, stagnant, failing to grow, or however one wants to describe it, the school first of all needs to look at what WVU's aims, policies and goals are vis-a-vis higher education in WV.  Brad Smith came from the Business World to Higher Education in West Virginia.  The sooner he realizes that said field of higher education in this State is as dog-eat-dog and cutthroat competitive as anything he encountered on the Left Coast, the better off he will be in dealing with the political world of higher education as it exists today in WV!  And that goes DOUBLE when you are dealing with a scurrilous, devious and lying POS such as the WVU President.  The sooner that President Smith realizes that fact and forgets the "nice guy, let's all get along, work together CRAP", etc., etc., the better off he, and Marshall will be in the long run.  He needs to, first and foremost, watch his and MU's backsides 24-7. 365.  Then he needs to start vigorously promoting MU and making it more visible, via advertising, and other PR means, etc., in other areas away from the Huntington area.  The sooner Smith realizes this and initiates stronger actions in the above areas the better for Marshall overall, IMO!!
    « Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 12:52:01 AM by coalherd »
    The following users thanked this post: Always THE HERD

    SHR- - First it was Medicine, now it is . . .
    « on: July 27, 2024, 06:34:49 PM »

    Offline Always THE HERD

    Re: SHR- - First it was Mecdicine, now it is . . .
    « Reply #1 on: July 27, 2024, 11:30:32 PM »
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  • I have said this with at least 3 presidents at MU. There will be over 100,000 at the WV state fair in August. Marshall, for some reason will NOT have a large (or even small) booth/building/display each year. This and the Bridge Day in Fayetteville & the TOT at Lewisburg & Friends of Coal in Beckley there are well over 100,00 also at these events. MU DEFINITELY NEEDS A VERY BOLD PRESCENCE  at each of these venues. MU should also be trying diligently to capture more of the medical fields in ALL of WV, eastern KY & the Ohio areas.
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    Offline coalherd

    Re: SHR- - First it was Mecdicine, now it is . . .
    « Reply #2 on: July 28, 2024, 01:53:33 PM »
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  • T

    Heck, ATH, it could just very well be that those "Blue Nose" stuck in the 50s Huntington "power" families, out around Ritter Park and elsewhere, have let those MU Presidents know in no uncertain terms that MU is the "Huntington School", or their private little "fiefdom", if you will, which they will "own, dictate policy for, . . ., etc., etc."!!

    How dare ANYONE suggest that MU should be, and act and operate more, like a REGIONAL STATE UNIVERSITY!!!  Maybe if other life activities such as the Economy were doing better, and the City was growing and prospering overall, instead of the opposite, people in the City wouldn't obsessively dwell on MU to the point that it becomes, at time, a hindrance to the school overall.

    Just look how so many in H-Town were personally "insulted" and went into apoplectic "Fits" when a few seasons back MU Athletic Officials had the audacity to schedule an "occasional" MU basketball game or two in the "Charleston Civic Center"!!!  Oh, woe is me, the AGONY of it all was clear in the "hue and cry" of the Stuck in the 50s crowd in "We Will City"!!!!

    Some need to look back decades, when WVU wasn't nearly the dominant presence Statewide as it is today.  Back then, 50s, 60s, or so, WVU basketball played games outside of Morgantown from time to time.  Reached out to people, and made fans, in distant areas of the State, when RADIO was the Main Sports media outlet!!!  Made lifelong fans for both the University and its Athletic teams!!  Did the people in Morgantown moan, howl and scream blood murder when WVU took that action?  We know the answer.  One reason, I guess, could be that the difference between the mindsets of the people in both H-Town and Motown is probably a key factor as why the former is decaying and declining and the latter is growing and booming!!!
    « Last Edit: July 28, 2024, 01:55:08 PM by coalherd »

    Online Flat Tire 2

    Re: SHR- - First it was Mecdicine, now it is . . .
    « Reply #3 on: July 28, 2024, 02:29:54 PM »
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  • Heck, ATH, it could just very well be that those "Blue Nose" stuck in the 50s Huntington "power" families, out around Ritter Park and elsewhere, have let those MU Presidents know in no uncertain terms that MU is the "Huntington School", or their private little "fiefdom", if you will, which they will "own, dictate policy for, . . ., etc., etc."!!

    Do you realize those "power" families and other prominent citizens started the Marshall Foundation and The Big Green Club to support Marshall? Also Marshall has a Medical School because of the work of several Huntington physicians. A couple of these physicians never attended Marshall and were not even born in Huntington.

    Offline Always THE HERD

    Re: SHR- - First it was Mecdicine, now it is . . .
    « Reply #4 on: July 28, 2024, 04:57:08 PM »
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  • Heck, ATH, it could just very well be that those "Blue Nose" stuck in the 50s Huntington "power" families, out around Ritter Park and elsewhere, have let those MU Presidents know in no uncertain terms that MU is the "Huntington School", or their private little "fiefdom", if you will, which they will "own, dictate policy for, . . ., etc., etc."!!

    How dare ANYONE suggest that MU should be, and act and operate more, like a REGIONAL STATE UNIVERSITY!!!  Maybe if other life activities such as the Economy were doing better, and the City was growing and prospering overall, instead of the opposite, people in the City wouldn't obsessively dwell on MU to the point that it becomes, at time, a hindrance to the school overall.

    Just look how so many in H-Town were personally "insulted" and went into apoplectic "Fits" when a few seasons back MU Athletic Officials had the audacity to schedule an "occasional" MU basketball game or two in the "Charleston Civic Center"!!!  Oh, woe is me, the AGONY of it all was clear in the "hue and cry" of the Stuck in the 50s crowd in "We Will City"!!!!

    Some need to look back decades, when WVU wasn't nearly the dominant presence Statewide as it is today.  Back then, 50s, 60s, or so, WVU basketball played games outside of Morgantown from time to time.  Reached out to people, and made fans, in distant areas of the State, when RADIO was the Main Sports media outlet!!!  Made lifelong fans for both the University and its Athletic teams!!  Did the people in Morgantown moan, howl and scream blood murder when WVU took that action?  We know the answer.  One reason, I guess, could be that the difference between the mindsets of the people in both H-Town and Motown is probably a key factor as why the former is decaying and declining and the latter is growing and booming!!!
    We (MU) doesn't even seem to be capable to even have "quality" talk shows. Just listen to WV Metro News, Hoppy Kercheval, Tony Caridi or Brad Howe. Each of them are "top quality" professionals in their presentations. MU has NO ONE on their level as far as talk shows. WE (MU) can & should do MUCH, MUCH better in the future. I live in Beckley and we can't even listen to a quality radio broadcast for MU sports. Just go to YouTube and try to find something of quality for MU (in any department, etc.). It is terrible.
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    Offline coalherd

    Re: SHR- - First it was Mecdicine, now it is . . .
    « Reply #5 on: July 28, 2024, 06:40:37 PM »
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  • Do you realize those "power" families and other prominent citizens started the Marshall Foundation and The Big Green Club to support Marshall? Also Marshall has a Medical School because of the work of several Huntington physicians. A couple of these physicians never attended Marshall and were not even born in Huntington.

    Don't disagree, FT2.  But you'll find that in just about every College town across the country.  But you aren't suggesting that MU should look solely to Huntington and its "power families and prominent citizens" for all its support and to call the shot, make all the policy decisions, etc., at the University, are you??  Especially since along with about 40,000 who have departed the City in the last 5 decades or so, so have MANY blueblood "power families and prominent citizens".  Instead of trying to manage/run MU, perhaps  they, the so called "movers and shakers" in Huntington should spend a little more of their time and effort on trying to solve the many other woes and problems in the City, which DO AFFECT MARSHALL in big negative way, as the City continues to decline and decay, and go downhill, if NOT in a free fall, but heading downward nevertheless!!  Pretty clear that the main policy of the current Mayor/administration of "Free needles on Friday on many corners of the City" just "ain't doing" the trick, in looking at the Big Picture!!

    MU and President Brad Smith need to emphasize that MU is a "Regional University" and act accordingly.  Become more visible throughout a wider area of the State and region and build a broader base of support, financial and otherwise, outside the Huntington area.  MU will NOT grow and become all that it can be by mainly "hitching its wagon to a FALLING STAR!".  Sadly, in the Universie of Cities of its size, that essentially describes Huntington, WV, at this point in 2024!!!

    Re: SHR- - First it was Mecdicine, now it is . . .
    « Reply #5 on: July 28, 2024, 06:40:37 PM »