I noticed several players not squaring their feet before shooting. Basic fundamentals like free throws.
What fundamentals? Our pivoting is the worst. When we attempt to reverse the ball with the pass, we rarely pivot with the proper technique. It leads to little mustard on the pass. Some of our high screen rolls, the post man won't half the time open up his belly-button to the ball. I watch half the time they are turning into the defender instead of sealing the defender. Our past coach's philosophy, as he told me one time, was "why are you asking me about fundamentals? if they haven't learned the proper techniques by the time they get here, I am not going to be able to teach them".
I will complain until my face falls off about the lack of continuity of the offense as the first cut or first screen does not lead to an open look. We have no continuity. At one point today with 2 minutes left in the second half, we were 4 of 24 from three-point land. That combined with 41% FT shooting percentage leads you to falling behind in double-digits. We run no basic, quality actions out of the offense other than a high screen-and-roll which every team has. We never have a wing from foul-line extended read a defender and attempt to execute a back-cut. There is no cross-screening in the post to see if we can develop an opening or develop a mismatch on the block. It is rare to give a screen-away to make the help defense rotate properly.