Some of you people are acting like losing Huff is the equivalent to loosing lightening in a bottle while I see him as a flash in a pan.
Face it this has been his one good year and it was nowhere near perfect, for every real success Huff has had, he has had a failure, year in and year out. This year?s Conference Championship barely happened after Ga State. Even the JMU game was a skin of our teeth OT victory after hardly showing up the first half. The great ND victory was followed by BG. Whether you Huffers want to admit it of not Huff?s time here is nowhere near what we had with Pruett, Donnan, or Chaump. In fact, his winning per centage at Marshall (.615) places him .003 per centage points above Doc?s record.
I?m more worried about losing Braxton than Huff. And let?s not forget Huff started the year with Earle. Even after Braxton emerged Huff was predicting that Earl would still play significant time and might even start some games, depending on the opponent. Face it Huff just isn?t the best we?ve ever had, his time here has been middle of the pack and his overall record isn?t any better than Parrish at .614 or Doc?s. In Braxton Huff finally got lucky, he isn?t a Bobby Pruett who consistently spotted talent other coaches missed. I can?t help noticing Tula went 3-9 this year without Braxton, time will tell, but I?m convinced this year?s Herd record is more one of getting lucky than a reflection of greatness.
I?m one who has consistently argued for hiring an HC with lower division HC experience. I also object to hiring guys with WVU ties. Gibson doesn?t fit those goals. I also consistently argue that Marshall?s place in the football hierarchy dictates any HC will either be hired away within four years or he should be fired. In Huff?s case he probably would have been kept if it wasn?t for stupid moves by Huff himself. Stupid moves every year has been a hallmark of Huff?s tenure.
I don?t know how Gibson will turn out, but we?ve been here before and we?ll be here again. I?m ready for it. For those of you whining and rolling in self-pity, I feel sorry for you, but I also wish you?d go away and stop dragging everyone else down. You couldn?t even enjoy one glorious night, and if we defeat SMU this afternoon, you?ll probably spoil that with your endless bitching and whining then too.