So go tell Southern Miss fans that, like I do and Riley does. We actually stick it to them instead of crowing about it here. What good does that sentiment do on this board? I let them know every day that USM was Huff's last resort, that he'd rather be here, and that they're POS for targeting a conference coach. What have you done besides whine about Marshal fans that don't share your opinion? Get in the game.
Like I said, screw Southern Miss and screw Huff. I don't need to go to their message board and say anything to them. I could care less about them.
You want to know what I do care about?I care about how embarrassing Marshall has become in the last 20 years. I care about people laughing at me when I say I'm a Marshall fan. I care about people not even knowing Marshall exists. I care about turning on tv and our televised game looking like someone is filming with an iPhone while players play on a field surrounded by moldy concrete covered by faded tarps with Kroger logos on them on turf that looks like a bag of trash exploded on it. I care about everytime the camera pans out in the stands people are sitting on their hands with looks on their faces like they've been sucking on a lemon soaked in vinegar.
I attend a lot of away games. Our facilities, fan involvement and game day atmosphere are miles behind other schools. This will continue until our fans finally get a damn clue and quit accepting the status quo. It is what it is.