Author Topic: Bernard Morris  (Read 6924 times)

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Bernard Morris
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2005, 06:49:33 PM »
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  • I apologize about my language and its out of line.  I know what I am talking about.  The girl is the sister of a former MU football players wife.  He was very good for us about 2-3 years ago.  If you all only knew!!  It just seems like eveyone is taking up for this kid.  None of you are wondering at all about it.  Let's put it this way, picture it being your daughter and then think about how you would react.  I am 100% sure you all wouldnt be saying "lets let the process runs its course." As a father, it would be hard for me not to go nuts.  Not trying to raise hell because this is the best MU football forum I know.  Its just hard for me to fathom, none of you think what he did was wrong!!  Sorry for the language once again!

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #25 on: January 30, 2005, 06:49:33 PM »

    Offline carolinaherdfan

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #26 on: January 30, 2005, 06:59:26 PM »
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  • Ryan, like I said a few posts back.  This is a MU sports fan forum.  We generally like to talk about Thunderingherd Sports, and do not lob bombs at one another.  

    Once again I plead that we due not turn this forum into court tv, or the Jerry Springer show.  Let the courts due their job, and allow us to enjoy this forum for discussing football, bb, base/ball, s.ball etc.

    As far as the word %^)#@ being used on this forum; I am the only person that I have seen use it.  Some people in Lex., Ky referred to the Bearcats as Thugrats, or better still The River Thugrats, and I now apologize to everyone for using this term if it brings reproach upon the university that I care so much about.



    Offline Thundering Lydia

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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #27 on: January 30, 2005, 07:02:05 PM »
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  • Quote from: "RYANO22MUBB"
    IThe girl is the sister of a former MU football players wife.  He was very good for us about 2-3 years ago.  If you all only knew!!  

    I know very well, sir.  As I said, the young lady's father is a friend of mine and has been for several years.  And, yes, it's a terrible situation.  If Morris is found guilty of anything, then it will be handled in a court of law.  And that is the point most of us are trying to make.  We are not a court of law.  We don't have all the full details.  We are not eyewitnesses.  (And though you saw her after the fact, you were not an eyewitness, either.)

    Certainly we all hope this is handled in a fair and just manner.  But wanting fairness and justice does not mean we have the right to pronounce someone's guilt based on bits of information and disparaging statements on an internet sports forum that some folks mistakenly take as gospel.

    Offline mrherd05

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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #28 on: January 30, 2005, 07:40:22 PM »
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    How about every time Randy Moss is mentioned its like "well bad behavior goes back with him in high school and college at Marshall." Yeah thats good stuff!!

    I have never herd this stated. And even if it did, how does that degrade Marshall in any way shape or form.

    Chris Henry is a %^)#@, and I hate WVU with a passion, but I would not label WVU as %^)#@ u.

    I know what I am talking about. The girl is the sister of a former MU football players wife. He was very good for us about 2-3 years ago. If you all only knew!!

    I know who you are talking about as well, but what does that matter when prejudging this issue.

    That statement is just not true! This tells me your post is a hoax....Wash your mouth out!

    So Ryan, why is it that you ignored Shawherds statement.

    Go cry your morals to someone else, I say let him play.

    Offline carolinaherdfan

    Randy Moss
    « Reply #29 on: January 30, 2005, 08:22:06 PM »
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  • Any problems Randy Moss may have today came from his years at Dupont, and Kanawha Co. W.VA.. The system failed him, and is a slap in the face, to the State of West Virginia.  This young man needed love, guidance, and discipline long before he wore the GREEN so don't try to hang his problems around the Universities neck.  Past the surface it doesn't fit, and anyone who can read this post knows this is the truth.



    Offline Mako

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #30 on: January 30, 2005, 10:18:40 PM »
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  • Riddle me this Batman.  Why do the idiots who never post only come out of the woodwork to post something negative?  You never, ever see someone with just a few posts come on a board and say something like: "I lurk a lot and rarely post but I just had to say it looks like we're going to have a great recruiting class."  Nope.  They only come out to weep, wail and gnash teeth and then they crawl back into their hole never to be seen until they want to whine about something else.  

    I don't give a rat's ass about the girl's face.  Let me toss out hypothetical scenarios.  All will result in EXACTLY the same injury.  You tell me if you are so stupid that you can't see the difference.

    Scenario 1 - "A" sneaks up on "B" and hits him in the jaw.
    Scenario 2 - "B" swings at "A".  "A" dodges the punch and swings back; hitting "B" in the jaw.
    Scenario 3 - "A", being a clutz, trips down the stairs and slams into "B's" jaw.

    The first scenario could be malicious assault - a felony.  The second may be simple assualt - a misdemeanor or it may be self defense depending on what led up to the fight.  The third is merely an accident.  Bear in mind that the exact same injury resulted from each of the three scenarios.  Indeed, killing a person with your car could range all the way from premeditated murder down through 2nd degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, civil but not criminal liability, or no liability at all.  Despite the fact that you killed someone, there still may be absolutely no liability whatsoever that attaches to you for the death that you caused.  

    What's my point?  There are two actually.  First, if all you're going to do is come on here, post negative crap, and then disappear, don't be surprised when you have zero credibility with regular posters.  Second, her injuries are only marginally relevant as to whether or not a crime was committed and, if so, precisely what crime was committed.
    "Our founding fathers ... drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations.  Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expediency's sake." - Barack Obama Inaugural Address

    Offline billybob

    Should be gone.
    « Reply #31 on: January 31, 2005, 10:09:43 AM »
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  • Bernard should be gone, but not for the reasons many of you have stated. For the first time in many years Marshall has wide open race at QB. Instead of getting valuable experience on the field last season Bernard forced coach P to bench him and cost Marshall potentially tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process. If we lose 4 games next year and miss out on a bowl game a great deal of the blame will rest soley on his shoulders weather justified or not. His lack of judgement has the potential to cost the team big time, weather he is found guilty or not. I say cut him and let the team move forward and not have this hanging over their heads all season. legally,what he did is between him, the courts and the girl. What he has done to this this team is between him, the team, and the fans who pay for the program to exist. If fans do not buy tickets then the team will not exist, so they do have a say in the matter. Instead of having a QB with some on field experience and hope of winning cusa we have 5 rookie QB's and no leader for a struggling offense. All thanks to this kids ego and lack of leadership. A leader would have walked away and thought of the team first and his ego second.

    Online luvherd

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #32 on: January 31, 2005, 11:29:22 AM »
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  • I know nothing about this kid but I do know that college kids make mistakes. If he was malicious then he should be punished; however, if it was something non-athletic kids would do then he should be treated like all college kids whether athletic or not. Kids make mistakes at that age (especially when alcohol is present) and need second chances. I made mistakes at that age and so did my kids. We are all good citizens and Marshall grads. Let the legal process take it's course and reserve judgement until then.
    MU Alum
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    Offline billybob

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #33 on: January 31, 2005, 12:42:06 PM »
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  • As a scholarship athlete you have certain responsibilities you must meet and are held to a standard that is higher then most. However, you know this going in and accept those responsibilities when you accept your scholarship. If you fail to meet those then you should lose the previlage. If convicted he needs to be kicked off the team. Hill should have been booted off the team for failing to meet these requirements on multiple counts, but a certain level of hypocrisy exist within academic institution. If a person who gets an academic scholarship and lets their grades fall below a certain level, the scholarship is taken away. Why then is this not the case with atheletes. How many altercations did stan have with police? Bernard is a young player and he has started off on a extremely bad foot. I would hate to see three more years of this, if it is indeed a trend. I ,for one, would not be willing to take that chance.

    Offline Max

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #34 on: January 31, 2005, 01:13:42 PM »
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  • Do nonathletes have conduct clauses in their academic scholarships?

    Offline billybob

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #35 on: January 31, 2005, 01:18:20 PM »
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  • yes they do. depending on where the scholarship came from.

    Offline barryb

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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #36 on: January 31, 2005, 01:52:36 PM »
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  • Those of you saying he deserves a trial are right and we herdfans should withhold judgement on what the outcome of the trial is going to be. However I think it is appropiate to discuss what should happen under various possible outcomes of a trail.

    Frankly if Morris is convicted of a felony and is available to play (ie not in jail) then he should be booted off the team. If he is aquited, pleas, or is conviced of lesser offenses then I think we should trust in Bob. In the last scenario though, I hope he is made to understand there will be no more chances. Stay  out of trouble or out of Green and White!!!

    By the way anyone want to complain about my posting count??

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #36 on: January 31, 2005, 01:52:36 PM »

    Offline HERDFAN1999

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #37 on: January 31, 2005, 03:50:40 PM »
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  • It never ceases to amaze me how quick we are to hang these kids.  We will come out and cheer for them like they are family but the minute one of them gets into out!  How about we really treat them like family and let the University sort out whatever needs sorted out?  There is a reason Coach P gets paid to be the Head Coach and all of us are posting on these boards.  Bernard made a mistake.  So have I, so have you, and so has everyone else.  I, for one,  hope he gets to plea to a lesser charge and is around next year.   I am sure he has learned a valuable lesson and could turn into a good leader as a result.
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.  The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - - Thomas Jefferson


    Offline herdgirl95

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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #38 on: January 31, 2005, 04:28:37 PM »
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  • I know both Bernard Morris and the girl involved, and I don't believe EITHER of them were right in the situation.  Bernard should have known that his name and position on the football team put him under very close public scrutiny and anything he did would be misrepresented in the media and made very public...  also, he should have been the bigger man and walked away from a bad situation.  In the girls case, she shouldn't have been pregnant in a bar, but that's beside the point...  hers and several of her friends involvment with Bernard and some of the altercations they had been in prior to the bar incident were never made public... the girl is no angel either... trust me on this one.  And I'm not trying to discredit anyone, but I also saw the girls face two days after the incident, and she looked ok to me.  A little bruising, and what I guess was a small cut.  Exactly what I would imagine it would look like when a beer bottle slips from someone's hand and hits another in the face.  But not what I would consider having been mauled by a %^)#@ with a beer bottle.  Not saying this behavior is OK, but I do believe it was an accident.   From my experiences with Bernard, I do not believe he is a vicious person that would deliberately attack a female with a beer bottle... I do believe he was involved in an altercation that got out of hand due to alcohol and flaring young adult tempers, and then blown completely out of proportion and presented to the public.  He's not a perfect gentleman, but he's not a bad guy.

    Offline Thundering Lydia

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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #39 on: January 31, 2005, 04:53:30 PM »
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  • Quote from: "herdgirl95"
    He's not a perfect gentleman, but he's not a bad guy.

    While I've been a big advocate of letting the coaches and courts handle such incidents and not rush to judgment, this brings up an excellent point, herdgirl.

    We expect our student-athletes to be brutal, take-no-prisoners types on the field, but perfect gentlemen (and ladies) off the field.

    Let's face it, gang, the likes of Chad, Byron, Mercer and Crocker have spoiled us; but at the same time, if we don't demand that type of character display from our student-athletes, then we're ultimately doing them a disservice.

    And through it all, let's not forget our top priority---we're in the business of educating young adults.

    Offline GoGreen

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    B. Morris
    « Reply #40 on: January 31, 2005, 10:05:09 PM »
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  • The judicial system will run its course.  My guess is that they will plead guilty to a lesser charge and it will be over and done with.  There will still be a bad taste in many of the Herd fans' mouths, but nothing time and touchdowns won't take care of.  

    I was not present at the time of the incident and do not claim to have any information that was not made available to the general public.  I do know this.  Many of the people that are hanging Morris with their words have made horrible mistakes in their past as well.  At the time they were in his position, they saw things from his perspective.  We are a "university of second chances."  Many of the great athletes that have contributed to Marshall University athletics were shunned by so-called "major programs" because of grades and disciplinary problems.
    We MUST remember.  We are dealing with young adults who a great majority will have problems, be that academically or disciplinary off the field.  

    I absolutely do not condone hitting anyone in the face with anything; especially a man hitting a woman.  What I do know is that we live in a country where violence is for the most part accepted, and innocent lives are taken through various methods daily.  Give him a second chance.
    "Big Media" has rode this horse far enough.  Everyone deserves another shot.
    Herd in '05


    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #41 on: February 01, 2005, 12:20:13 PM »
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  • I myself have been reading all the post on this subject and had refrained from giving my 2 cents worth until now, not that any one post has lit my fire, I just felt it was time. I am not one of the lurkers that only throws negativity,  and I am not one to think MU can do no wrong, but we have to keep in mind that an individual is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. I am no judge or lawyer, but I do know this. I don't know what happened that night, but I have faith that the right thing will be done.

    Offline Mako

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #42 on: February 01, 2005, 01:11:03 PM »
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  • I am a lawyer Athens and you are exactly right.  If you weren't there, you don't know what happened.  Even if you were there, you only know what happened from your perspective.  People can view the same event and have different perceptions of that event.  The only way to get near the truth of what actually happened is to piece together the stories from everyone.  That's what kills me about the folks wanting to hang Morris.  They think they somehow have this god-like knowledge about the events of that evening.  Folks even the people who were there don't have that knowledge.  Moreover, unless and until everything comes out in open court, you never will know.
    "Our founding fathers ... drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations.  Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expediency's sake." - Barack Obama Inaugural Address

    Offline pokey

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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #43 on: February 05, 2005, 04:37:52 PM »
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  • Quote from Ryan22mubb just the other day........

    Football aside, what happened to getting a second chance in life. If there was no such thing, no one would have a chance. I am sure this kid isnt a serial killer or plans on doing anything similar to this ever again. He is a grown man who made a mistake in high school. Marcus Raines is no different than the Souder boy we signed. If you ask me Souder case sounds worse!! We seem to have a double standard that needs to be correctd. Best linebacker in America, possibly, let's recruit this kid and give him a second chance in life!!

    qoute from Ryan22mubb today....

    Hey, I agree with Muboss. To hell with Morris! The girl is from the same town I am from and her face was all f***** up. I am talking really bad. Eyewitness account, maybe not, eyewitness of what she looked like a few days after, absolutely. You all can talk about letting this run its course all you want. The guy is a %^)#@, should have turned and walked away, but I guess something about a beer bottle and a young ladies face is just too tempting to him. You all defending this guy is the reason our program looks like %^)#@ UNIVERSITY. Talk crap to MUBOSS all you want, I seen the girl, she was all messed up and you all should be ashamed for backing this guy. Dont get me wrong, he is a very good gifted athlete. Does he need to be wearing green and white? HELL NO!!!!

    Which way is it, do they get 2nd chances or not?  You're confusing me.
    *Nothing is more powerful than the truth.
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    Offline Mako

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #44 on: February 05, 2005, 04:52:36 PM »
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  • Quote
    You're confusing me.

    I'm just a cave man.  Your strange ways confuse me.
    "Our founding fathers ... drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations.  Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expediency's sake." - Barack Obama Inaugural Address

    Offline Muboss32

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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #45 on: February 05, 2005, 06:12:34 PM »
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  • Wasnt Morris a freshman last year?  If so, does that make him underaged to even be drinking alcohol?  I remember when Pruitt outlaw the players to go to certain bars because of incidents like this.  He should not have even been there because of his age.


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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #46 on: February 05, 2005, 06:48:55 PM »
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  • I don't recall his being charged with underage drinking. I'm not sure how old he is, but it would be fairly common for a redshirt freshman to be 21. Besides, Huntington police are not known for cutting Marshall students slack for underage drinking.

    But, I did notice that you are new to this board, and that you misspelled Pruett the way WVU fans do intentionally.

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #46 on: February 05, 2005, 06:48:55 PM »


    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #47 on: February 06, 2005, 01:26:06 AM »
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  • Can we just give this a rest, I know there is a great deal of interest in what may or may not happen, but we have plenty to discuss without this issue. We have a ton of new kids coming to town over the next several months, the most I think we've ever had. Spring practice is just around the corner. I would prefer to speculate on the positives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Offline Muboss32

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    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #48 on: February 06, 2005, 09:08:17 PM »
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  • Didnt not mean to offend Coach Pruett by misspelling his name.  I am a MU fan.  Simple mistake.

    Bernard Morris
    « Reply #48 on: February 06, 2005, 09:08:17 PM »