Author Topic: Was i ever wrong....  (Read 395 times)

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Offline GreenBison60

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Was i ever wrong....
« on: October 28, 2012, 05:48:40 PM »
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  • I said they would run the table? I am delusional and admit it. This team is horribly coached and it shows. Have you noticed a pattern? Teams we play that are not very good because we just "out" talent them. But games we play against teams that have as good a talent, we get bitch slapped. It's called coaching plain and simple. And WHY do people keep saying we need to get rid of Rippon or Legg..."but i'm behind Doc"? Why are you behind Doc? HE IS THE HEAD COACH and the buck stops there. Did he make a bad decision hiring these guys? Does this team have any funamentals? Do they look prepared to play against decent teams? Do you see any real adjustments? Guys Doc is NOT head coaching material plain and simple. WHY CAN'T you understand he was never even a coordinator for a reason? Do you think all the head coaches he worked for are idiots? They wanted him for one reason.... recruiting? He isn't even coordinator material. He is a recruiter posing as a head coach. That is why he makes bad decisions with hires and how many strength coaches has he had come and go. He can't even figure out who is goo and who he wants with that. We will win about 6 games a year because we will out talent about 6 games because of the horrible teams we play and lose 6 because we get outcoached. If you think he will EVER get this program sniffing a top 25 you are crazy. Welcome to Marshall football home of mediocrisy and dreams of the past.

    Was i ever wrong....
    « on: October 28, 2012, 05:48:40 PM »

    Offline exanimate

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    Re: Was i ever wrong....
    « Reply #1 on: October 28, 2012, 07:07:28 PM »
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  • Hard to argue with your post. I'm not completely ready to run Doc out of town. I'm holding out hope that he makes the correct coaching changes. I guess the reason is, I know that he will be here beyond this year.

    On another note, I'm kinda proud of how you have mostly kept your composure this football season. Looking forward to your basketball posts.


    Offline GreenBison60

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    Re: Was i ever wrong....
    « Reply #2 on: October 28, 2012, 07:27:48 PM »
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  • Exinamate....I'm not like a lot of you think i am. It was just everyone was busting my chops just because i posted my true feelings about the state of the ftb program during Snyder. I didn't say those things just so i could say i was right. But anyone should have been able to see it coming. Now with Doc, i have been a little fooled. I was cautiosly optomistic, because i thought with the talent he was getting in here, if he could just be a "decent" coach we could do pretty well. But i've gotta say he is in WAY over his head. Like i said, we are gonna beat the bad teams because we just out talent them. But teams that are close to us or better in talent we are in trouble. Guy's like O'leary will just school this coaching staff. And can get really good HS talent, but if you don't coach them up and have a really good strength program it means nothing. I just hope the Basketball team will give us something to remember for a long long time this year. Huntington and all Marshall fans need something special. It's been a LONG time in any sport especially basketball. Can you imagine if Marshall could make the NCAA tourney and win the first game? Maybe win the second and do like an Ohio U or any other mid major has done thru the years. This city would go nuts!!!! We have some will just depend on how good Canty well Kane leads and keeps composure and if Scarver-Martin and others can shoot it from outside consitantly.  But we do have the horses and size to go up against anyone. Foul trouble shouldn't be a problem for the front court players with all the depth.

    Offline Greg H

    Re: Was i ever wrong....
    « Reply #3 on: October 29, 2012, 09:13:18 PM »
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  • I was on Doc's wagon till Saturday. 

    Tell me if you agree on something.  Both in person and on tv...I have always gotten the sense that Doc is kind of a stupid guy.  I think the constant repetition of the same talking points is evidence.  But also, the moronic deer in the headlights look...just like the last piece of %^&* HC.  Other examples...but low battery.


    Offline clovenhoof

    Re: Was i ever wrong....
    « Reply #4 on: November 01, 2012, 08:42:02 AM »
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  • I was on Doc's wagon till Saturday. 

    Tell me if you agree on something.  Both in person and on tv...I have always gotten the sense that Doc is kind of a stupid guy.  I think the constant repetition of the same talking points is evidence.  But also, the moronic deer in the headlights look...just like the last piece of %^&* HC.  Other examples...but low battery.


    Honestly, when Doc starts talking on video I turn it off. We've heard it all before, it's identical to comments from the last game. Always comes down to winning. No matter what you say, fans expect a good product on the field, and ultimately a winning season. Anything else, including Doc's comments, are junk.
    "Oh just calm down and write that check for the Vision Campaign..."  Thundering In MD

    Re: Was i ever wrong....
    « Reply #4 on: November 01, 2012, 08:42:02 AM »