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The administrators and moderators will try their best to deal with any content on any forum that is obscene, racial, or outside the realm of normal decency. We do not feel it necessary to define an exact standard. We hold in confidence each poster's ability to know what is or is not appropriate. However, if you do have a doubt as to the intent of any post, please PM a moderator of the forum for an explanation. For forums that do not have a moderator assigned, contact an administrator. Moderators and administrators have a private forum where they can discuss things openly. We added that forum so that sensitive subjects can be posted without having to be deleted or censured for public viewing. Once contacted by a member, a moderator will post the question in that forum if he is unsure how to resolve the issue. Every moderator will be able to offer an opinion and help define a course of action. The moderator will then implement the appropriate actions and PM all involved. Please do not respond in a forum to a post that is offensive. Doing so only perpetuates the issue. As always, please contact an administrator if there are questions about this policy.