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Offline herdfannindy

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From Herd48
« on: March 10, 2005, 10:47:48 PM »
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  • Many of you have contacted me to see how things were going. thank you, I appreciate that. Sorry I was not quick to respond, but i did want to give the team time to digest what has happenned. I am happy to tell you that the team seems fine. We always say "these are kids". And they are. They are very resilient. They just want to play football. Only one team member was not at this mornings meeting. I will not say who. It's not important. What is important is that everyone else was. The team is excited. Will is even excited. The reason i say this is because they(he and coach K) were really not that close last year. This winter that seemed to have changed. Most of Will's friends think that Coach K can coach, and knows football. This perception may be the single most important factor going into spring ball. What the players think...nobody else. I think that coach K will be a much more hands on coach, than Coach Pruett was the last two years. Coach Pruett was busy with many other things. This may surprise some folks.. Anyway, not to get off the subject. The players are very resilient. They are ready to play, and confident in their new coach. They believe his experience with CUSA teams and geography will be an asset to them. Maybe some of our concern about him being well travelled is perceived differently by the players. And maybe understandably so. The bottom line is they seem OK. I can't wait for football season to be here. BTW if someone could copy and post this on I would greatly appreciate it.Not too computer literate. thanks

    From Herd48
    « on: March 10, 2005, 10:47:48 PM »

    Offline ZackUSAF82

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    From Herd48
    « Reply #1 on: March 10, 2005, 11:01:21 PM »
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  • Thanks for the great post 48. I am glad that you guys are hanging in there. I want you to know that I am behind you guys 150%, and I know that everyone else on this board, and every other Herd fan worldwide is still behind you guys. This is tough for me to take, and I can't even fathom how tough it must have been for you and the rest of the team. I can't use words to express how great it is to hear that the team is in great spirits and are totally backing Coach Kueck.

    We will all miss Coach Pruett and all that he did for this great university, but as bad as it sounds, we have to move on and get into Spring ball and for you guys to mold around Kueck and become a team. I am glad to hear that you think that Kueck will be more involved, this is good, and hopefully will develop a solid core of leaders that this team has lacked the last two years. Thank you again for the post and remember... We are all behind you and we thank you for your hard work and the effort you put forward everyday!
    GO HERD!!!


    From Herd48
    « Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 03:15:29 AM »
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  • I am feeling a little better, and when I read this I feel even better. I guess we need to stop second guessing for a couple of weeks and see how spring practice goes. My only question's at the moment...who will be the OC. Also, has anyone herd more about the QB transfer rumor?

    Marco...where are you during all this!

    From Herd48
    « Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 03:15:29 AM »