Author Topic: Lyin' Biden Denied Knowing Anything About Flynn Case- New Evidence Proves He Did  (Read 290 times)

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Offline QuickStrike

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  • The Durham investigation will implicate and indicite Joe Biden for conspiracy.  Get you a new Comrade commies.  Joe Biden was in the January 5th, 2017 Oval Office conspiracy meeting led by Obama.  Biden was on the Flynn unmasking list.  Newly declassified and released document transcripts show Biden was actively involved in that conspiracy meeting.  James Comey said General Flynn's calls "seemed legit", but Obama criminally continued a malicious investigation against Flynn, which morphed into a Mueller investigation that had no basis to be formed.  Obama allowed a false Russia collusion hoax to be lied to the America people for 3 years with the intent to remove a duly elected U.S. President Trump.


    Offline herdorbust

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  • The Durham investigation will implicate and indicite Joe Biden for conspiracy.  Get you a new Comrade commies.  Joe Biden was in the January 5th, 2017 Oval Office conspiracy meeting led by Obama.  Biden was on the Flynn unmasking list.  Newly declassified and released document transcripts show Biden was actively involved in that conspiracy meeting.  James Comey said General Flynn's calls "seemed legit", but Obama criminally continued a malicious investigation against Flynn, which morphed into a Mueller investigation that had no basis to be formed.  Obama allowed a false Russia collusion hoax to be lied to the America people for 3 years with the intent to remove a duly elected U.S. President Trump.

    Yep it’s gonna get good. Wait till Flynn files his civil suit.

    Offline The E-Man

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  • For the last time, U.S. Attorney General William Barr didn't find any wrong doing with President Obama and Vice President Biden.

    You guys are SO DESPERATE! To say anything hoping it will distract from Donald Trump's failure as President. We have the Highest Unemployment ever! The Coronvirus, Racial issues.  Trump has been a DISASTER! for our nation.

    U.S. Attorney General William Barr told reporters Monday he does not expect a Justice Department probe examining the origins of the inquiry into Russian election interference will result in criminal investigations into either former President Barack Obama or his vice president, Joe Biden.

    Barr said the investigation into the underpinnings of the Russia investigation will not be a "tit-for-tat exercise." When asked if the Justice Department would investigate Obama or Biden — President Trump's political rivals — Barr said the department would not be used for "partisan political ends."

    Offline pdunn

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  • We shall see.  I don't think it will get to the former president but I do think it will get to some of his lieutenants.

    And General Flynn is going to be a wealthy, wealthy man before this is done. 
    "On rainy days, the early justices would enliven case conferences with wine. On other days, even if the sun was shining, Chief Justice John Marshall would order wine anyway, saying, 'Our jurisdiction is so vast that it must be raining somewhere.' "

    Offline herdorbust

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  • For the last time, U.S. Attorney General William Barr didn't find any wrong doing with President Obama and Vice President Biden.

    You guys are SO DESPERATE! To say anything hoping it will distract from Donald Trump's failure as President. We have the Highest Unemployment ever! The Coronvirus, Racial issues.  Trump has been a DISASTER! for our nation.

    U.S. Attorney General William Barr told reporters Monday he does not expect a Justice Department probe examining the origins of the inquiry into Russian election interference will result in criminal investigations into either former President Barack Obama or his vice president, Joe Biden.

    Barr said the investigation into the underpinnings of the Russia investigation will not be a "tit-for-tat exercise." When asked if the Justice Department would investigate Obama or Biden — President Trump's political rivals — Barr said the department would not be used for "partisan political ends."

    New evidence always coming out. You are blind as a bat. The justice dept said they had nothing on Flynn and was closing the case. Then Obama and his administration had this meeting we are just now finding out about and talked about how they could go forward on Flynn even though they had nothing. And the rest is history.

    Online 2xBison

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  • E is a straight up ideologue. 

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    Offline The E-Man

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  • E is a straight up ideologue. 

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Bison get back with me, when you can give me a rational reason why Trump should still be President..
    « Last Edit: June 25, 2020, 12:53:36 PM by The E-Man »

    Offline Brando3213

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  • For the last time, U.S. Attorney General William Barr didn't find any wrong doing with President Obama and Vice President Biden.

    You guys are SO DESPERATE! To say anything hoping it will distract from Donald Trump's failure as President. We have the Highest Unemployment ever! The Coronvirus, Racial issues.  Trump has been a DISASTER! for our nation.

    U.S. Attorney General William Barr told reporters Monday he does not expect a Justice Department probe examining the origins of the inquiry into Russian election interference will result in criminal investigations into either former President Barack Obama or his vice president, Joe Biden.

    Barr said the investigation into the underpinnings of the Russia investigation will not be a "tit-for-tat exercise." When asked if the Justice Department would investigate Obama or Biden — President Trump's political rivals — Barr said the department would not be used for "partisan political ends."

    Criticize the President all you want, but blaming him for Covid19, unemployment and racial tensions is stupid and lazy.  All you're repeating are CNN talking points.  The truth is this nation was more divided after Obama left office than when he took over in 2008.  He did absolutely nothing to bring this nation together, but Dems love to shift the focus to Trump because they know the media will help push this narrative.  I will say though tearing down statues of people that fought against slavery, rioting and looting definiltey helps the left's cause. 

    Online 2xBison

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  • Bison get back with me, when you can give me a rational reason why Trump should still be President..

    He is not a socialist.

    Pre Covid he delivered an outstanding economy.

    He's trying to correct trade imbalances around the world.

    He's making our Allies pay up for NATO and our contribution to their defense.

    He hasn't been in politics for over four decades enriching himself and posing to be the savior to all these systemic problems.

    He doesn't have to hide in his basement to hope that and biased media get him elected.
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    Offline The E-Man

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  • Criticize the President all you want, but blaming him for Covid19, unemployment and racial tensions is stupid and lazy.  All you're repeating are CNN talking points.  The truth is this nation was more divided after Obama left office than when he took over in 2008.  He did absolutely nothing to bring this nation together, but Dems love to shift the focus to Trump because they know the media will help push this narrative.  I will say though tearing down statues of people that fought against slavery, rioting and looting definiltey helps the left's cause.

    "I don’t kid’: Trump says he wasn’t joking about slowing coronavirus testing"
    Yep... You're the one that's stupid for even defending Trump for not showing leadership doing a Pandemic Crisis!. As for race relations, what I said is true about the race baiting demagogue!!

    Offline The E-Man

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  • He is not a socialist.

    Pre Covid he delivered an outstanding economy.

    He's trying to correct trade imbalances around the world.

    He's making our Allies pay up for NATO and our contribution to their defense.

    He hasn't been in politics for over four decades enriching himself and posing to be the savior to all these systemic problems.

    He doesn't have to hide in his basement to hope that and biased media get him elected.

    OK, I'll give Trump that much. Those are legit reasons. What about Covid-19, saying it will magically disappear? Had Trump taken Covid-19 seriously, we wouldn't have had as much unemployment these are facts. Hell, The WH doesn't even have briefing's anymore concerning the virus. Dr. Fauci has been silenced as Covid-19 is exploding in RED REPUBLICAN STATES! that didn't follow CDC guidelines... Trump has brought a lot of this on himself..

    « Last Edit: June 25, 2020, 06:27:10 PM by The E-Man »

    Offline herdorbust

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  • OK, I'll give Trump that much. Those are legit reasons. What about Covid-19, saying it will magically disappear? Had Trump taken Covid-19 seriously, we wouldn't have had as much unemployment these are facts. Hell, The WH doesn't even had briefing's anymore concerning the virus. Dr. Fauci has been silenced as Covid-19 is exploding in RED REPUBLICAN STATES! that didn't follow CDC guidelines... Trump has brought a lot of this on himself..

    You cant be that stupid I don’t think anyway. Trump didn’t take it seriously? What would have Biden done better? Trump stopped early entry from China and Europe when your party was using the race card for it. He built ventilators at a record pace. Brought in the huge med ships and built huge portable hospitals in record time that was NEVER used. Your hatred just falls in line with the other radicals!!!!
    « Last Edit: June 25, 2020, 03:17:21 PM by herdorbust »

    Offline The E-Man

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  • You cant be that stupid I don’t think anyway. Trump didn’t take it seriously? What would have Biden done better? Trump stopped early entry from China and Europe when your country was using the race card for it. He built ventilators at a record pace. Brought in the huge med ships and built huge portable hospitals in record time that was NEVER used. Your hatred just falls in line with the other radicals!!!!

    What you just said, makes you an even bigger Maroon!

    Offline herdorbust

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  • What you just said, makes you an even bigger Maroon!

    Answer the question big guy. What would have Biden done that would have made unemployment better? Facts please!!!! Hell your side wants to shut down everything still. If the communist left (your side) had its way unemployment would be 50+% because they want everything shut down. Show us that magic wand your side likes to use? I wait and see how shutting everything down creates jobs LMAO!!!

    Offline bighat

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  • Joe Biden president elect.
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    Offline The E-Man

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  • Joe Biden president elect.

    November, 3rd, 2020

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