Author Topic: Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him  (Read 1795 times)

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Offline W0lfman

Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
« on: March 26, 2005, 01:29:33 AM »
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    Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him

    All is calm in the eye of the storm raging around Marshall football this spring and Larry Kueck, the Thundering Herd’s interim helmsman, says he intends to keep it that way by ignoring the speculation about Bobby Pruett’s successor, and get the players ready physically and mentally for preseason practice in August.

    "That’s my job, plain and simple," Kueck said. "Getting the players ready just like it’s been my job to be a good husband, a good father, and a good son and let the good Lord take care of the rest. I’ve always put my faith in the Lord. I refuse to be a cynic I refuse to listen all that kind of stuff all my life. So, I’m not going to start now."

    He reached for a cup of water and took a swig.

    "Besides, what do I have to complain about?" Kueck added.

    He surveyed his new office, once occupied by his predecessors, Jim Donnan and Pruett.

    "Look at the size of this desk," Kueck grinned. "Never had one this big in 40 years of coaching or an office with a big screen TV. For the first time in my coaching career I even have my own bathroom. With a door and a shower even. And look at that great view out there!"

    He nodded through his window at the playing field and its 39,000 vacant seats staring at the noonday sun, waiting patiently for the first sounds of autumn. …

    Larry Kueck, whether or not he’s ignoring the speculators, appears to be a strong contender to succeed Pruett. Perhaps he's the strongest. The closest athletic director Kayo Marcum has come to issuing a vote of confidence is saying he’s impressed by the ease with which Kueck has taken charge.

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « on: March 26, 2005, 01:29:33 AM »

    Offline DJdaHERDfan

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #1 on: March 26, 2005, 10:30:07 AM »
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  • another spin article on Kueck. :)  :)

    Offline OhioHerd73

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    « Reply #2 on: March 26, 2005, 10:37:29 AM »
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  • Based on his work with our offense in 1996, I'd like to see Kueck have a chance with us.  That year was a great combination of personnel and strategy, arguably the best offense we've had.  I think this guy has strong head coach potential.  He's definitely showing he knows how to run practices and has already brought  renewed enthusiasm and energy to us.

    Offline carolinaherdfan

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #3 on: March 26, 2005, 11:16:45 AM »
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  • I have no confidence in ES columns. His columns are always not in MU's best interest. He has caused the University as many problems over the last 40 years, or so, than has resulted in progressive, upward movement.
    He has sown bad seeds within the state that caused an increased anti-Marshall bias.


    Offline jstherd

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #4 on: March 26, 2005, 11:21:01 AM »
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  • In reference to ES's column: spin, spin, spin. Ernie, Smock, and Landon have joined the good 'ol boys club. Only Hanshew hasn't/ Good for you Anthony! Is there something wrong with hiring the best man available?

    Offline carolinaherdfan

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #5 on: March 26, 2005, 07:12:47 PM »
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  • Their expertise is, sometimes, just to much too handle. Now, if they we're brain surgeons I would understand.



    Offline jn4theHERD

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    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #6 on: March 26, 2005, 09:47:01 PM »
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    I have no confidence in ES columns. His columns are always not in MU's best interest. He has caused the University as many problems over the last 40 years, or so, than has resulted in progressive, upward movement.
    He has sewn bad seeds within the state that caused an increased anti-Marshall bias.

    Exactly what are you talking about? I know ES well and though he does tend to write for a select few I know he's a big Marshall supporter. I've also seen him call the old admiistration to task for not supporting the program. So what are y,ou talking about?


    Offline carolinaherdfan

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #7 on: March 26, 2005, 10:33:56 PM »
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  • jn4thherd, normally I would have thought you would have contacted me personally about any difference we may have about an opinion since we are neighbors, and have talked personally here on the strand before. I stated, what I know to be true. ES, moved here from Ct., and married into the family that owned the paper he writes for. He has been retired most of your adult life, and I believe he is probably a great guy. I just don't believe, because you wear a green sweater, write a column, live in Huntington, and follow the HERD that you cannot do harm to the program.
    Word has it, that the pen is mightier than the sword, and over, a 40+ year career I believe this to be true. I know that he is a friend of your fathers, and yourself, and I do not have anything against him personally. I do know that over the years his articles have attributed to people throughout the State of WV having a very negative outlook toward's MU, and especially their athletic's. That is what I said, and that is what I will stand by.


    Offline Chris884mu

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    Why would Kueck worry?
    « Reply #8 on: March 28, 2005, 11:44:38 AM »
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  • He knows the fix is in

    Offline biggreenthunder

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    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #9 on: March 28, 2005, 01:00:29 PM »
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  • Ernie Salvatore defended Greg White from the day he got here until the day he resigned.  Ernie's explanation for why Marshall basketball didn't do well when Greg White was there?  It was the fans fault.  I lost any respect I had for Ernie after that.  I have no doubt that he loves Marshall.  Maybe a little too much.  I just don't feel like he's a reliable source for information.  He spins it the way he wants it to be spent.  Which is to say, the way Marshall wants him to spin it.
    Gatorade sucks.  Water is better.


    Offline Chevy1

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #10 on: March 28, 2005, 08:48:12 PM »
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  • Quote from: "jstherd"
    Is there something wrong with hiring the best man available?

    Is he the best man available.... or just the most convenient?  I'm not sold that he's the "best man AVAILABLE."
    "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." - Thomas Jefferson

    Offline 2xBison

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #11 on: March 28, 2005, 09:22:57 PM »
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  • yeah boys, it's all a big conspiracy.  

    the huntington press, kayo and MU administration want to bring in a less qualified coach over the fans objections.  the fix is on.  this is a mass conspiracy to bring down the program.....

    i gotta newsflash for some of you the private sector, government sector etc.....when you get a big endorsement from a well respected icon (pruett in this case)...many times that endorsement carries the day.  some times it works....some times it don't.

    just as is the case if you hire some young hot shot that the fans want.

    enough with the conspiracy theories...

    I'm not necessarily happy with kayo........but, he scares me enough that I don't mind the thought of Pruett's endorsement being the next coach.
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    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #11 on: March 28, 2005, 09:22:57 PM »

    Offline Chevy1

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #12 on: March 29, 2005, 01:00:34 AM »
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  • You don't have to be a member of the Michigan Militia to believe the Htgn-Chas media is parroting what the MU communications dept is feeding it.

    I guess for those that unquestionably gobble the "company line" - yes, Jirsa was the best available, and D'Antoni was justifiably snubbed.  Hey!!! We won 6 bball games this year!!  Meanwhile, D'Antoni's NBA team possessed the best winning pct. in the league and is headed to the NBA playoffs.

    As far as Kueck is concerned, I'm sure he's a damned good coach, and I'm impressed that both Chad and Byron spoke to the press on his behalf and the Pruett endorsement is huge, BUT I didn't see our offense racking up points and dominating last season when he was OC.  In fact, the last two years featured the abolute worst Herd offenses since the 80's.   And, for me, that's where the rubber meets the road.

    However, coaching Marshall is just one aspect of what the next HC must do.  The biggest job is to "take us to the next level".  Is Kueck the "best available" for that task?  It won't get done with 6-6 seasons that's for damned sure.  We'll have to win like we did in the 90's and against stronger competition.  Winning feeds a growing program.
    "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." - Thomas Jefferson

    Offline _sturt_

    « Reply #13 on: March 29, 2005, 01:43:44 AM »
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  • Quote from: "jstherd"
    In reference to ES's column: spin, spin, spin. Ernie, Smock, and Landon have joined the good 'ol boys club. Only Hanshew hasn't/ Good for you Anthony! Is there something wrong with hiring the best man available?

    jst, I found the Chad article Hanshew did to be commendable, IF it were done in a series with other articles that asked others of some noteriety and relationship to MU to weigh-in as well.

    Hanshew didn't do that, and neither did Landon, of course. So, in my book, Hanshew is as much in Kayo's back pocket, pushing the party line, as anyone.

    I have no faith in any of them, and I include the broadcast media in that, too. None of them have the journalistic kahunas to do the real stories, like those that DJ recently proposed, or like Mark Gale's plight.

    There's not one of them that has the guts to really dig and expose what, if it were anything but "sports," demands exposure to any halfway intelligent person. They simply refuse to take their jobs that seriously, at the risk of being the last to know about the next big story.

    There's a word for people like that. In fact, more than one comes to mind...  :-?



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    Re: Kueck
    « Reply #14 on: March 29, 2005, 01:45:09 AM »
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  • As weird as it may sound, I feel that our struggling offense of the past 2 seasons had more to do with not only Stan Hill, but even coach Pruett himself rather than the QB coach, Kueck.  I've heard this from players too...about Pruett beginning to lose his ability to communicate with the players well, etc...

    I think, since I KNOW the players love Kueck and want him as the HC, that the players will perform much differently than this past .500 season if they had Kueck as HC.  

    What OhioHerd73 is kinda the way I'm starting to feel since I know that Donnan is just about out of the picture and we are going to have to settle for one of the other candidates.  Kueck would probably be the candidate I support for the following reason:

    Quote from: "OhioHerd73"
    Based on his work with our offense in 1996, I'd like to see Kueck have a chance with us.  That year was a great combination of personnel and strategy, arguably the best offense we've had.  I think this guy has strong head coach potential.  He's definitely showing he knows how to run practices and has already brought  renewed enthusiasm and energy to us.

    Offline _sturt_

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #15 on: March 29, 2005, 01:52:12 AM »
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  • Quote from: "2xBison"
    yeah boys, it's all a big conspiracy.  

    the huntington press, kayo and MU administration want to bring in a less qualified coach over the fans objections.  the fix is on.  this is a mass conspiracy to bring down the program.....

    i gotta newsflash for some of you the private sector, government sector etc.....when you get a big endorsement from a well respected icon (pruett in this case)...many times that endorsement carries the day.  some times it works....some times it don't.

    just as is the case if you hire some young hot shot that the fans want.

    enough with the conspiracy theories...

    I'm not necessarily happy with kayo........but, he scares me enough that I don't mind the thought of Pruett's endorsement being the next coach.


    Who needs a "conspiracy" when all it takes is some gentle nudging by the AD?

    Bison, this isn't a matter of national security, and it doesn't require dozens of people to be closed-lipped about some big secret.

    It's much smaller and much more subtle than that... some would even put in the category of "small town politics," or "scratching each others' backs."


    Offline 2xBison

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #16 on: March 29, 2005, 08:10:56 AM »
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    Bison, this isn't a matter of national security, and it doesn't require dozens of people to be closed-lipped about some big secret.

    it's not??  good. we agree.  yet in another post that follows you suggest we have our beat writers do some investigative journalism??  and expose what is going on?  

    There's not one of them that has the guts to really dig and expose what, if it were anything but "sports," demands exposure to any halfway intelligent person. They simply refuse to take their jobs that seriously, at the risk of being the last to know about the next big story.

    I'll tell you what, herdfans beat it all.  You want this good ole boy stuff exposed because we suspect that it's going on.  Really, none of us really know for sure where this is headed, and if we knew more, you guys would be bitching about the public comments or something.  I really don't get it, I read the nation they all talk about why our radio guys aren't ripping the administration and suggest boycotting it...(good answer, mabe we will lose our new statewide herd show)....then I get on here and you all rip away at every reporter from Htown to Ctown for not exposing what's going on.......or what you suspect is going on.
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    Offline _sturt_

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #17 on: March 29, 2005, 08:50:37 AM »
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  • Quote from: "2xBison"
    Bison, this isn't a matter of national security, and it doesn't require dozens of people to be closed-lipped about some big secret.

    it's not??  good. we agree.  yet in another post that follows you suggest we have our beat writers do some investigative journalism??  and expose what is going on?  

    There's not one of them that has the guts to really dig and expose what, if it were anything but "sports," demands exposure to any halfway intelligent person. They simply refuse to take their jobs that seriously, at the risk of being the last to know about the next big story.

    I'll tell you what, herdfans beat it all.  You want this good ole boy stuff exposed because we suspect that it's going on.  Really, none of us really know for sure where this is headed, and if we knew more, you guys would be bitching about the public comments or something.  I really don't get it, I read the nation they all talk about why our radio guys aren't ripping the administration and suggest boycotting it...(good answer, mabe we will lose our new statewide herd show)....then I get on here and you all rip away at every reporter from Htown to Ctown for not exposing what's going on.......or what you suspect is going on.

    Okay... among other things, I'm stupid for wondering why the snub of the associate head coach is a news story.

    Have it your way.


    Offline 2xBison

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #18 on: March 29, 2005, 08:57:32 AM »
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    I'm stupid

    your words.  not mine.
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    Offline carolinaherdfan

    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #19 on: March 29, 2005, 01:10:05 PM »
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  • When I was a freshman at MU the student center was named Shockey, and a much different facility than now. When the "new student center"
    opened in 1970, as I was about to walk into the front doors I ran into three gentlemen that were truly big MU supporters; all Huntingtonian's, and now all passed away. One, owned a car dealership, one owned a beer distributorship, and the other owned an insurance agency. I began the usual Huntington vs. Charleston, MU vs. the universe argument that I as a student  had been raised to believe in. All three of the gentlemen, immediatedly redirected my thinking, and to make a very long story short explained to me that Huntington, not Charleston was who held MU back from growth. They further explained to me how the Huntington community only used MU, and its student body for their own profit, and gain etc., and the State was worn out on this. Since then over the last 35 years, I have found their caution to be on target, and only now after the climate has changed to a great deal in Huntington has the State started to invest in the infrastructure of the University. Charleston is not nearly the enemy they may seem to be. Huntington may not be near the friend they seem to be. That is not to say I approve how the AD is being run.



    Salvatore: Kueck not letting storm of speculation get to him
    « Reply #19 on: March 29, 2005, 01:10:05 PM »