The scoreboard makes this look like a blowout. It wasn't. We were down 13-10 with about 11 minutes to go. I was listening on the radio and just before Ali broke his 56 yard TD run, he had 14 carries for six yards. Minus that one carry, he had 17 carries for 29 yards. That's less than two yards per carry which is not exactly a stellar output. Fancher went 15-28 for 178 yards. 6.4 yards per attempt. Again, not exactly stellar output. Of course, some of that low output stems from several dropped passes. Maybe more than several. It's not as if the receivers helped him out much. Without a couple of big plays though, the Ali run and the double pass, we probably lose this game. We showed an utter inability to string together sustained drives.
OTOH, the defense was awesome! Even if ECU is not the type of team to put 45 points on the board, we held them to 13 and a grand total of 269 yards. There are no negatives about that.
So, I think this team has potential. The question is whether they can execute consistently. Yes, we are now 2-0 but it's more accurate to say that we have executed occasionally rather than consistently. We have the talent to still have a decent season if we execute occasionally but we could have a special season if we can execute consistently. Can we do so? I'm skeptical. Nothing I have seen to date tells me we can but I sincerely hope I'm wrong.