Smith and spears wanted huff to sign a huge buyout agreement. Huff was smart not too. It wasn't an offer it was joke. Huff laughed and walked as he should have. have absolutely no clue.
The beggining of the end for Huff started in 2023. Win or lose he was likely not being offered to come back. Not going to be offered after all the drama and breach of contract type stuff he pulled. Even Huff himself stated he had not been offerred an extension recently. In one of his last press conferences (After he realized he had messed up) he stated he would like to stay with Marshall for another 5-6 years. Basically going public in hopes of getting a deal done with Marshall after realized he had backed himself into a corner. Dont believe me? Go watch the press comference.
The problem for him at that point was that Marshall didnt want him around anymore and had moved on. He was clearly in shock over the ordeal but sometimes thats what you get when you are not as big as you think you are. Its callled reality.
I will always be appreciative of the Notre Dame win and the Sunbelt Championship. That being said, the drama surrounding everything with him is exhausting. And to be quite honest....I think he's just an average coach. Nothing special.
Glad he's moved on and glad we are moving on.
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