Well z, if you are too ignorant to understand how all of this has always played a part in the decisions of states, and University scheduling, you have no business debating on this board. You need knowledge, and historical depth, and perception to discuss, and understand why you do not play UVA, or now VA TECH, and your record with a Penn State is deplorabe. PSU, thrown in, because these people did always stand for something. That was never much of a series in all honesty. Why tOSU will not play you, even 2-1. Why you do not play UK, or U of TENN., or Georgia, or Florida, or Fla. State, or Carolina etc., and by the way it doesn't have a great deal to do with how competitive you are. People, outside of Morgantown, don't want to play you. Especially, the States, and the Universities in the Southeast, and I can certainlly tell you that Jacksonville, the Gator Bowl, and any other southern cities do not want you in their bowl games. They are building a new game for the B/E in Toronto, Canada, and you may get a chance to play in the Motor City Bowl, and The Continental Tire Bowl, but I know for certain any major bowls, hold their breath each year, and pray that you, WVU, are not going to be in their bowl. I, don't know. It has something to do with what you have always stood for, and to truly, be honest with you, I know you don't have a clue.
Now to enter a post, and attack someones mental health is not smack. It is a desperate attempt to discredit someone with whom you are uncomfortable with, but you don't have any real substance to post, and don't wan't to address the real issues, so you revert back to playing children's games. If, all of you people are kids, we will move your posts to a children's board.