I'll just go this far. When I began college at MU, I was a failure on the football team; at your dismay that is why I am still alive today. I, had two really great friends that played at WVU. OX Stevens, and Tree Adams, and we all knew what was going on, and we ran around together in M'town, H'town, we did a lot of crazy things. Ox's thighs as a freshman were larger than most human hips. He, and Tree started for WVU as freshman. I know what there deal was. I know what my deal was. I, know for a fact that WVU, or anyone else does not want to get into the details. I have bit glass, and spit it, and done all sorts of stupid stuff young guys, and football players do. I was one of the group. I do not choose to go down that road, for a lot of good reasons. This is about WVA. Not WV & MU. It's WVA. You don't have a clue, as to what has all come down over the years. Don't come here high handed. The only people who do that are people who wish they were. People who are, or were know MU, and WVU are in the same bye and bye.