2 - - -
3 GOVERNORS for and on behalf of )
4 )
Plaintiff, )
5 ) Civil Action
vs. ) No. 07-C-851
6 )
7 )
Defendant and )
8 Third Party Plaintiff )
9 vs. )
FOUNDATION, INC., a West Virginia )
11 corporation, )
12 Third Party Defendant. )
- - -
13 Deposition of ED PASTILONG
Friday, April 18, 2008
14 - - -
The deposition of ED PASTILONG, called as a
15 witness by the defendant and third party plaintiff,
pursuant to notice and the West Virginia Rules of
16 Civil Procedure pertaining to the taking of
depositions, taken before me, the undersigned,
17 Eugene C. Forcier, a Stenographer Commissioner in and
for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the offices
18 of Flaherty Sensabaugh & Bonasso, PLLC, 965 Hartman
Run Road, Suite 1105, Morgantown, West Virginia,
19 commencing at 8:47 o'clock a.m., the day and date
above set forth.
20 - - -
22 412-281-0189
- - -
- - -
2 On behalf of the Plaintiff and Deponent:
3 Flaherty Sensabaugh & Bonasso, PLLC:
Thomas V. Flaherty, Esquire
4 Jeffrey M. Wakefield, Esquire
200 Capital Street
5 P.O. Box 3843
Charleston, West Virginia 25338
Fitzsimmons Law Offices:
7 Robert P. Fitzsimmons, Esquire
Robert J. Fitzsimmons, Esquire
8 1609 Warwood Avenue
Wheeling, West Virginia 26003
Alexander Macia, Esquire
10 West Virginia University
Vice President for Legal Affairs and General
11 Counsel
Office of the President
12 105 Stewart Hall
PO Box 6201
13 Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
14 On behalf of the Defendant and Third Party
Barkan & Robon, Ltd.:
16 Marvin A. Robon, Esquire
1701 Woodlands Drive, Suite 100
17 Maumee, Ohio 43537
18 DiTrapano, Barrett & Di Piero, PLLC:
Sean P. McGinley, Esquire
19 604 Virginia Street, East
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
On behalf of the Third Party Defendant:
(No appearance.)
- - -
24 John C. Taylor, Videographer
- - -
1 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will everyone be please
2 turn off all cell phones, Blackberries, pagers
3 and portable communication devices.
4 MR. ROBON: Boy, that's a great idea.
5 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now on record in
6 the matter of WVU versus Rodriguez, Civil Action
7 No. 07-C-851.
8 My name is John Taylor, I am a legal video
9 specialist with Katz Consulting Group, LLC,
10 located at 820 Quarrier Street, Charleston, West
11 Virginia 25301.
12 I am not related to any parties to this
13 action, nor counsel of record, nor do I have a
14 financial interest in this action.
15 Today is April 18, 2008, the time is
16 8:47 a.m.
17 This deposition is taking place at
18 Flaherty, Sensabaugh & Bonasso, 965 Hartman Run
19 Road, Morgantown, West Virginia.
20 The deponent today is Ed Pastilong.
21 Will counsel please identify themselves for
22 the record.
23 MR. FLAHERTY: I am Tom Flaherty. I am
24 Tom Flaherty, counsel for the plaintiff, West
25 Virginia University Board of Governors for and on
1 behalf of West Virginia University.
2 MR. WAKEFIELD: Jeff Wakefield, also
3 representing the plaintiff, West Virginia
4 University Board of Governors.
5 MR. R. P. FITZSIMMONS: Bob Fitzsimmons on
6 behalf of West Virginia University.
7 MR. R. J. FITZSIMMONS: Robert J.
8 Fitzsimmons on behalf of West Virginia
9 University.
10 MR. MACIA: Alex Macia for West Virginia
11 University.
12 MR. ROBON: Marvin A. Robon, from Barkan &
13 Robon, Maumee, Ohio, representing
14 Richard Rodriguez.
15 MR. McGINLEY: Sean McGinley for the
16 defendant.
17 MR. ROBON: Would you have the court
18 reporter also identify himself, please.
19 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Would you identify
20 yourself, sir, and swear the witness.
21 THE REPORTER: My name is Gene Forcier with
22 Morse, Gantverg & Hodge.
23 Mr. Pastilong, would you raise your right
24 hand, please.
25 - - -
2 called as a witness by the defendant and third party
3 plaintiff, having been first duly sworn, as
4 hereinafter certified, was deposed and said as
5 follows:
8 Q Mr. Pastilong, you know who I am, correct;
9 why I am here?
10 A I assume I do.
11 Q Okay. I am here for a search for the
12 truth, protect Richard Rodriguez; you have been told
13 that?
14 A You are here for the truth.
15 Q Yes.
16 A And that's fine with me.
17 Q Okay.
18 Have you ever been deposed before?
19 A Yes.
20 Q How many times?
21 A One time.
22 Q Okay. In a litigation involving the
23 university?
24 A Yes.
25 Q And what was that litigation?
1 A A -- an assistant track coach.
2 Q Sued the university?
3 A I'm not sure if it was a suit, but there
4 was some question.
5 Q Improprieties?
6 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form of the
7 question.
8 Q Could you remember what it was about?
9 A This young lady had departed, and wanted
10 some additional moneys.
11 Q So it was a sex discrimination case?
12 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form of the
13 question.
14 A I don't believe it was sex discrimination.
15 Q Equal pay?
16 A I don't believe it was equal pay.
17 Q What happened to the case?
18 A Basically, it just went away.
19 Q Did she get some money?
20 A I don't believe so.
21 Q You are not on any medication, have a
22 hangover, or anything like that, so that whatever you
23 say today can be taken to the bank?
24 A I feel pretty comfortable.
25 Q Good.
1 My understanding is that you and
2 Richard Rodriguez were very close friends when he
3 first came to the university; is that true or false?
4 A We became good friends.
5 Q And how would you consider your
6 relationship today?
7 A Good friends.
8 Q You are still friends?
9 A Yes.
10 Q Do you find him to be a truthful
11 individual?
12 A I had no reason to question that, during
13 his term at West Virginia.
14 Q Do you question it, now that his term is
15 over at West Virginia?
16 A No.
17 Q Okay.
18 I just read an affidavit that was signed by
19 Larry Aschebrook.
20 Have you ever seen that affidavit?
21 A No.
22 Q Have you heard about it?
23 A Briefly, this morning.
24 Q Tell me the circumstances of why
25 Larry Aschebrook left West Virginia University.
1 A His comments to me were to return to his
2 home state, and to live in his house, in his home
3 state, of which he has been unable to sell, and for a
4 position back in his home state, that he and his wife
5 would prefer to be at.
6 Q Okay.
7 How many coaches are you in charge of as
8 the athletic director?
9 A Well, we have 17 sports.
10 Q Correct.
11 A And the head coaches, and the assistants.
12 Q A hundred people, would you estimate?
13 A It is less than a hundred coaches, but our
14 total department would probably be in the area of 200
15 people.
16 Q 200 people.
17 What kind of annual budget does the
18 university give the athletic department for those
19 roughly 200 people?
20 A Well, our athletic department budget is in
21 the area of $48 million.
22 Q Okay.
23 And, of that $48 million, how much comes
24 from the State of West Virginia, or does it all come
25 from the State of West Virginia?
1 A Well, portions of it come from the State of
2 West Virginia, and portions come from contributors,
3 foundation.
4 Q And, for the jury, give me a rough
5 approximation what percentage comes from the
6 university, and what percentage -- or the state, and
7 what percentage comes from the foundation?
8 A Well, I would say the majority comes from
9 the state, and then the second most would be from the
10 foundation, and there are moneys that come from our
11 particular conference via television revenues,
12 et cetera.
13 Q And out of the 48 million, what would be an
14 approximation that would come from the foundation; 10,
15 20 million, or something between those two numbers?
16 A Something between those two.
17 Q On an annual basis?
18 A On an annual basis.
19 Q And, you have roughly, you said, less than
20 a hundred coaches?
21 A Correct.
22 Q That's head coaches and assistant coaches?
23 Right?
24 A Correct.
25 Q And would you tell the jury how many
1 coaches have left in the last two years, two calendar
2 years, 2006, 2007? Just approximately.
3 A I'd say in the area of -- assistants and
4 head coaches?
5 Q Yes.
6 A This is a guess. 20.
7 Q An educated guess, though; right?
8 A Yes.
9 Q So approximately 20 percent?
10 A In that area.
11 Q Okay.
12 What does the average athletic department
13 have as a turnover ratio, for coaches and assistants?
14 A The average athletic department?
15 Q Yes.
16 A I'm not aware of a statistic on that
17 nature.
18 Q Tell me what you know about the
19 Calvin Magee case, involving Larry Aschebrook.
20 A I know that our university is looking into
21 that.
22 Beyond that, I don't know the particulars.
23 Q Who, within the university, is looking into
24 it?
25 A A lady by the name of Jennifer McIntosh,
1 who is in charge of social justice.
2 Q At the university?
3 A Yes.
4 Q Is she a lawyer?
5 A I don't know if she is a lawyer.
6 Q How long has she been at the university?
7 A A number of years.
8 Q Has he filed a civil rights complaint with
9 the United States Government, or the West Virginia
10 Civil Rights Commission?
11 MR. FLAHERTY: Who is "he"?
12 MR. ROBON: Calvin Magee.
13 A I don't know.
14 The best would be to ask him that, I would
15 think.
16 Q This affidavit, that was --
17 MR. ROBON: Well, let's mark this as
18 Exhibit A.
19 (Thereupon, Pastilong Exhibit A was marked
20 for identification.)
22 Q Now, you indicated, you have not had a
23 chance to read that?
24 A I have not read this.
25 MR. ROBON: Let's go off tape for a moment,
1 so he can read that, or just skim it.
2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is 8:57 a.m.,
3 we are going off the record.
4 (Discussion off the record.)
5 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is 09:06 a.m.,
6 we are back on the record.
7 Q While we were off the record,
8 Mr. Pastilong, we gave you the opportunity to read
9 this affidavit of Larry Aschebrook.
10 Correct?
11 A Yes.
12 Q Are the things he says in there, to your
13 knowledge, true or false?
14 MR. FLAHERTY: If you know.
15 A Sir, you would have to ask Larry. I cannot
16 speak for Larry, with regards to that affidavit.
17 Q Well, I understand that, but from your
18 personal knowledge, do you believe it's true or false,
19 or portions of it are true or portions of it are
20 false?
21 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form.
22 Q You can answer.
23 A Again, only Larry could answer that. I
24 mean, that's his affidavit.
25 I --
1 Q Well, let me ask this question: With
2 regard to his comments about Richard Rodriguez, do you
3 believe those are accurate quotes, something
4 Richard Rodriguez would say, or not say?
5 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form. I don't
6 think this man's belief is relevant, nor is it --
7 MR. ROBON: Well, he is experienced with
8 Mr. Rogriguez. He knows
9 MR. FLAHERTY: -- nor is it -- let me
10 finish my objection -- nor is it reasonably
11 calculated to lead to discovery of relevant
12 evidence.
13 Q You can answer.
14 MR. FLAHERTY: Answer if you can.
15 A Again, I don't feel it would be adequate
16 for me to assert what -- whether that is -- whether
17 Mr. Rodriguez's inferences there are -- they are his
18 feelings, you would have to ask Mr. Rodriguez, I can't
19 speak for him.
20 Q Okay.
21 Let me ask this question: Is it true that
22 in return for an affidavit like this, you helped
23 Mr. Aschebrook, or someone on your athletic
24 department, or at the university helped him get a
25 position at Arizona State?
1 A No, I did not assist Mr. Aschebrook in his
2 new position at Arizona State.
3 Q That wasn't my question.
4 Was it you, someone in the athletic
5 department, or someone at the university -- you said
6 it wasn't you; was it someone else?
7 If you know?
8 A I don't know of anybody who assisted him
9 with that particular new assignment.
10 Q Did you have any conversations with
11 anybody, about giving him a recommendation for his new
12 assignment?
13 A I did not, no.
14 Q Did you talk to Governor Manchin about it?
15 A No.
16 Q Have you talked to Governor Manchin at all,
17 about the Calvin McGee situation?
18 A I may have had some discussions with him,
19 but I don't recall any; I mean, any particulars.
20 Q Would you tell the jury how much involved
21 Governor Manchin is with the athletic program at West
22 Virginia University?
23 A Well, to begin with, the governor was a
24 student athlete here on the football team, and since
25 he's been in business, I mean, he has been a
1 participant in our Mountaineer Athletic Club, tickets,
2 and so on; in fact, the entire family has been, over
3 the years.
4 From time to time, we will be at social
5 gatherings where the governor is there, and so on.
6 But, his involvement is, I would say, like
7 a normal governor would be, in terms of any
8 institution, or -- and their athletic department.
9 Q Can you estimate, for the jury, the number
10 of phone calls you have had with him since
11 December 15th of '06, till now, which is what,
12 April 18th?
13 MR. WAKEFIELD: That's a year and a half.
14 MR. ROBON: No, that's --
15 MR. WAKEFIELD: You said '06.
16 MR. ROBON: I'm sorry.
17 Q 07?
18 A '07? What month?
19 Q December, make it 14th, '07, until today,
20 April 18th, '08.
21 MR. FLAHERTY: Are you limiting the scope
22 of your question to something relevant to this
23 case, or just any?
24 MR. ROBON: Any telephone calls. To for
25 from.
1 MR. FLAHERTY: Social or otherwise.
2 MR. ROBON: To or from the governor.
3 A The governor and I have been friends since
4 college. We were on the football team together, and
5 we are social friends. And I speak with him quite
6 often.
7 Q Does that mean once a day, once a week,
8 twice a day?
9 A Oh, sometimes once a week, sometimes two
10 weeks, sometimes three weeks.
11 Q And most of the time it deals with
12 athletics at the university?
13 A No.
14 Q What percentage of the time would you say
15 it deals with athletics at the university?
16 A Very little.
17 Q Okay.
18 Did he arrange the game between West
19 Virginia and Marshall, in football?
20 A He was quite active in it.
21 I would say he was the one that the --
22 person who had the most to do with that game being
23 played, yes.
24 Q And was that the first of three games?
25 A Well, there is -- there is a series of
1 games.
2 Q Right, between Marshall and West Virginia?
3 A West Virginia, yes.
4 Q Right.
5 Was the first one played in '07?
6 MR. FLAHERTY: The first ever?
7 A The first --
8 Q The first one that the governor arranged?
9 A I believe that was -- that was '06.
10 Q Okay. And West Virginia won?
11 A Yes.
12 Q And they won also in '07?
13 A Yes.
14 Q And they have one more game in '08?
15 A We have a game in '08, and there are games
16 nine, ten and 11.
17 Q Okay.
18 A And 12.
19 Q Okay.
20 Tell me about your conversation with the
21 governor on Friday, December 14th of 2007, relating to
22 Rodriguez.
23 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form of the
24 question. It assumes there was a call, or
25 conversation.
1 A I can't recall specifically that particular
2 day, as to whether I talked to the governor or not.
3 Q Well, when you --
4 A I may have, or I may not have. But I --
5 Q You don't recall asking the governor
6 whether or not you should honor the promises that
7 President Garrison made to Richard Rodriguez?
8 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form of the
9 question.
10 A I don't recall having that conversation
11 with those specifics, no.
12 Q You don't deny it; you just don't recall
13 it?
14 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form of the
15 question.
16 A I can't deny it, because I just don't
17 recall that that took place.
18 Q Okay.
19 Well, did it take place on December 15th,
20 on Saturday, as opposed to Friday, December 14th?
21 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form.
22 A I don't recall having a conversation with
23 the governor with those specifics that you are talking
24 about.
25 Q Well, do you recall Richard Rodriguez
1 meeting with you in mid December?
2 A What date?
3 Q In mid December?
4 A Mid December?
5 Q Yes, like the 14th or 15th?
6 A I met several times with Rich, during that
7 period.
8 Q And what's "several;" more than once?
9 A Yes, sir.
10 Q How many times; do you recall?
11 A In mid December, during -- a few times.
12 Q Well, let's go back for a moment.
13 He signed his addendum on August 24th of
14 '07, the second addendum to his employment contract;
15 correct?
16 A Yes.
17 Q Were you there when that was signed?
18 A No.
19 Q Okay.
20 Had you met with him before it was signed?
21 Immediately, like a week or two before?
22 A I had been with him at practice, but I did
23 not have a structured meeting, formal meeting,
24 et cetera.
25 Q Were you with him at the blessing, in early
1 August, of the field?
2 A Yes.
3 Q Okay.
4 Did you discuss his contract when you were
5 with him in early August at the blessing?
6 A Following the blessing, he had asked if I
7 would accompany him, with an -- some of his
8 accountants, attorneys, et cetera, to a meeting, and I
9 did.
10 Q Were the attorneys -- did he have an
11 attorney there; or you don't know?
12 A There were four, five gentlemen, and I
13 think one or two of them were attorneys, accountants,
14 et cetera.
15 Q Do you remember a name?
16 A The -- I remember a Mr. Wilcox.
17 Q Well, he is a financial advisor, not an
18 attorney.
19 A Okay.
20 Q And do you know who Mike Brown was?
21 A Mike Brown is an agent.
22 Q A sports agent?
23 A A sports agent.
24 Q He is not a lawyer, either, is he; as far
25 as you know?
1 A I don't know what he is.
2 Q And was David Hammond there, from the
3 William Baughn, B-a-u-g-h-n, Group, as a CPA?
4 A Following the blessing?
5 Q Yes.
6 A The other gentleman with Mr. Wilcox, I
7 don't -- I don't recall their names.
8 There were three, four of them.
9 Q Had they come down for the blessing, or had
10 they come down to work on his contract, or don't you
11 know?
12 A I don't know why they came down.
13 I mean, that was the particular day that
14 they were having our traditional blessing of the
15 field, and they appeared, and that's when Rich asked
16 me if I would stay around and meet with them.
17 Q Was it a scheduled meeting, as far as you
18 know, with you?
19 A With me, I don't believe it was a scheduled
20 meeting.
21 Q Did you have any other representatives of
22 the university with you?
23 A Well, at the blessing, there were several
24 people.
25 Q No, but I mean, when you sat and talked
1 with Mr. Rodriguez and his two or three people that
2 were with him?
3 A In the room was Mr. Wilcox, Rich, Rita,
4 Craig Walker and Mike Garrison.
5 I don't know if there had been discussions
6 with any of those people prearranging the meeting, or
7 if it was impromptu, but at the blessing Rich said,
8 "Could you sit with me afterwards," and I accommodated
9 that.
10 Q Okay.
11 It would be -- sounds like a scheduled
12 meeting with Craig Walker and President Garrison was
13 there; wasn't it? I mean, they wouldn't just
14 ordinarily be available on a whim; would they?
15 A I had asked them to be at the blessing, so
16 I don't know if they had been asked to be at that
17 scheduled meeting or not, I --
18 Q Did you ask them to come to the meeting?
19 A I don't believe I did.
20 Q Okay.
21 So, what conversations do you recall took
22 place at that meeting right after the blessing, in
23 early August of '07, with regard to Richard Rodriguez
24 and his contract, and/or promises or conditions that
25 were told to him, as best you can recollect?
1 A Rich did the majority of the talking, and I
2 do not recall any -- I don't recall promises coming.
3 It was pretty much a -- Rich mentioning some
4 situations to us, and that was about it.
5 Q What situations did he mention to you?
6 A He had made some general comparisons about
7 some of the things other schools were doing, some of
8 the things that he had collected from talking to other
9 head coaches, and so on.
10 Q Things that he wanted implemented in the
11 athletic program?
12 A There was not a -- I didn't look upon it as
13 a request. It was just comments that he was making,
14 in general.
15 Q Well, can you recall, for the jury, what
16 those comments were?
17 A They were very general, and for me to --
18 Q General. You know, were they about prices
19 of tickets, were they about free tickets for high
20 school coaches, were they about allowing the kids to
21 sell their books and retain the money at the end of a
22 semester?
23 I mean, tell me what you can recall.
24 A Well, there was a period in the fall where
25 some of the issues you just mentioned were brought to
1 my attention by Rich, but for them to have been
2 specifically brought up at that meeting, that meeting
3 was pretty general, in his comments.
4 Q Did -- tell me what President Garrison said
5 at that meeting at the blessing of the field in early
6 August of '07.
7 A The -- that meeting pretty much consisted
8 of Rich making comments to us.
9 Q That is not my question.
10 My question was: What did
11 President Garrison say, that you can recall?
12 A Following Rich's remarks,
13 President Garrison said very little, if anything; the
14 same way with Craig Walker and myself.
15 Q And Rich was just talking to the wall?
16 A He talked to us, and he -- and there were a
17 few occasions where Mr. Wilcox made some comments, and
18 Rita, and then we concluded the little session, and
19 went on to where the other people had gathered for
20 dinner, and where we were to meet them.
21 Q How long would you say this meeting, after
22 the blessing of the field, in early August lasted?
23 Half an hour, 45 minutes, an hour?
24 A I would say half hour to 45 minutes.
25 Q Okay.
1 And at any time did you, Mr. Walker, or
2 President Garrison, say, "No, Rich, we cannot do these
3 things you want?"
4 You can answer that yes or no.
5 A No.
6 Q Did you infer, at any time, or did
7 President Garrison or Craig Walker infer, at this
8 time, that you couldn't do some of the things Rich
9 wanted implemented?
10 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form of the
11 question. You can talk about -- you can get his
12 answer relative to his inference, but I don't --
13 I can't imagine how he can respond to that on
14 behalf of the others.
15 Go ahead and answer, if you can.
16 A There was not much of re -- it was pretty
17 much some comments from Rich to us, and we listened to
18 them, and then we departed.
19 There was not a specific request, nor was
20 there a specific response from us.
21 Q So, you are telling the jury there were no
22 promises made at that meeting right after the blessing
23 of the field; is that true or false?
24 A I don't recall any promises being made at
25 that meeting.
1 Q Do you recall President Garrison saying,
2 "Trust me," or words of similar nature, to
3 Richard Rodriguez?
4 A I do not recall that occurring at that
5 meeting, no.
6 Q Do you recall those words being used by
7 President Garrison at any other meeting, involving you
8 and Richard Rodriguez?
9 A No.
10 Q Have you heard President Garrison use that
11 phrase, since he has been president, "Trust me," or
12 words of similar import?
13 A No.
14 Q How many meetings have you had with
15 President Garrison, since he took office?
16 A I meet with him for sure every two weeks
17 among his management team, and once a week.
18 But for sure, at least every two weeks, I
19 sit with him.
20 Q Okay.
21 Now, let's go on from this meeting in early
22 August at the blessing of the field.
23 Did you talk to the governor about the
24 comments that Richard Rodriguez made at the blessing?
25 You can answer that yes or no.
1 A Yes.
2 Q And what was the governor's reaction to
3 those comments?
4 A I don't believe there was much.
5 Q Did he say, "No, we are not going to do
6 it," "It is a great idea"? What was your take on it,
7 from your perspective?
8 A There was no response, really.
9 Q You must have thought it was fairly
10 important, that you would bring it up to the governor
11 of the State of West Virginia, Rich's comment?
12 A Well, you know, as I mentioned earlier, I
13 have many occasions where I speak with the governor,
14 and where the governor calls me.
15 Q I understand that. But my question is --
16 A And I --
17 MR. FLAHERTY: Let him finish his answer,
18 please.
19 Go ahead.
20 Q Okay.
21 A And in those particular discussions, there
22 is various things discussed, and in that meeting that
23 took place, there were a lot of people at the
24 blessing, so I just felt it relevant that it be
25 mentioned.
1 Q Was the governor at the blessing?
2 A No.
3 Q How soon after the blessing did you call
4 the governor, and tell him about Rich's comments;
5 within hours, within days, or weeks?
6 MR. FLAHERTY: Object to the form. It
7 assumes he made a call.
8 A I did not, following that meeting, make a
9 call to discuss that specific meeting, no.
10 Q Well, how soon was that communicated to the
11 governor, as best you can recall?
12 A Oh, it could have been weeks after that.
13 I mean, it was no --
14 Q But it could have been hours, too; right?
15 A It wasn't hours, because we had a social
16 function to go to, which took the rest of the evening,
17 which Rich and Rita and Mona and I went to, several
18 other people were at.
19 Q Now, did you have any meetings with
20 Richard Rodriguez after the blessing in August of '07,
21 for the rest of the month of '07, August?
22 A I was with him. Whether we had a formal
23 meeting or not, I would always go over to practice,
24 and before practice talk with him, or go over to the
25 Puskar Center, go by the office and have discussions
1 with him.
2 Q Well, how many times would you say you had
3 a discussion with him between August 24th of '07 and
4 December 15th of '07?
5 He tells me it was two times.
6 A I'd say I talked with him weekly.
7 Q Face-to-face?
8 A Face-to-face, via telephone, traveling to
9 contests.
10 Q Football games?
11 A Yes.
12 Q Tell me which game in '07 that you went
13 with the football team on the plane to another field.
14 A Well, on away games?
15 Q Yes.
16 A I travel to all of the away games.
17 Q I understand you travel. I want to know
18 which games you went on the plane with the team and
19 Rich.
20 A Well --
21 Q There weren't any of them; were there?
22 A I think I did travel with the team.
23 Q Well, I want you to tell me which game you
24 went with the team.
25 A There was some occasions, when I traveled
1 with the president --
2 Q You are not answering my question.
3 A Yeah, I am trying --
4 Q I want to know which game, away game, in
5 the season of 2007, football, that you got on the
6 plane with the team and Coach Rodriguez, and went to
7 another facility, another stadium, with them; if any.
8 A I can't give you that particular specific
9 game, or games.
10 Q