Author Topic: Yet another classy statement from one of the cowards on this board!  (Read 326 times)

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Offline cstolz26

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  • "Yeah you're a queer...a liberal loving dip$hit.
    I bet your broken trailer and final car payments are on hold so you can afford a few minutes of your worthless time to show your pride to a group of people who simply could care less what you think.

    I hope your family members are all dead. "

    With people like this on your side, you should grow your fanbase in no time!

    Offline Marshallguy04

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    Re: Yet another classy statement from one of the cowards on this board!
    « Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 12:05:31 PM »
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  • You can't even spell "Eerfan" correctly. Your education system is by far the worst.

    Congrats, your Tier III Law school is right up there with...oh wait..nobody comes to mind...because all the good ones are IN TIER I!! Duke, UVA, Stanford, etc. All of whom are in Tier I...their intro classes are your highest level ones.
    The state is overrun by your law school grads who obviously have no education because they managed to suck the money from the 2nd largest coal producing state and put it to their shitty state university, wvu, and give nothing to anyone else.
    Too bad criminal charges can't be brought upon you guys or else everyone would be thrown in the slammer.
    You managed to get the largest rejects from Pittsburgh, poor New Jersey kids who can't afford Rutgers, and Wal-Mart wvu attire shopping retards who need a pulse for admision to your school.

    Face it, wvu is a joke, embarassed on the national scale in their most recent sports campaign, basketball, by a group of rich white kids who run under a system and coach who knows basketball unlike your drunk coach, who just gets a bunch of undereducated "And-1" wannabe thugs from the inner city go running around a basketball court.
    You're going to be left out of the BCS re-alignment process. The SEC would never take you and the ACC hates you.
    You'll be all alone....with no conference and no place to call your home. Your idiot alumni governor will not know what to do with himself and corrupt the system within your state even more just to try to get you guys ahead....what it'll do is be known, and you'll enjoy a nice NCAA probabtion.
    By the way, the NCAA is investigating you guys for Rich Rod's actions while at wvu. Maybe if you had grown up and not treated his departure like a divorce, the NCAA probably wouldn'tve cared to go as far as you. But they did and you're payin' for it. Hahaha, doesn't that SUCK?

    Your fall from glory will be so long and hard people like you won't be living much longer, you'll either shoot yourself or your head will just the painful realization your school simply sucks and you suck for having supported them.

    I am done. You're not worth my time.


    To show how stupid you post on a Marshall fan message board about a Marshall fan making fun of you, hoping to gain some sympathies from you expect a supportive response from any of us? You really are wvu educated aren't you? Actually, I bet you dropped out or didn't get in and just "claim" wvu because you bought a wvu shirt at Wal-Mart.

    Re: Yet another classy statement from one of the cowards on this board!
    « Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 12:05:31 PM »