If you don't live in West Virginia, please go back to the petition and make a "comment". In the comment, if you have family that still lives here and votes here, make sure you put that in there --- if you don't have family here, please give a short narrative on why you feel loyalty to MU (ie Grad, Parent of Grad, etc.)
I just received an email from Change.org telling me that our petition is the 9th most viewed new petition since Midnight last night. They gave me some suggestions on how to bring this to the attention of legislators or decision makers.
PLEASE KEEP IT MOVING --- would love for it to go "viral". Like W0lf said a few weeks ago when the idea for this petition was hatched, if we are going to have a voice, we have to use it...and scream LOUDLY!!!!
We are at 130 right now and the petition has been "viewed" 525 times!