Author Topic: Discipline  (Read 3763 times)

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Offline W0lfman

« on: February 15, 2006, 10:30:03 PM »
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  • Quote is a privately owned web site, we reserve the right to edit or remove comments that contain spam, advertising, vulgarity, threats of violence, racism, anti-Semitism, or personal/abusive attacks on other users. The same applies to trolling, the use of multiple aliases, or just generally being a jerk. Enforcement of this policy is at the sole discretion of the site administrators and repeat offenders may be blocked or permanently banned without warning.

    1) Moderator Warning - Mods will remove/move/edit posts to keep all discussions on topic and appropriate. If a posts by a certain member become a constant issue or are deemed to be of a nature requiring such a response, mods will PM the member, explaining the reasoning for their action, and ask the member to comply.

    2) Administrator Warning - If after a Mod's warning the poster continues to be a problem, mods will contact an administrator and explain the issue. An Admin will then PM the member and reiterate the standard being enforced.

    3) Probation "Waterboy" - If after an Admin's warning the poster is still a problem, the mods and admins will discuss terms of probation and offer suggestions on how to handle the situation.  The poster will be designated "Waterboy" for the duration of his probation. He may continue to access the board, post and read content, but will not be able to PM.  When poster reaches this level he/she will be continuously monitored.

    4) Temporary Ban "Red Shirt" - Anyone who violates his probation, or has been on probation 2 or more times in the span of a year, will be subject to a temporary ban. After a decision by the mods and admins, he will be designated "Red Shirt" for the duration of his ban and not be able to access the board. Once he has served his term, the member will be reinstated without losing any posts or his handle.

    5) Permanent Ban - If after a temporary ban a member is still a problem, he will be permanently banned after a discussion by the mods and a majority vote of the Admins. The member will lose his handle and will not be able to register a new handle using the same email or IP address. This ban will not be lifted unless there are extraordinary circumstance (and we have no idea what those circumstances might be... )

    In every case there will be a discussion among Admins and Mods as to what action would be appropriate. In our view, you will have to go out of your way to bring the kind of attention to yourself that would require any of the above. We are not seeking to control your ability to participate on this board. We will not, however, allow any poster to prevent others from enjoying this community.

    Please PM a moderator or administrator if you have questions about this policy.
    « Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 07:20:45 AM by W0lfman »