Author Topic: Terms of Service  (Read 4603 times)

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Offline W0lfman Terms of Service
« on: February 16, 2006, 10:15:57 AM »
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    Use of Message Forums - Privacy Issues




    Registration is required in order to post on the forums. Passwords are mailed out, so a valid e-mail address must be furnished for that purpose. Each user must have a unique username. The webmasters reserve the right to change or delete a username if they find it profane or objectionable.

    Registration is not required to read certain forums.  Registration is required to read or view our recruiting forum.


    We will remove posts that don't fit our guidelines. We reserve the right to revoke the registrations of users who have violated the guidelines or disrupted the forums repeatedly and/or seriously. Such violations include, but are not limited to:

    Flaming - If you feel someone is directly offending you with their posts, report those posts to a moderator. Flaming includes; name calling, direct insults, racial slurs etc

    Stay On-Topic - Try to stick with the topic. If you have something important to say that doesn't relate to the topic, then start a new topic.

    Be thoughtful - Hundreds of people browse the message board each day. Before you post something, think to yourself, "would the majority of the users want to read this?". If the answer is "no", then don't post it.

    No threads directed personally - Do you think the other thousand people on this site want to read something personal between you and your buddy? - NO. Use PM's or email instead.

    Users register with anonymous names.  Please refrain from revealing anyone's identity in our public forums.  This is to protect individual users as well as your on privacy

    Please be mindful when posting information about recruits and or FERPA information.  Assume officials are always watching

    Also not tolerated - Vulgar profanity - Solicitor spam - Hate messages in regard to race, religion or gender - Pictures of, or links to, material containing nudity or pornography - Turning a non-political thread into a political one - Threats or perceived threats of physical violence

    The webmasters reserve the right to make any and all determinations as to whether posts do or do not meet the above guidelines.


    We do not permit the posting of copyrighted articles or text, and it is against federal copyright law for you to do so. Attributed quotes or summaries meeting the Fair Use standards are fine, but cutting and pasting all or most of the text verbatim is not acceptable. We will remove any such posts we discover.

    If the article is on the Net, link to it instead. This policy applies even if -- make that especially if -- the article is in a subscriber-only area.

    If you spot a message containing a potential copyright violation, please send the URL via a PM of the page to administrator or moderators so we can take appropriate action.

    PRIVACY ISSUES is committed to protecting the privacy of Internet users.

    When you visit our web pages, we do not collect any personally identifiable information such as name, address, phone number, or e-mail address, unless you choose to register for our forums. We do obtain some types of non-personally identifiable information such as the Internet Service Provider you use to connect to the Internet, your browser type, or the type of computer operating system you use (Macintosh or Windows, for example). The information, which is stored in our server logs, is used strictly to analyze our web traffic as a whole. maintains its user file strictly for the administration of this Internet site. We will not give your e-mail address or other personal information to any third party, nor will we send mail to you for any reason other than matters directly related to this site, unless you voluntarily choose to receive such mail.

    It should be noted that the registered email address for each user is available for public viewing by default if the user posts on the forums. Users must edit their user profile in order to display an alternate email address or no address at all.