Scotty, to be fair, Bowling Green makes many lists of "great places to retire to".
H-ton & MU have great possibilities in the medium term, if and only if the city can have continued forward looking leadership AND the legislature quits slowly strangling higher education...recruiting & retaining science & engineering faculty will become very difficult if the current environment persists.
Spot on, elginherd. Especially re: legislature and higher ed. Mandatory question that should be asked of ALL legislative candidates in Cabell-Wayne this fall: Do you support the planned growth of MU, including campus facilities and enrollment, as envisioned in its approved master plan, including granting the school sufficient bonding power to upgrade and renovate its physical plant to 21st Century standards? Any candidate who answers "No" or even hesitates certainly DOES NOT have the best interest of MU or the area in mind!! MU drastically needs major $$$$$ to renovate deteriorating existing facilities and build new ones in order to attract the out of state and foreign students, as well as more in state students, needed to reaching its eventual goal of approaching 20,000 in enrollment. When you realize that MU's total budget is only about A THIRD of a school like Eastern Kentucky U., which is slightly larger, about 16,000 enrollment, and has NO medical, pharmacy, etc., programs like MU, then you realize just how many obstacles need to be overcome for MU to significantly grow and be a major catalyst in turning around the Huntington and area economies!!