Another watershed lawsuit was filed last year against 12 Quebec hospitals on behalf of 10,000 breast-cancer patients in Quebec who had to wait more than eight weeks for radiation therapy during a period dating to October 1997.
Day said his Vancouver clinic could have done it for $12,000 but the Ontario officials "do not philosophically support sending an individual to a nongovernment clinic in Canada."
mother whose teenager was advised she would have to wait up to three years for surgery to repair a torn knee ligament.
A letter from the Moncton Hospital to a New Brunswick heart patient in need of an electrocardiogram said the appointment would be in three months. It added: "If the person named on this computer-generated letter is deceased, please accept our sincere apologies."
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
For those of you who don't know, and electrocardiogram is just an EKG. An EKG can be done in about 3 minutes in any ER, cardiologists office or some clinics in the states. It may take 5 minutes to 1 day for an official reading depending on where you get it done.
Saipan (where I live) is full of Canadian MD's because they are so fed up with the state of health care in Canada.... Oh, the stories I can tell you. The fact that they pay up to 60% in taxes brings them here too. As much as 48% of income is taxed to pay for health care in Canada, IF you can get it before you die.
Do not let people tell you that the Canadian system is better than sucks. Yes, many meds are cheaper, but you are also very limited on the ones you can be prescribed. You have to hope the ones the nation allows you to have work, otherwise you are on your own.