Good news, 129! Does anybody know what number of season tickets the Athletic Dept. sets as a goal in basketball each season? I imagine that they hold back a lot of the upper bleacher seats for individual game sales. Would be great if they could sell out ALL the chair backs, upper and lower bowls, in the form of season tickets. Wonder if there is a standard number of student tickets that are held for each home game (and then later sold if not picked up by students by a certain date).
There are around 396 tickets left to buy outside of Herd Heaven general admission. This is according to the map online where you can buy season tickets. Yes. I went through and counted yesterday. If season started today, outside of Herd Heaven the ticket office would only have 396 tickets to sell. I have no idea how many chairbacks we have or any of that. I'm sure that's also setting aside so many for visiting fans that might get returned.
Here is my count of available tickets left from yesterday afternoon.
Lower Bowl Chair Backs- 41
Lower Bleachers behind basket- 55
Upper Level Chairbacks- 300
Total Tickets left- 396