Author Topic: Video This Week - Biden Supporters in Wisconsin/Trump Supporters in Wisconsin  (Read 466 times)

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Offline QuickStrike

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  • The first video is Biden supporters in Wisconsin.  The second video is Trump supporters in Wisconsin.  Re-electing President Trump is the obvious choice over Joe Biden to keep America from being destroyed by Democrat Bolsheviks.

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    Offline herdorbust

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  • The first video is Biden supporters in Wisconsin.  The second video is Trump supporters in Wisconsin.  Re-electing President Trump is the obvious choice over Joe Biden to keep America from being destroyed by Democrat Bolsheviks.


    Yes in one you see patriots waving flags. The other you see marxists against America.

    Offline bighat

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  • You are seeing protestors just like the one's in Boston at the Boston tea party.

    Offline herdorbust

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  • You are seeing protestors just like the one's in Boston at the Boston tea party.

    Hahaha you are such a communist fool. Comparing this to the Boston tea party? Lol!!!! Seattle looking like a real love fest😂😂😂

    Offline QuickStrike

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  • You are seeing protestors just like the one's in Boston at the Boston tea party.

    Dude......I'm trying real hard not to slam you. LOL

    Online MUonium

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    Online MUonium

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    Offline bighat

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  • Trump is Putin's butt buddy.
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    Online MUonium

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  • Trump is Putin's butt buddy.

    the absolute frightening question/answer is WHY?
    The following users thanked this post: The E-Man

    Offline The E-Man

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  • the absolute frightening question/answer is WHY?

    The question I'd like to know from Trump supporters, how can you turn a blind eye to a President that allows Russia to kill our soldiers and meddle in our election? Trump is a traitor and wanting to be a dictator!!!!

    Offline Taft#1

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  • The question I'd like to know from Trump supporters, how can you turn a blind eye to a President that allows Russia to kill our soldiers and meddle in our election? Trump is a traitor and wanting to be a dictator!!!!

    The only "source" who says that it true is the anonymous "source " but by all means believe it hook , line and sinker. How many of these anonymous stories have turned out to be true? If Biden gets in there , will you be as worked up about China helping him ?  After all , he has said China is our friend.

    When reporters start vanishing and family members are never heard from again , the army is goose stepping in the streets , then ill believe Trump is wanting to be a dictator but until then , basic common sense says otherwise
    « Last Edit: June 30, 2020, 11:51:46 AM by Taft#1 »

    Offline The E-Man

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  • The only "source" who says that it true is the anonymous "source " but by all means believe it hook , line and sinker. How many of these anonymous stories have turned out to be true? If Biden gets in there , will you be as worked up about China helping him ?  After all , he has said China is our friend.

    When reporters start vanishing and family members are never heard from again , the army is goose stepping in the streets , then ill believe Trump is wanting to be a dictator but until then , basic common sense says otherwise

    That's something that seems to be lacking with Trump supporters..
    « Last Edit: June 30, 2020, 12:07:28 PM by The E-Man »

    Offline The E-Man

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  • The only "source" who says that it true is the anonymous "source " but by all means believe it hook , line and sinker. How many of these anonymous stories have turned out to be true?

    The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

    Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by (North Carolina Republican Richard Burr), undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy.

    Offline Taft#1

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  • Ahhh , the Russian hoax yet agian . Nothing like a good hoax this close to the election. Your communist Ds need to run on their ideas instead of constantly making up stuff , see how many votes they would get then , of course they know better than to do that .

    Offline The E-Man

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  • Ahhh , the Russian hoax yet agian . Nothing like a good hoax this close to the election. Your communist Ds need to run on their ideas instead of constantly making up stuff , see how many votes they would get then , of course they know better than to do that .

    Hoax? Not according to " A REPUBLICAN LED COMMITTEE"..

    Offline 2xBison

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  • E you need to get up to speed

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Offline The E-Man

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  • E you need to get up to speed

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm just waiting on you to catch up, lol.. :)

    According to Trump, it's all a Hoax including Covid-19..

    Offline QuickStrike

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  • The only "source" who says that it true is the anonymous "source " but by all means believe it hook , line and sinker. How many of these anonymous stories have turned out to be true? If Biden gets in there , will you be as worked up about China helping him ?  After all , he has said China is our friend.

    When reporters start vanishing and family members are never heard from again , the army is goose stepping in the streets , then ill believe Trump is wanting to be a dictator but until then , basic common sense says otherwise

    Trump is this, Trump is that.  For 3 1/2 years the liberals have been completely wrong about President Trump.  During all this time they have proven to be the ones that act like Nazis.  Against free speech, against the 2nd amendment, brownshirt Democrats %^)#@s marching the streets, collusion with China to release the CV bio-weapon upon America, get nothing done in Congress but oppose Trump, wouldn't even back a Police Reform bill proposed by Trump.  Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer had over 100 years in Government, but Trump is the one to get Prison reform going.  Trump built the U.S. economy, and will do it again after the Democrats destroyed it.  Trump closed the border to travel to stop the spread of CV and Biden said not to do it.   These dumb CSers are too brainwashed to even attempt to debate anymore.  Even their 3 years of Russia lies being proven false by Obama's exposed corruption with the Obamagate dirty dossier to frame Trump, Russia collusion, the General Flynn frame up, the no basis for Mueller investigation and the no collusion found by Mueller investigation.  President Trump's military kills 300 Russians in February and the Democrats scream Trump's going to start WWIII.  How many Russian's did Obama , Biden, and Hillary kill?  That's right Obama was too busy tricking the American people while he was telling Vlad Putin he would have more flexibility after the election.  Hillary was too busy selling them uranium after she made the Russians a nice red reset button.  Bill Clinton was getting $500,000 per speech in Moscow.  Biden was shaking down China, Ukraine and others, Obama was supporting ISIS and giving Iran $150 Billion even though those terrorists were killing Americans. Trump kills terrorist leaders who target Americans and the Democrats take the side of the terrorists.  There is no debate.  The election is in November with Civil War to follow.,not%20showing%20up%20on%20X-rays%2C%20making%20treatment%20difficult.
    « Last Edit: June 30, 2020, 06:54:59 PM by QuickStrike »

    Offline The E-Man

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  • That's right Obama was too busy tricking the American people while he was telling Vlad Putin he would have more flexibility after the election.  giving Iran $150 Billion even though those terrorists were killing Americans. The election is in November with Civil War to follow.

    If you're going to have a narrative at least get your facts right.. Oh wait, that means you have to tell the truth, lol..

    Obama didn't meet Putin, he met then Russian President Medvedev. When President Obama did meet Putin, this is what happened, unlike Trump that's been Putin's puppet.

    As for Iran for the last time, it was their own money that was returned to them that had been frozen since 1979.

    In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.

    The $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane. The arrangement provided for the interest to be paid later.

    Offline Taft#1

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  • No , this is what happened when obama met Putin

    He had obama by the balls , what little balls he had if any , the whole eight years. The weakest President we ever had .
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    Offline Buffalo Bop

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  • Obama got tough with Putin when he told him to ‘cut it out’ on hacking. I’m sure Putin was shaking in his boots. LOL
    The following users thanked this post: Taft#1

    Offline The E-Man

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  • No , this is what happened when obama met Putin

    He had obama by the balls , what little balls he had if any , the whole eight years. The weakest President we ever had .

    What ever!!. That's why President Obama is rated higher than the worse President ever Donald Trump...Haters will hate...
    « Last Edit: June 30, 2020, 09:29:34 PM by The E-Man »

    Offline The E-Man

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    Offline Taft#1

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