Author Topic: If you were king of the United States what fifteen things would you do?  (Read 179 times)

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Offline pdunn

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  • For me:

    1.  Eliminate the Department of Education.  Give control of public education to local communities.
    2.  Outlaw teacher unions, making it illegal for teachers to strike, and institute merit-based pay increases, promotion and tenure for K-12 teachers.
    3.  Allow voucher-based school choice for parents, and a variety of platforms for K-12 schools.
    4.  Excise taxes on corporations that move manufacturing overseas in proportion to their savings in labor costs.
    5.  Eliminate the income tax and replace it with a tax on consumption.  The rationale is that an income tax penalizes productivity.  A consumption tax would encourage thrift and savings and discourage indebtedness.  Large exemptions for necessary expenditures.
    6.  Nationalized catastrophic health care coverage from birth.  Notice I did not say "universal cradle to grave health care coverage from everything from an ingrown toenail upward."
    7.  Overrule the Supreme Court decision in New York Times v. Sullivan to cause the press to be more careful and less politically biased in its reporting.
    8.  Regulate the internet and social media as a public utility.
    9.  Force federal elected representatives to participate in the legislation they impose on the populace.
    10.  Thoroughly review federal agencies, federal expenditures, and federal programs and liberally eliminate those that are blatantly political or serve no useful purpose or force those agencies to privatize and become part of the marketplace.
    11.  The United States is first and foremost a maritime power.  Establish a 600 ship navy, increase funding for Air Force and cyber-warfare capabilities, insist that NATO members pull their weight under pain of having the US pull out of it, and drastically reduce boots on the ground worldwide.
    12.  Stop making the federal bench a bunch of chancellors for whatever political party happens to control the senate and the presidency.  Expand the Supreme Court to 11.  All federal justices to be elected to six year terms by persons in their districts or circuits.  Each supreme court justice elected to a six year term in each of the eleven numbered federal circuits (DC Circuit excluded).  No term limits.
    13.  Eliminate diplomatic immunity for staff of the United Nations.  If they don't like it they can move to Geneva.
    14.  Isolate from world conflict as much as possible.  In particular, stop sending an envoy to negotiate an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, every president does it and they all wind up making a bigger mess than they had to start with. 
    15.  Stay out of wars unless provoked, but if provoked wage war with extreme prejudice and make it so awful for whatever nation chooses to fight that the threat of destruction actually becomes the deterrent it is supposed to be.
    16.  Elections should be a two day national holiday.  Polls should open at 12:01 AM the first day and close at midnight the second.  Exit polling cannot be released until after the polls have closed everywhere.

    Yeah, I know, I can't count.
    "On rainy days, the early justices would enliven case conferences with wine. On other days, even if the sun was shining, Chief Justice John Marshall would order wine anyway, saying, 'Our jurisdiction is so vast that it must be raining somewhere.' "

    Offline Taft#1

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  • 1. Punish employers who hire illegal aliens
    2. Term limits for elected officials , especially Congress.
    3. Cut the US contribution to the UN down to almost nothing
    4. Election day an official holiday with an ID required to vote
    5. Lower or change the tax system
    6. Get the unions out of politics and the school system
    7. Get the health insurance industry under control
    8. Require civics to be taught in schools again
    9. Require basic money skills to be taught in high schools
    10. Bring back shop class to schools
    11.Lower the interest rate credit card companies can charge.
    12. Limit the number of appeals death row inmates can have.
    13. Speed up the time it takes for cases to go to trial
    14. Have a plan to take better care of the elderly
    15. Have a plan to take better care of families with handicapped   kids.
    16. Stop giving our enemies money
    17. Dont allow factories that moved to China or Mexico to sell their products in the US.
    18. Build a 100ft tall wall along the southern border.

    Goodness , I have alot more but its getting late.

    Offline herdfan429

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  • One and only one. TERM LIMITS for congress

    Offline bighat

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  • Herdfan429, you finally have something we both can agree on.

    Offline svherd

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  • 1. Term limits for congress.
    2. Eliminate the congressional pension and lifetime healthcare.
    3. All college and professional cheerleaders must be topless
    4. Eliminate the department of education at the fed. and state levels.
    5. Eliminate standardized testing and the SAT/ACT tests.
    6. Make parents more responsible for their childs education, via tax penalties and wage garnishment for students who habitually miss school.
    7. Increase the coal and natural gas severance tax in the fossil fuel states by 25%
    8. Increase funding for small business and start ups.
    9. Disband WVU and make it a branch of Marshall
    10. Eliminate CNN as a network.
    11. Eliminate the cap on SSI tax wages.
    12. Make those on welfare work part time or work for a county, state or municipality - if able bodied.
    13. Increase penalties on drug arrests with major drug dealers getting the death penalty.
    14. Pass huge tax incentives and funding for corporations to bring jobs back to the USA.
    15. Make Viagara and Cialis free to all men and women who request it.

    Herd Rises
    Vision Campaign
    MU Foundation

    Offline 2xBison

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  • Term limits sound great and I support.  However,  I fear it could just make the overgrown bloated federal bureaucracy even more powerful. 

    If Trump gets term 2 I hope he cuts the hell out of federal government.

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