Author Topic: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .  (Read 1620 times)

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Offline coalherd

Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2020, 07:23:48 PM »
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  • They cancelled all their OOC games? Wow!

    I doubt we play ours now. It’s gonna be a snowball affect.

    If all Power Leagues follow suit, then l imagine the next step would be to move the season back or cancel it all together.  Doubt if the G5 and other FBS programs would have the inclination, or resources, to try and pick additional games to replace those lost with Power teams.

    Now if ALL Power leagues don't cancel their OOC games and the season starts on time, there may be some teams that may be looking for replacement games.  Say the ACC cancels their OOC games, but the Big 12 does not.  That would mean on September 5th, WVU won't be playing Florida State in Atlanta, and Marshall has an open date the same day.  Just saying . . .

    After all, if the ACC cancels OOC games, that means Pitt won't be coming to the JOAN on September 12th.

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #25 on: July 09, 2020, 07:23:48 PM »

    Offline elginherd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #26 on: July 09, 2020, 08:42:56 PM »
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  • You realize the CDC has been far more consistent than you are giving it credit for being and the changes and inconsistencies come from us discovering more information about an illness we had never seen until just a few months ago. There are illnesses that modern medicine has been battling for decades that we still learn new things about. With any new illness there is a massive learning curve and information is fluid. That's just how it is until we get more familar with this virus and the disease it causes.

    Finally, someone who DOES understand science and applied science.

    Most of the dudes on here don't even realize that the devices they are typing on are about millionth iteration of dicovering that doped silicon & germanium could be used instead of vacuum tube diodes & that Boolean algebra could be used as a computing machine language or that the internet was starting its evolution in the late 60's/early 70's as a means for scientists to exchange data worldwide...all funded by 'wasteful' spending by 5 or 6 national governments.

    In comparison, the worldwide knowledge of COVID-19 has been relatively quickly evolving and what is known will be modified relatively quickly.

    What is known (across several disciplines including epidemiology, fluid physics, aerodynamics) is that double layered cloth masks work both to help protect the individual & anyone close to him.
    Second, viral density is critical. Outdoors is much better than indoors.
    Third, limiting time indoors with people not in your household is critical.
    Those are now proven facts. The countries and the few US states that acted according to actual evidence are opening up. Most of the US, unfortunately, acted more like a 3rd world country.

    In memory of Dr Daniel P Babb who taught so much to so many.
    The following users thanked this post: lovetheherd2, Herdalum83

    Offline herdorbust

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #27 on: July 09, 2020, 08:54:07 PM »
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  • Finally, someone who DOES understand science and applied science.

    Most of the dudes on here don't even realize that the devices they are typing on are about millionth iteration of dicovering that doped silicon & germanium could be used instead of vacuum tube diodes & that Boolean algebra could be used as a computing machine language or that the internet was starting its evolution in the late 60's/early 70's as a means for scientists to exchange data worldwide...all funded by 'wasteful' spending by 5 or 6 national governments.

    In comparison, the worldwide knowledge of COVID-19 has been relatively quickly evolving and what is known will be modified relatively quickly.

    What is known (across several disciplines including epidemiology, fluid physics, aerodynamics) is that double layered cloth masks work both to help protect the individual & anyone close to him.
    Second, viral density is critical. Outdoors is much better than indoors.
    Third, limiting time indoors with people not in your household is critical.
    Those are now proven facts. The countries and the few US states that acted according to actual evidence are opening up. Most of the US, unfortunately, acted more like a 3rd world country.

    The following users thanked this post: Taft#1

    Offline HuntersvilleHerd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #28 on: July 09, 2020, 10:27:19 PM »
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  • CDC is like a weatherman. Continue being wrong and people take every word as gospel. Their stories have changed so many times my head is spinning.

    They certainly have a challenging job dealing with this pandemic. But one thing that that can be said unequivocally is that they know infinitely more about it than you do.
    The following users thanked this post: lovetheherd2

    Offline herdorbust

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #29 on: July 09, 2020, 10:42:08 PM »
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  • They certainly have a challenging job dealing with this pandemic. But one thing that that can be said unequivocally is that they know infinitely more about it than you do.

    I can keep changing my mind also. Not that hard. Gonna be easy pickings when they decide to really bring the hammer down. So many people falling right in line. I still say we should do the same thing for the flu and take serious the 50 million cases and 40,000 deaths a year. What if we could cut it to 20,000 deaths? Wouldn’t it be worth it?
    The following users thanked this post: herdfan129

    Offline HuntersvilleHerd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #30 on: July 09, 2020, 11:00:32 PM »
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  • I can keep changing my mind also. Not that hard. Gonna be easy pickings when they decide to really bring the hammer down. So many people falling right in line. I still say we should do the same thing for the flu and take serious the 50 million cases and 40,000 deaths a year. What if we could cut it to 20,000 deaths? Wouldn’t it be worth it?

    I agree, I don't know what he number is. 130k Covid deaths heading to 200k, would have been a million without the shutdown. Versus totally wrecking the economy and ruining lives another way. There are no great options. And if 40k flu deaths are acceptable but half a million Covid deaths are not, I guess someone drew a line somewhere in the middle. I'm certain when its all said & done, hindsight will show mistakes were made. But the easiest thing in the world to do right now is be an armchair epidemiologist/economist and say how obviously wrong the experts at the CDC or any other agency are. You wouldn't want their job right now and neither would I.
    The following users thanked this post: Herdalum83


    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #31 on: July 10, 2020, 11:37:50 AM »
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  • The shear misunderstanding about how science works is unbelievable.

    We all get how science works. It must be nice to be wrong over and over and over again...have people shame others for not believing in the "science" only for the "science" to eventually flip flop and agree with the original disagree-ers (only to probably flip flop again)...and then when someone points it just simply say, "Well, that's how science works." hahahahaha 

    Plus we have a host of "experts" who say one thing...and then another host of "experts" that say the opposite...and then other "experts" who say everything in between...all with doctorates, all devoted their lives to the science in question, all certified geniuses...but no one can come to a consensus. So you believe the "expert" that thinks like you, and I'll believe the "expert" that thinks like me. Kind of defeats the purpose in trusting an "expert" doesn't it?

    Hard for a rational person to put their faith and trust in the scientific community which truly does change like the weather and is truly wrong at the rate of weather men and also may be one of the most corrupt institutions in the world (where opinions are bought, bribed, and lobbied for).
    The following users thanked this post: herdorbust, herdfan129

    Offline Herdalum83

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #32 on: July 10, 2020, 11:47:12 AM »
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  • We all get how science works. It must be nice to be wrong over and over and over again...have people shame others for not believing in the "science" only for the "science" to eventually flip flop and agree with the original disagree-ers (only to probably flip flop again)...and then when someone points it just simply say, "Well, that's how science works." hahahahaha 

    Plus we have a host of "experts" who say one thing...and then another host of "experts" that say the opposite...and then other "experts" who say everything in between...all with doctorates, all devoted their lives to the science in question, all certified geniuses...but no one can come to a consensus. So you believe the "expert" that thinks like you, and I'll believe the "expert" that thinks like me. Kind of defeats the purpose in trusting an "expert" doesn't it?

    Hard for a rational person to put their faith and trust in the scientific community which truly does change like the weather and is truly wrong at the rate of weather men and also may be one of the most corrupt institutions in the world (where opinions are bought, bribed, and lobbied for).

    No, clearly you don't get it. They haven't ever definitively said anything at the beginning of all of this.. All of the experts have said things were unknown and the guidelines were based on the BEST information they had at the TIME and things would likely change as they learned more. If you actually read more than clickbait headlines and listened to the actual experts and not these "please be respectful" political pundits with their talk shows then maybe you would know that. Also, you all keep saying weathermen are wrong but I've rarely heard weathermen say things like "There is 100% chance of rain tomorrow" it's usually not an absolute, they give you a likelihood of weather based on a myriad of factors that no one on this board probably understands. If they say a 60% chance of rain tomorrow that doesn't mean rain is guaranteed it means you should be prepared for it because it's real likely. If you take that to be a guarantee that is on you.. Meteorologists are actually correct a ridiculous percentage of the time when you consider weather is also something that is totally fluid and can change drastically in a matter of minutes.

    Offline herdorbust

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #33 on: July 10, 2020, 11:52:39 AM »
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  • We all get how science works. It must be nice to be wrong over and over and over again...have people shame others for not believing in the "science" only for the "science" to eventually flip flop and agree with the original disagree-ers (only to probably flip flop again)...and then when someone points it just simply say, "Well, that's how science works." hahahahaha 

    Plus we have a host of "experts" who say one thing...and then another host of "experts" that say the opposite...and then other "experts" who say everything in between...all with doctorates, all devoted their lives to the science in question, all certified geniuses...but no one can come to a consensus. So you believe the "expert" that thinks like you, and I'll believe the "expert" that thinks like me. Kind of defeats the purpose in trusting an "expert" doesn't it?

    Hard for a rational person to put their faith and trust in the scientific community which truly does change like the weather and is truly wrong at the rate of weather men and also may be one of the most corrupt institutions in the world (where opinions are bought, bribed, and lobbied for).

    Agree. Science is a much needed requirement. But it is always striving and looking to make things better. The problem is it is always 100% believed and the gospel until they find out it wasn’t and make new recommendations. I don’t think anybody doesn’t think we don’t need it or it’s not a good thing. We absolutely need it. But they are wrong about a lot and constantly change their own claims. One example is first they said don’t wear them because it doesn’t do anything if you aren’t already sick. Now everyone should wear them. The CDC are the ones that screwed up the testing kits at first. It’s a very fluid situation not only for a virus but all science. Constantly changing.

    Offline Herdalum83

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #34 on: July 10, 2020, 12:02:35 PM »
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  • Agree. Science is a much needed requirement. But it is always striving and looking to make things better. The problem is it is always 100% believed and the gospel until they find out it wasn’t and make new recommendations. I don’t think anybody doesn’t think we don’t need it or it’s not a good thing. We absolutely need it. But they are wrong about a lot and constantly change their own claims. One example is first they said don’t wear them because it doesn’t do anything if you aren’t already sick. Now everyone should wear them. The CDC are the ones that screwed up the testing kits at first. It’s a very fluid situation not only for a virus but all science. Constantly changing.

    But it isn't constantly changing because they are WRONG it is constantly changing because the information they work off of in all science is constantly changing as we learn more about things, including COVID19. Things science has been studying for generations are pretty well set, the information on those sciences change with less frequently but we do still learn new things on even those things and that new information will change previously held beliefs or procedures. With something that is so new like COVID that change is going to be often and sporadic as new studies, tests ect are done and our knowledge of the virus/disease grows. You keep saying WRONG like experts stated things as fact, when in fact what they actually said was this is what we think right now based on what we know. They have said from the beginning that changes to the situation were going to be constant as they took in and came to an understanding on a multitude of information in a very short time frame. In late Feb/early March there were some doctors and experts that did suggest masks, but the evidence of them being successful wasn't out yet so the CDC and Fauci said they weren't necessary unless evidence came back that masks would be helpful. Since then several studies have been done by not just American scientists and doctors but ones from all over the world that have confirmed masks are helpful in stopping/slowing the spread. When the evidence became available the CDC started telling everyone it would be best to wear a mask. That's not being wrong. That's looking at information and making decisions as that info comes in.
    The following users thanked this post: sardistim, goherd73, elginherd, HaveUherd

    Offline svherd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #35 on: July 10, 2020, 12:34:10 PM »
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  • If anyone is to blame for all the chaos and inconsistencies of this pandemic it's the national media, who continue to push their ideals and narrative on the incredibly ignorant public. If CNN says it, it must be true without question. And social media, please, If its on Facebook, write it down as gospel and feel free to vent about how one belief and opinion is correct. LOL!

    Good article I read two weeks ago that said the AP so far has been the most accurate and unbiased source of information during this whole cluster bomb. CNN? It was near the bottom - as it should be.

    Herd Rises
    Vision Campaign
    MU Foundation
    The following users thanked this post: ed swain, herdorbust

    Offline HaveUherd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #36 on: July 10, 2020, 01:16:36 PM »
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  • If anyone is to blame for all the chaos and inconsistencies of this pandemic it's the national media, who continue to push their ideals and narrative on the incredibly ignorant public. If CNN says it, it must be true without question. And social media, please, If its on Facebook, write it down as gospel and feel free to vent about how one belief and opinion is correct. LOL!

    Good article I read two weeks ago that said the AP so far has been the most accurate and unbiased source of information during this whole cluster bomb. CNN? It was near the bottom - as it should be.

    Is whoever wrote the article you read considered ‘media’?

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #36 on: July 10, 2020, 01:16:36 PM »

    Offline svherd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #37 on: July 10, 2020, 02:00:59 PM »
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  • Is whoever wrote the article you read considered ‘media’?

    They are,  but some are independent and not bias. My uncle is an MU J school grad and Pulitzer Prize winner. He is in the MU JHOF.

    He just shakes his head at what he calls journalism these days and those who claim to be journalists. Obviously you enjoy CNN? It does have comedic value.

    Herd Rises
    Vision Campaign
    MU Foundation
    The following users thanked this post: ed swain, herdorbust

    Offline HaveUherd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #38 on: July 10, 2020, 02:23:52 PM »
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  • They are,  but some are independent and not bias. My uncle is an MU J school grad and Pulitzer Prize winner. He is in the MU JHOF.

    He just shakes his head at what he calls journalism these days and those who claim to be journalists. Obviously you enjoy CNN? It does have comedic value.

    I don’t watch CNN very much though I doubt they are as bad as whatever news you watch and probably perceive to be fair and balanced.

    Offline svherd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #39 on: July 10, 2020, 03:03:28 PM »
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  • I don’t watch CNN very much though I doubt they are as bad as whatever news you watch and probably perceive to be fair and balanced.

    I can assure you, I don't watch any network news. I get my information from various sources. Keep on trolling.

    Herd Rises
    Vision Campaign
    MU Foundation

    Offline Herdalum83

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #40 on: July 10, 2020, 03:08:49 PM »
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  • If anyone is to blame for all the chaos and inconsistencies of this pandemic it's the national media, who continue to push their ideals and narrative on the incredibly ignorant public. If CNN says it, it must be true without question. And social media, please, If its on Facebook, write it down as gospel and feel free to vent about how one belief and opinion is correct. LOL!

    Good article I read two weeks ago that said the AP so far has been the most accurate and unbiased source of information during this whole cluster bomb. CNN? It was near the bottom - as it should be.

    I read the same article on that study done of the national media. And I thought it was pretty accurate, however, as I recall CNN wasn't near the bottom but instead in the middle. Far below other mainstream media outlets such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, NPR, PBS, ABC, CBS, USA Today, The Wallstreet Journal, and Time Magazine. But just slightly better than mainstream outlets like MSNBC, and Fox News.

    The best outlets according to that study which was determined by having the least amount of bias and the least amount of factual errors or mistakes were the Associated Press (as you mentioned), Reuters, and Bloomberg.

    At the very bottom were outlets that fall outside of the mainstream with very obvious bias and usually a high amount of factual errors like The Blaze, Occupy Democrats, Breitbart, Forward Progressives, and Infowars.

    As far as the national TV news goes the best ranked were ABC and CBS news. So, while CNN wasn't near the bottom of the entire study it was considered one of the worst from a mainstream media perspective.

    As a graduate of Marshall's journalism program a former reporter for a Newspaper and a current teacher and documentary filmmaker. We have a big issue with news in this country, mainly all relate to the 24-hour news cycle and the misunderstanding of the audience on what is actually "news" and what is a pundit giving opinions on news topics. My suggestion to people is never trust just one source and to get information from as many different trusted sources as possible. Trusted in this sense meaning not the outlets that were at the bottom of this study.

    Offline herdorbust

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #41 on: July 10, 2020, 03:21:52 PM »
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  • CNN lies everytime they open their mouth. Don Lemon actually said Jesus said he wasn’t perfect. Total Jibberish.
    The following users thanked this post: ed swain

    Offline herdfan129

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #42 on: July 11, 2020, 12:08:33 AM »
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  • NCAA should just cancel the season and push all OOC dates/games back a year....then again COVID will still be around. Maybe we should just cancel the rest of our lives  ::)

    I bet some of you would hop on a government train if they said it was taking you to a government camp that is safe from COVID.

    COVID has a higher survival rate than the flu. That is a fact. That's also including the false deaths they have reported to increase the amount of COVID deaths.

    You guys can live in a bubble if you choose. I'm going to live my life and think for myself.
    The right way is always the right way- Coach Huff

    2020 National Soccer Champs!
    The following users thanked this post: Herdmeister, ed swain, herdorbust

    Offline herdorbust

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #43 on: July 11, 2020, 08:16:02 AM »
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  • NCAA should just cancel the season and push all OOC dates/games back a year....then again COVID will still be around. Maybe we should just cancel the rest of our lives  ::)

    I bet some of you would hop on a government train if they said it was taking you to a government camp that is safe from COVID.

    COVID has a higher survival rate than the flu. That is a fact. That's also including the false deaths they have reported to increase the amount of COVID deaths.

    You guys can live in a bubble if you choose. I'm going to live my life and think for myself.

    Exactly!!!! And we are not going to have a season. I just read wayne high school had one kid test positive on the football team so they are having a 14 day shut down and he is probably has no symptoms. I posted the other day about this. There is going to be a case or so here and there regardless. If one college player tested positive the tram would be down for at least 2 weeks. You cant have a season like that. There may be one game and then the next 3 trashed. Or teams just cancelling the season. I’m not expected college football or basketball and getting my hopes up. Unreal!!!!

    Offline SuperAnjario

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #44 on: July 11, 2020, 08:31:33 AM »
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  • CNN lies everytime they open their mouth. Don Lemon actually said Jesus said he wasn’t perfect. Total Jibberish.

    This is hilarious for reasons I doubt you understand. 
    The following users thanked this post: sardistim, goherd73, wasbarryb, elginherd, HaveUherd

    Offline herdorbust

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #45 on: July 11, 2020, 11:05:37 AM »
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  • This is hilarious for reasons I doubt you understand.

    Mph I understand!!!

    Offline herd2win

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #46 on: July 11, 2020, 01:00:56 PM »
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  • There is very little true journalism any longer..each network has a specific agenda.  CNN started and owned by Ted Turner who was married to the most left wing person in the world Jane Fonda..anyone who remotely thinks CNN is neutral must have just crawled out from under a rock today.


    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #46 on: July 11, 2020, 01:00:56 PM »

    Offline HaveUherd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #47 on: July 11, 2020, 01:39:02 PM »
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  • NCAA should just cancel the season and push all OOC dates/games back a year....then again COVID will still be around. Maybe we should just cancel the rest of our lives  ::)

    I bet some of you would hop on a government train if they said it was taking you to a government camp that is safe from COVID.

    COVID has a higher survival rate than the flu. That is a fact. That's also including the false deaths they have reported to increase the amount of COVID deaths.

    You guys can live in a bubble if you choose.I'm going to live my life and think for myself.


    The irony of this statement.
    The following users thanked this post: goherd73, wasbarryb

    Online wasbarryb

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #48 on: July 11, 2020, 01:51:25 PM »
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  • I think we’d be better off for sure if we listened to a dude named herdorbust off the internet about this than the CDC.

    I'm confident ole' Bust himself agrees with you on this and is confident that you are starting to see the light.
    The following users thanked this post: HaveUherd

    Offline HaveUherd

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #49 on: July 11, 2020, 02:10:47 PM »
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  • I can assure you, I don't watch any network news. I get my information from various sources. Keep on trolling.

    Ah, I see. Anyone that questions you is trolling.

    I also don’t care whatever it is you watch to get your news.

    Re: SHR- - Is this the beginning . . .
    « Reply #49 on: July 11, 2020, 02:10:47 PM »