Donald Trump is "unfit to be POTUS it's that simple"! You wont ever convince his cult followers that. Even Michael Cohen is busting Trump out and saying he has a cult following..Check this out,,
You want to know what's Noble worthy? It's not "Lying to the American People, about the Coronavirus and downplaying it".... " Mr. Trump Knew It Was Deadly and Airborne. He lied about the coronavirus anyway."
This coming from Trump's own mouth, ("the Coronavirus is 5 and half times more deadlier than the Flu") Hopefully, this will put a stamp on all of you who thinks the virus is a Hoax! and isn't that bad of a deal... Donald Trump hasn't fulfilled his Oath to protect the American people, talk about dereliction of duty. Trump should have been removed from office.. I can't wait until November, 3rd..