MU foundation and alumni have already put out the call for all to do their best to help recruit students; warning that severe cuts in programs and staff is going to have to happen if the enrollment doesn't jump up.
Although I'd love to see the school above 15,000, I'm not sure that its focus and calling shouldn't be an ever-growing high standards school of around 8,500 to 10,000 students. Think Tulsa, or such. The geographic platform is more like a school of that size, the facilities are as well. Sports don't have to suffer at that stage, fans are fans.
We need to have targets of fan size of both roundball and football; let's say 25,000 for football, and a solid 6,700 to 7,200 for football. Both of those are achievable at a 9,000 student university if the school focuses its strengths on fewer things and prioritizes their efforts.