Author Topic: Some more "outlier" thoughts  (Read 824 times)

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Re: Some more "outlier" thoughts
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2021, 06:05:26 PM »
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  • -The issue with the geosats' internet isn't really the 20 Mbps, it's the data caps where they throttle the speed after using a relativity small amount of data.

    -The buffering is not from your end. It's from the upload.

    You are correct about being in the woods. Additionally there are neighborhoods around Huntington that aren't well served with good broadband.

    Buffering occurs any time the amount of stream you are watching exceeds the portion downloaded.  Doesn't matter which end that happens on.  Take an on demand show from DirecTV which is internet based.  Start the show and fast forward. Once you get farther than you've downloaded while ff-ing it will stop and rebuffer every time.  Same as when you're just playing it on occasion.

    As for Netflix and the 6Mbps hi-def download, lol.  First off Netflix isn't the same as a live football game.  2nd Netflix may tell you that speed will work, but the first thing that happens is it will say not enough DL speed to maintain hi-def and switch you to standard.  Then it will continue to buffer with that little Netflix swirl through out the viewing if it doesn't outright kick you from the stream.  And of course all that is assuming that your kid doesn't hop on the internet and start downloading their own movie or music or start gaming while you are trying to watch Netflix.  You can't even get into the app sometimes with 6M due to all the animated links in the menus.

    Netflix will not run smoothly in hi-def until at least cable internet speeds on a TV.  It will run better on phone and tablet but they have apps with different compression built for mobile wi-fi and cellular data.

    Re: Some more "outlier" thoughts
    « Reply #25 on: September 23, 2021, 06:05:26 PM »