i can't be ungrateful for a 8-4, 9-4 season although that's about the average over 10 years and was really hoping for a little better. definitely a missed opportunity year.
Fancher's run threat gave me hope after the Colombi experiment (5th year guy- come on!?). that surely, Fancher, being the best choice on the roster, had to be decent with that run threat. had hope that he could eliminate most of the missed-by-a-mile passes. i concede the experiment has to be over.
Yes, i fear Huff & staff will have a lot of reloading to do, in every phase, starting at QB. i won't yell fire until there's a fire but i smell smoke and unfortunately that's nothing new. congrats to linemen on both sides, RBs and D for keeping it together.
i think the SBC will grow on me, certainly better than the roller coaster we had. the fans seem to be much more enthusiastic, the southern footprint and esp the east is very good, and we seem to be more welcomed that we were in the last two combined.