So? Xavier isn't ranked and not even receiving votes this year. But we can Bragg about our victories over FIU and Queens I guess. There is no level some of you will go to make excuses for Dan.
Is there no level you will go to demean and attack him daily? He's our coach for the WHOLE season, get used to it. Try rooting for him and the team like you did before something deeply pissed you off. The players were not really any better, but one year, then. X is in the big east, Oakland in the Horizon beat them at home....period. Oakland is a damn good mid-major program, has been for years.
The big question is why Aymeric and Obinna couldn't qualify to get onto the Cayman Islands. That, although staff should have hand it under control, isn't very excusable, unless it was political issues with their homelands and the Caymans.