No kidding. turned off all main stream media years ago. I'd imagine we can all find left- or right-wing pundits that are like minded to listen to on all the networks and that's one thing BUT the news from all is BS. I never realized how much BS propaganda is pushed on the American people and we have media that does not challenge government but is rather their propaganda arm....and the omitted news not covered is worse than the BS spin they actually do cover. Thank goodness Elon Musk purchase twitter and exposed the FBI roll in election interference and censorship. If our gov agencies were there, they probably were in the major news networks even before they were corrupting twitter. It's no wonder they all have the same story, usually verbatim. You are correct Flat tire, it is insulting, and the media has become so emboldened they spew nonsense you'd have to be not so smart to go along with.
I hope people realize it isn't left vs right, R vs D, lib vs con, but the Uniparty and their globalist allies that we should all be against. Give the country back to the will of the people and we can get back to arguing over taxes, killing babies, what rest room to use, public education, peace, and secure borders but for now...we should be worried about getting all those Uni Party Swamp rats from both sides of the aisle out of Washington. they represent other interests, not those of the American people/taxpayer.