Give us proof and you cannot. You and your cronies have been given ample opportunity to prove this and have not. Just because you repeat it over and over again does not make it true.
You are losing law suits for defaming people. You make a lie the truth.
51 intelligent agency officials lying about Biden laptop. FBI has had since 2018.
I've already provided you information on election historical outcomes, bell weather indicators and simple laws of statistics.
Now, I know the DOJ/alphabet agencies and the media told you no evidence of fraud and it was "most safe and secure" election in history and they even coined phrase "the big lie" for the sheep. But, those are the same people that have been proven to have lied to all of us in the ridiculous Russia probe and others...
Trump set record for votes incumbent president, and despite being continuously undermined had a successful Presidency by almost every objective measure.
Now if you want to believe that Joe set record for votes for all presidential candidates ever while not drawing crowds then that's on you. Especially, during a year with unprecedented mail in votes, when the media would have you believe 8 cities in 6 states (might be off a number or two but hope you have ability to get point)were so pissed off at Trump they drove election out come to point bell weather stats did not matter, nor do the laws of statistics well that's on you.
Go ahead and keep believing these war mongering corrupt fools can change the temperature of the

and while you are at it, get another shot.
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