Author Topic: You fellas in the midwest  (Read 1997 times)

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Offline MUther

You fellas in the midwest
« on: May 26, 2024, 04:48:48 PM »
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  • can shove your weather straight up..we don't want it.  Just had another tornado warning that touched off in Barboursville area.  Luckily it was just some rotation and a severe t-storm.  Would be different if we experienced this often and had shelters in place or something.

    You fellas in the midwest
    « on: May 26, 2024, 04:48:48 PM »

    Offline BigJimslade

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #1 on: May 27, 2024, 08:09:24 AM »
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  • can shove your weather straight up..we don't want it.  Just had another tornado warning that touched off in Barboursville area.  Luckily it was just some rotation and a severe t-storm.  Would be different if we experienced this often and had shelters in place or something.

    Thanks for the update

    Offline Buffalo Bop


    Online herdorbust2

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #3 on: May 27, 2024, 11:07:02 AM »
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    The following users thanked this post: Buffalo Bop

    Online gochneaur645

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #4 on: May 27, 2024, 01:26:09 PM »
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  • This will become more of the norm as the Earth breaks a new global temperature record every year.

    Tornadoes shouldn't be too bad because we'll mostly get baby ones, but we'll see a lot more of those straight-line high wind storms (derechos) like the one that wreaked havoc in April.

    Offline Herdiowa

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #5 on: May 27, 2024, 03:44:01 PM »
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  • Welcome to the show fellas

    Offline MUther

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #6 on: May 27, 2024, 05:02:32 PM »
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  • This will become more of the norm as the Earth breaks a new global temperature record every year.

    Tornadoes shouldn't be too bad because we'll mostly get baby ones, but we'll see a lot more of those straight-line high wind storms (derechos) like the one that wreaked havoc in April.

    Has more to do with the jet stream loop bringing that weather right to our doorstep and the transition from el nino to la nina occurring right now in the gulf.  Not coincidentally, the jet stream was in the same position during the 2012 derecho that occurred here.  But sure, global warming. 

    Offline coalherd

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #7 on: May 27, 2024, 06:28:27 PM »
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  • Has more to do with the jet stream loop bringing that weather right to our doorstep and the transition from el nino to la nina occurring right now in the gulf.  Not coincidentally, the jet stream was in the same position during the 2012 derecho that occurred here.  But sure, global warming.

    JULE HUFFMAN LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Online gochneaur645

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #8 on: May 27, 2024, 07:31:50 PM »
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  • Has more to do with the jet stream loop bringing that weather right to our doorstep and the transition from el nino to la nina occurring right now in the gulf.  Not coincidentally, the jet stream was in the same position during the 2012 derecho that occurred here.  But sure, global warming.

    Didn't know that about the jet stream. Definitely remember the one in 2012 though.

    But there's absolutely no doubt that the planet is getting warmer and that warmer air means more severe storms. Don't see how either of those things can be refuted.
    The following users thanked this post: elginherd

    Online herdorbust2

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #9 on: May 27, 2024, 07:47:13 PM »
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  • Didn't know that about the jet stream. Definitely remember the one in 2012 though.

    But there's absolutely no doubt that the planet is getting warmer and that warmer air means more severe storms. Don't see how either of those things can be refuted.

    The planet takes cycles of getting warmer and then getting cooler. Climate is always changing and always has. Don't buy into the global elites desire to control and transfer of money.
    The following users thanked this post: parshall2marshall, svherd, Buffalo Bop, miltonherdfan, THECHAMPISHERE, herdfan129

    Offline Herdiowa

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #10 on: May 27, 2024, 09:35:34 PM »
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  • The planet takes cycles of getting warmer and then getting cooler. Climate is always changing and always has. Don't buy into the global elites desire to control and transfer of money.
    I think it?s hilarious that they think they can tell you what?s coming 50 yrs down the road weather wise.  Heck they can even get a 72 hr forecast right in the Midwest.  It?s all a money and power grab.

    When I was growing up all we heard about was the impending ice age.  😂
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    Online herdorbust2

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #11 on: May 27, 2024, 09:50:27 PM »
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  • I think it?s hilarious that they think they can tell you what?s coming 50 yrs down the road weather wise.  Heck they can even get a 72 hr forecast right in the Midwest.  It?s all a money and power grab.

    When I was growing up all we heard about was the impending ice age.  😂

    They have gotten smarter though. It was global warming and that wasn't working for them. So then they went with climate change to cover all their bases. To much snow? Covered lol!!! And they were making dire predictions 5-10 years out. Then that caught up with them. Now they are saying if we don't start caving to their thinking then we only have 50 years left.

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #11 on: May 27, 2024, 09:50:27 PM »

    Offline TomorrowHERD

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #12 on: May 28, 2024, 01:33:37 AM »
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  • I will trade you our Alaska weather for your Midwest weather any time!!!!  (But I get to keep my pay rate ;)
    We are looking at another cold and rainy summer again this year. 

    "I am for a government that is rigorously frugal and simple. Were we directed from Washington when to sow, when to reap, we should soon want bread."
    "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
    "I predict future hapiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."-Thomas Jefferson


    Offline MUther

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #13 on: May 28, 2024, 01:41:26 PM »
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  • Didn't know that about the jet stream. Definitely remember the one in 2012 though.

    But there's absolutely no doubt that the planet is getting warmer and that warmer air means more severe storms. Don't see how either of those things can be refuted.

    Not refuting it, necessarily, but just attributing this circumstance to other factors that are known to be occurring at this time.  A net increase of 1.4 degrees centigrade over 150 years of industrial emission isn't going to suddenly create a problem in a specific area that rarely has dangerous conditions, apart from flooding, because you can't walk 10 dang feet without crossing a river or a stream around here.

    According to climate alarmists in the 90s, we should have been underwater by now, been experiencing super hurricanes with 300 mph winds, and have no ice left with fresh water creating a completely new ocean current driving the climate of the world.  While not saying these things may not occur over the next several hundred or thousand years, that time table doesn't sell articles, green products, and carbon credits.  Chicken Littling has huge financial repercussions if you get enough people worried.

    According to climate alarmists in the 70s we should be under an ice flow right now, but there wasn't any way to profit from that prediction because they couldn't make it man made phenomena and then sell us ways to combat the effect.

    One can believe we are damaging the world, very slowly, without also believing that Armageddon is perpetually around the corner.

    I have a degree in natural and aquatic resources that I obtained in Alaska in the 90s which is a very measurably sensitive area to climate change.  It just didn't register as much of a problem though extensive testing and research prior to Gore's movie.  Then suddenly the world is ending and he owned a company that developed software on calculating carbon emissions and distribution of a ration system on a global scale that makes countries accountable for their emissions and allows for the trading of those carbon units.  He set that up ahead of his Inconvenient Truth documentary.  Altruism is not his strong suit.  He profited from panic.  And he left those of us with observable data from the field a bit skeptical.  That is how that can be at least tempered if not refuted.
    The following users thanked this post: herdorbust2

    Offline MUther

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #14 on: May 28, 2024, 01:52:35 PM »
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  • I will trade you our Alaska weather for your Midwest weather any time!!!!  (But I get to keep my pay rate ;)
    We are looking at another cold and rainy summer again this year.

    Where are you at in Alaska?  I mean SE is always going to be cold and rainy but interior gets hot and humid.  When I was in Fairbanks it could hit 95 in the summer and I saw a thermometer read -62 in the winter.  157 degree temperature swing that year.  Definitely takes some getting used to.  While in Southeast, 20 degree winter and 70-80 summer was more common with rain/mist probably 3 out 4 days.
    The following users thanked this post: herdfan129

    Online gochneaur645

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #15 on: May 28, 2024, 02:31:56 PM »
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  • According to climate alarmists in the 70s we should be under an ice flow right now, but there wasn't any way to profit from that prediction because they couldn't make it man made phenomena and then sell us ways to combat the effect.

    The idea that anything but a minority of scientists were predicting cooling in the 70's is a popular myth that seems to be based around a couple of irresponsible articles published by Newsweek and Time from that decade. The vast majority of actual scientists were predicting warming even then. Obviously the media is imperfect, but I'm not buying the grand conspiracy idea. I also don't doubt that Al Gore was trying to profit, but that doesn't discount the overwhelming scientific consensus.

    And yeah some people do chicken little and create too much panic. But a large chunk of that 1.4 degrees has come in the last 40 (and especially 20) years as the 3rd world rapidly industrialized. The current rate of warming would put that to 4 degrees by 2100 which I think is fair to say would be pretty catastrophic for large swaths of the more vulnerable parts of the planet. I think we're finally getting around to realizing the danger and will eventually curb that number though.

    Getting back to WV and storms, I read that the warming is causing the traditional tornado alley to shift more into the Ohio Valley and mid-South, which is why I made my original post.
    The following users thanked this post: elginherd, MUther

    Offline 2xBison

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #16 on: May 28, 2024, 02:47:32 PM »
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  • Didn't know that about the jet stream. Definitely remember the one in 2012 though.

    But there's absolutely no doubt that the planet is getting warmer and that warmer air means more severe storms. Don't see how either of those things can be refuted.

    speaking of 2012, isn't that about the time the polar ice caps were supposed to melt?
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    The following users thanked this post: Buffalo Bop, MUther, herdfan129, herdorbust2

    Online Flat Tire 2

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #17 on: May 28, 2024, 03:29:52 PM »
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  • It appears that the Earth has undergone some extreme changes of weather temperatures over long periods of time. The North and South Poles have been covered with rain forests 50-90 million years ago. There also have been five major ice ages on the planet.
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    Online gochneaur645

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #18 on: May 28, 2024, 04:50:46 PM »
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  • speaking of 2012, isn't that about the time the polar ice caps were supposed to melt?

    No, that's when the world was supposed to end because of the Mayan calendar. Duh.
    The following users thanked this post: MUther


    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #19 on: May 28, 2024, 05:18:15 PM »
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  • Did you entire the Capitol on Jan 6
    Or did you stay outside and protest

    With a name like BigJimslade I would have never thought you'd be a flaming libtard...but at the same time you are completely obnoxious and add absolutely nothing to the it's definitely conceivable and kind of makes sense now. You and Biden both make about as much sense (which is absolutely none) when you say something so at least you have that in common with your hero.
    « Last Edit: May 29, 2024, 02:53:09 PM by THECHAMPISHERE »
    The following users thanked this post: TomorrowHERD, MUther, HerdFan1114, herdfan129, herdorbust2

    Offline Herdiowa

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #20 on: May 29, 2024, 09:15:46 AM »
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  • The idea that anything but a minority of scientists were predicting cooling in the 70's is a popular myth that seems to be based around a couple of irresponsible articles published by Newsweek and Time from that decade. The vast majority of actual scientists were predicting warming even then. Obviously the media is imperfect, but I'm not buying the grand conspiracy idea. I also don't doubt that Al Gore was trying to profit, but that doesn't discount the overwhelming scientific consensus.

    And yeah some people do chicken little and create too much panic. But a large chunk of that 1.4 degrees has come in the last 40 (and especially 20) years as the 3rd world rapidly industrialized. The current rate of warming would put that to 4 degrees by 2100 which I think is fair to say would be pretty catastrophic for large swaths of the more vulnerable parts of the planet. I think we're finally getting around to realizing the danger and will eventually curb that number though.

    Getting back to WV and storms, I read that the warming is causing the traditional tornado alley to shift more into the Ohio Valley and mid-South, which is why I made my original post.
    Dont get sucked in by what they say watch what they do.  Look at all those oceanfront estates from the Elites.  Seems as though they are really terrified of rising sea levels doesn?t it.  😵‍💫

    You also forgot the 60 minutes specials, the continuous national news broadcasts amongst everything else on the impending Ice Age.  I lived it.  My mom was terrified.  Thankfully she wised up. 
    The following users thanked this post: herdfan129

    Offline 2xBison

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #21 on: May 29, 2024, 01:16:58 PM »
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  • No, that's when the world was supposed to end because of the Mayan calendar. Duh.

    I was off a couple of years.  Al Gore in 2009 that would/could happen in next 5-7 years.  duh

    In a Dec. 14, 2009, speech at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, Gore suggested the possibility of the Arctic losing some or all of its ice in the summer months within five to seven years, citing researchers associated with the Naval Postgraduate School.
    QB Club
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    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #21 on: May 29, 2024, 01:16:58 PM »

    Online gochneaur645

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #22 on: May 29, 2024, 03:16:06 PM »
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  • I was off a couple of years.  Al Gore in 2009 that would/could happen in next 5-7 years.  duh

    In a Dec. 14, 2009, speech at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, Gore suggested the possibility of the Arctic losing some or all of its ice in the summer months within five to seven years, citing researchers associated with the Naval Postgraduate School.

    Al Gore isn't a scientist. I'm not concerned with what he or various media outlets in the 70's said.

    That being said, the Arctic is losing ice at an accelerating and unprecedented (at least in thousands of years) pace. Losing on average the size of Nebraska every year over the last 15 years. Current trend would mean an ice-free Arctic summer by 2050.

    Dont get sucked in by what they say watch what they do.  Look at all those oceanfront estates from the Elites.  Seems as though they are really terrified of rising sea levels doesn?t it.  😵‍💫

    If you really wanna pay to attention to what "they" do, look at all the major insurance companies in the last couple years that have stopped offering policies on homes in FL, CA, and other vulnerable areas. Probably no better sign that the problem is real than that.

    Online herdorbust2

    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #23 on: May 29, 2024, 03:40:50 PM »
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  • Al Gore isn't a scientist. I'm not concerned with what he or various media outlets in the 70's said.

    That being said, the Arctic is losing ice at an accelerating and unprecedented (at least in thousands of years) pace. Losing on average the size of Nebraska every year over the last 15 years. Current trend would mean an ice-free Arctic summer by 2050.

    If you really wanna pay to attention to what "they" do, look at all the major insurance companies in the last couple years that have stopped offering policies on homes in FL, CA, and other vulnerable areas. Probably no better sign that the problem is real than that.

    Tell me when I can actually see a rising sea level. It's not happening. It's all a hoax!!! There will be times when the ice becomes larger in mass in the arctic. Things never stay exactly the same with weather daily, yearly or century. We had people worried 50 years ago about another ice age. Just stop worrying about this. And BTW I've also heard scientists say the opposite of what the climate alarmists are preaching. Depends on what scientists you talk too. The liberal left climate pushing scientist will push their agenda. Again, when it starts affecting my life or I can sea the sea level actually higher etc then I'll look at it differently. But so far there is zilch!!!!
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    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #24 on: May 29, 2024, 03:53:51 PM »
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  • If you really wanna pay to attention to what "they" do, look at all the major insurance companies in the last couple years that have stopped offering policies on homes in FL, CA, and other vulnerable areas. Probably no better sign that the problem is real than that.

    I wonder (and I don't know the answer to this) how many cranes are in the sky in Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, St. Petersburg, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton. What do you think? Is there zero? 5? 15? 30? 125? Aren't all those projects also insured by someone in someway? Did they get insurance? It seems the people who would know...the most elite...the 1% of the 1%, the people that are highly intelligent, the people who have the $$ on the line, the people who are actually making the investments, the committees that are formed to assess feasibility, the people who have unlimited resources and the most privileged access to data, those who research and build for a living...don't seem to care in the least about climate change. I think that speaks volumes. Nobody builds and invests in a multi-billion dollar 30 story high rise if they foresee any real chance of it sitting in water in 10 years, or 20 years, or 30 years. And nobody builds it if nobody will insure it...and yet...the people with the absolute most access to data...and with the absolute most on the line keep building and keep insuring.
    « Last Edit: May 29, 2024, 03:57:31 PM by THECHAMPISHERE »
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    Re: You fellas in the midwest
    « Reply #24 on: May 29, 2024, 03:53:51 PM »