His agent may have strung this out too long. Someone said he was using USM to leverage us and it's been known for a while that Smith wanted to move on.
Huff has rejcted previous extensions from us. He should have aprreciated this job more instead of always having one foot out the door.
Maybe he ends up staying. Maybe we have a new coach. There's still a lot going on and a win on Saturday may change everything. Allegedly we told Huff after the bowl loss that extension talk would only happen if he wins the conference.
No offense to you, but this "rejected previous extensions" is getting old. First of all, I am not sure they offered Huff extenstions. Second, maybe Smith thought he low ball it to Huff like he did with the basketball coach. This whole process smells and the MU administration dropping rumors is very unethical.
No offense to Gibson, I am sure he is great person. But here we go again hiring a 50 year old assistant/coordinator. If Gibson was thought to be a hot property, he would have been a head coach years ago. Maybe he just decided to be a head coach at the end of his career like Doc. Here comes ole MU to give him his chance.
He will make you WV boys happy. I bet he won't be personable ( I could use another term, but I won't go there) like Huff and most of you will be happy.
I am afraid this hire is Doc 2.0. I was going to give a couple of grand today for the matching Big Green match today. I am not doing that now and I will donate to the academic side after I cool down.