Author Topic: Flash of Lightening  (Read 900 times)

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Offline wasbarryb

Flash of Lightening
« on: December 08, 2024, 06:21:14 AM »
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  • Some of you people are acting like losing Huff is the equivalent to loosing lightening in a bottle while I see him as a flash in a pan.

    Face it this has been his one good year and it was nowhere near perfect, for every real success Huff has had, he has had a failure, year in and year out. This year?s Conference Championship barely happened after Ga State.  Even the JMU game was a skin of our teeth OT victory after hardly showing up the first half. The great ND victory was followed by BG.  Whether you Huffers want to admit it of not Huff?s time here is nowhere near what we had with Pruett, Donnan, or Chaump.  In fact, his winning per centage at Marshall (.615) places him .003 per centage points above Doc?s record.

    I?m more worried about losing Braxton than Huff.  And let?s not forget Huff started the year with Earle.  Even after Braxton emerged Huff was predicting that Earl would still play significant time and might even start some games, depending on the opponent.  Face it Huff just isn?t the best we?ve ever had, his time here has been middle of the pack and his overall record isn?t any better than Parrish at .614 or Doc?s. In Braxton Huff finally got lucky, he isn?t a Bobby Pruett who consistently spotted talent other coaches missed.  I can?t help noticing Tula went 3-9 this year without Braxton, time will tell, but I?m convinced this year?s Herd record is more one of getting lucky than a reflection of greatness.

    I?m one who has consistently argued for hiring an HC with lower division HC experience.  I also object to hiring guys with WVU ties.  Gibson doesn?t fit those goals. I also consistently argue that Marshall?s place in the football hierarchy dictates any HC will either be hired away within four years or he should be fired.  In Huff?s case he probably would have been kept if it wasn?t for stupid moves by Huff himself.  Stupid moves every year has been a hallmark of Huff?s tenure. 

    I don?t know how Gibson will turn out, but we?ve been here before and we?ll be here again.  I?m ready for it.  For those of you whining and rolling in self-pity, I feel sorry for you, but I also wish you?d go away and stop dragging everyone else down.  You couldn?t even enjoy one glorious night, and if we defeat SMU this afternoon, you?ll probably spoil that with your endless bitching and whining then too.
    The following users thanked this post: muherd34, Herdalum94

    Flash of Lightening
    « on: December 08, 2024, 06:21:14 AM »

    Offline CollegeFBfan

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #1 on: December 08, 2024, 06:55:38 AM »
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  • And....He's a f-l-u-f-f: a liar, a fraud, a fake, a joke, he's never even been a coordinator!   He talks out of the side of his mouth!  A group of us should get together and follow him out of town just to make sure he doesn't steal something

    Bring on Phony Gibson! 

    Offline thunderingon

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #2 on: December 08, 2024, 07:09:49 AM »
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  • And....He's a f-l-u-f-f: a liar, a fraud, a fake, a joke, he's never even been a coordinator!   He talks out of the side of his mouth!  A group of us should get together and follow him out of town just to make sure he doesn't steal something

    Bring on Phony Gibson!

    You forgot ?Sun Belt Champion?. If the unrealistic faction of this fan base doesn?t learn something from this, it will be repeated. Sometimes, in fact, you do have to ?trust the process? and give coaches time.
    The following users thanked this post: ru4mu2, Flat Tire 2, herdorbust2

    Offline CollegeFBfan

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #3 on: December 08, 2024, 08:23:51 AM »
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  • You forgot ?Sun Belt Champion?. If the unrealistic faction of this fan base doesn?t learn something from this, it will be repeated. Sometimes, in fact, you do have to ?trust the process? and give coaches time.

    No I did NOT!  Cus, it wer an accident!  Notre Dame accident, Virginia Tech accident!

    He?s whatcha call accident prone!  He?s only won 32 games in four years!  That?s only 8 games a season!

    He ain?t no Pruett or Holiday

    These teams in this league don?t care about football like them ole southern conference, MAC and CUSA version 4 did, those leagues wer stacked with nothing but good tems, not like this mess we play now

    Offline thunderingon

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #4 on: December 08, 2024, 08:34:24 AM »
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  • No I did NOT!  Cus, it wer an accident!  Notre Dame accident, Virginia Tech accident!

    He?s whatcha call accident prone!  He?s only won 32 games in four years!  That?s only 8 games a season!

    He ain?t no Pruett or Holiday

    These teams in this league don?t care about football like them ole southern conference, MAC and CUSA version 4 did, those leagues wer stacked with nothing but good tems, not like this mess we play now

    That is some of the dumbest stuff I?ve ever read on this forum and that?s saying something. I hope you are being sarcastic.
    The following users thanked this post: Garbanjo, parshall2marshall, ru4mu2, horsrman, Flat Tire 2

    Offline jdonaccbus

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #5 on: December 08, 2024, 08:44:41 AM »
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  • Interesting title as it relates to Huff, Marshall and "Flash of Lightening".

    It was a "Flash of Lightening" that gave a man at the school a well-paid job at the school for a total of 10 years.The "Flash of Lightening" also gave this man the right to name his successor following two 20-loss seasons in three years.

    Is there a dichotomy with the "Flashes of Lightening" at Marshall?

    Offline MUther

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #6 on: December 08, 2024, 08:53:00 AM »
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  • That is some of the dumbest stuff I?ve ever read on this forum and that?s saying something. I hope you are being sarcastic.

    He obviously went to the BigJimSlade, LordHawHaw school of posting. 

    31-3 is no accident on someone else's turf.
    Doc never won them all, and Pruett never did it with an Ohio State on his schedule.  Very rare to finish undefeated in FBS.  We're fortunate to be one of the few.  Maybe 1-2 teams do it out of over 120 each year.  Zero teams were undefeated this year.  And even that '99 team barely squeaked by in the title game.  It's always "lightning" in a bottle to win them all for any team.  And this is no MAC schedule.
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    Offline whf

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #7 on: December 08, 2024, 08:58:53 AM »
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  • I think folks forget the position we were in half way through the season last year, we truly were desemated with injuries. Maybe we should have been better prepared for it, but few programs at our level ever are. THIS YEAR, he got enough kids into town to handle it. And that was his plan, resulting in a championship.  I don't see a flash in a pan at all, I see a coach willing to keep learning, keep growing himself and the people around him; who has a deep belief that if you build a plan and work it hard enough, day by day, you'll be victorious.  And he proved it worked for him and his staff.
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    Offline ThunderValley

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #8 on: December 08, 2024, 09:30:17 AM »
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  • I could care less where a coach comes from. If he is from WVU or Miami Ohio it does not matter to me. What matters is bottom line, that is winning at Marshall. We can't pick and choose a coach just because he was born somewhere or was at a certain university. We are looking for one thing, make Marshall a winner.
    The following users thanked this post: Flat Tire 2, Herdalum94

    Offline CollegeFBfan

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #9 on: December 08, 2024, 09:44:24 AM »
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  • I could care less where a coach comes from. If he is from WVU or Miami Ohio it does not matter to me. What matters is bottom line, that is winning at Marshall. We can't pick and choose a coach just because he was born somewhere or was at a certain university. We are looking for one thing, make Marshall a winner.

    That?s exactly what happened and ruined this year, for the first time in about 20 years Marshall didn?t have an amazing former WVU coach or player on the staff and look how horrible things went!

    We play for championships is a stupid motto

    It?s should be we hire from a list of WVU coaches that aren?t good enough to get hired by WVU and we ain?t smart enough to put that together, fool me 14 times shame on you!


    Offline herdinphilly

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #10 on: December 08, 2024, 09:51:14 AM »
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  • Trash Huff after he wins a championship? What a joke!
    The following users thanked this post: jdonaccbus, Flat Tire 2, The E-Man, MUther, herdorbust2

    Offline CollegeFBfan

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #11 on: December 08, 2024, 09:57:27 AM »
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  • And Marshall really owes it to WVU, since they?ve been such good partners with us.  Just thank We?ve played 60 straight years in a row, home n home, in football and basketball and they so generous with the funding

    It?s the least we can do to sacrifice our football program to help those coaches they reject get state pensions

    Tie the season to give - I say we givem control of everything we have, as a pay back for bein sweethearts

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #11 on: December 08, 2024, 09:57:27 AM »

    Offline herdorbust2

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #12 on: December 08, 2024, 10:01:32 AM »
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  • Trash Huff after he wins a championship? What a joke!

    The guy that started this thread is a joke.

    Offline svherd

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #13 on: December 08, 2024, 11:21:29 AM »
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  • No I did NOT!  Cus, it wer an accident!  Notre Dame accident, Virginia Tech accident!

    He?s whatcha call accident prone!  He?s only won 32 games in four years!  That?s only 8 games a season!

    He ain?t no Pruett or Holiday

    These teams in this league don?t care about football like them ole southern conference, MAC and CUSA version 4 did, those leagues wer stacked with nothing but good tems, not like this mess we play now

    He's better than Holliday by a mile. That said, ESPN has a nice piece on the situation. Posted in another thread. The more I read, MU brass did the right thing and proctected the university. He is gone to USM, lol. Marshall football will live on. Wish the situation would have turned out differently

    Herd Rises
    Vision Campaign
    MU Foundation
    The following users thanked this post: HerdFanJ, parshall2marshall, horsrman, herdfifteen

    Offline muherd34

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #14 on: December 08, 2024, 11:34:40 AM »
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  • How about just a Thank you to Huff.  Bask in the glory of the Championship, then let?s move on and win some more. Go Herd

    Member since: April-24-2006
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    Offline Buffalo Bop

    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #15 on: December 08, 2024, 12:03:08 PM »
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    Re: Flash of Lightening
    « Reply #15 on: December 08, 2024, 12:03:08 PM »