I hope so. It's been so tight around Herdville for the last 15 years. I mean Wolf had to change the name of the pay board.
Looks like all the rumors were right. The fanbase knew the whole story, what, 3 or so days ago? Many of us knew Huff was gone for months.
The heaviest smoke did lead to real fires. The jet/plane tracking records. All of the Herd fan sleuths, detectives, and those with inside info out there (who were willing to give it up) really painted an accurate and predictable picture of today and the next few days. Looking at the most logical rumors, reading between the lines, and the tidbits of info here and there gave most of us an idea of what to expect.
I missed those days where there was juicy info on this board...I hope it continues...
TODAY was a win for the "Rumor" & "Insider Info"!!