We just recently re-assigned a head coach.....a good ole' WV guy. He had a lot of friends. He spent a lot of time talking to them and letting assistants run the show. He told great stories. He played the part for the fan base. He got to stick around 10 years despite the big picture of things having average results during a good portion of his tenure. He got extremely lazy, very complacent, but drew a big salary during his last few years of his tenure. That type of act is what is getting old to a lot of us. The message almost seems "be content with mediocrity". If it wasn't for Kim Caldwell coming in here for one year and showing people what a true person with championship acumen can do, I would say that guy would still be getting by with the charades he was pulling his last three years.
I am over Huff. He is gone. I support Gibson because I support Marshall financially. I don't know what type of support these posters want for Gibson. Do they want me to be there this week with pom-poms? The guy has support. He is getting paid more than any coach here, supposedly his salary pool for assistants is at an all-time high, he has a hell of a long contract for a guy that has never been a college head coach, supposedly the football budget has gone up......he has support! I hope people on this board and on Facebook don't run down his wife with false accusations and slander. I hope Gibson wins and wins big. I would prefer a more open search for the next head coach, but we don't do that.
Sorry if it offends, but I don't care about the country boy stuff. I could care less. I listened to the good ole' boy stories from another coach the past several years. I also listened to his critiques of how fans should be. One head coach here was given a much longer leash than a coach that just left. Say what you want, but that is a fact. That is the stuff I am sick of. Yes, the double-standards. If a guy has financial support like no other coach has, then that is the support he needs. It is his job at over a million a year for six years to find a way to get the job done. Blaming fans is a cop out if he doesn't get it done. I hope he wins.