Author Topic: Did Charles Huff, Sharrod Everett and Telly Lockett really tell players to sit?  (Read 3851 times)

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Offline rileylives

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  • Can we please get to the bottom of this!?

    What happened, what proof is there?

    Offline NewfieHerdFan

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  • If Huff is responsible for the mass exodus, why would he be so vindictive? Did he think Marshall embarrassed him with the no extension? Feels like there was some major animosity. Weird.

    Offline D1

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  • Can we please get to the bottom of this!?

    What happened, what proof is there?
    I wasn't there, but have been told by multiple players who attended the team meeting the day after the championship game that Lockette stood in front of the team as the interim head coach and told the group that they all should enter the portal.  Each story I've heard from the players independently seem to be consistent.  I don't know about Sherrod, but his last day was Thursday, I'm glad he's gone. 

    Like I stated in another post, I appreciate the good times the last 4 years, but I'm glad the Huff era is over and that we have Tony Gibson leading us into the future.
    The following users thanked this post: Garbanjo, herdfan93, jdherd, miltonherdfan, rileylives

    Online svherd

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  • It's been circulated widely that Fluff encouraged all players to explore the portal. And from what I hear Everett is trashing the program all over the place on social media. Seeing some true professionalism and class coming from those guys. NOT!

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    Offline miltonherdfan

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  • If Huff is responsible for the mass exodus, why would he be so vindictive? Did he think Marshall embarrassed him with the no extension? Feels like there was some major animosity. Weird.

    contrary to the popular theme on this site a wk or so ago, CH wasn't leaving us for USM.  everybody was whining about how bad that would make us look, that he'd "prefer" there to here.  as i said then, he went there b/c he wasn't wanted (on HIS terms) here.  & as E-man pointed out, you can see in his last presser he wanted to stay here.  he's not at USM b/c he'd rather be there or b/c they're "higher on the totem pole" than we are -- he's there b/c that's the most prestigious place that was willing to employ him on his terms, a 1-7 SBC team.

    so, yeah, i'm sure he's harboring a lot of animosity toward our admin -- look at where's at right now (USM)!  he stayed in the same conference, & went from 1st to last!
    The following users thanked this post: Garbanjo, carolinaherdfan, NewfieHerdFan, VA Herd Fan, luckytoes99

    Offline herd2win

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  • This should be easy to expose.  If anyone sees this posted by anyone just repost on here.  Also, for the players that are staying, ask them if they were encouraged to enter the portal.

    Are all of the players going to Southern Miss? 
    The following users thanked this post: miltonherdfan

    Offline gochneaur645

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  • How could we have been so blind to the situation to name Lockette the interim?

    Offline miltonherdfan

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  • ralph street's staying, he should also be able to testify as to what was said

    Offline miltonherdfan

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  • How could we have been so blind to the situation to name Lockette the interim?

    the same blindness that named 1 of DD's assts MBB coach-in-waiting.  just a total lack of care on BS's part about athletics, since he's supposedly in charge of MBB & FB hires?
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    Offline jdonaccbus

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  • What a PR nightmare!

    The national media right now is controlling the narrative, and it will only get worse unless we make a definitive statement.

    We were never out in front of this situation from the get go. We tried the approach of letting certain leaks get out to Herd fans and hoping that they believe it.
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    Online herdorbust2

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  • the same blindness that named 1 of DD's assts MBB coach-in-waiting.  just a total lack of care on BS's part about athletics, since he's supposedly in charge of MBB & FB hires?

    Hopefully people start opening their eyes. Not sold on Smith at all.
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    Offline Scottyo614

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  • Lockette more faithful to Huff than the Herd. Interesting seeing as how that relationship extends longer here. Makes it more obviously why they are pushing the people who want to be here deal.

    Yall are blowing up. I get the idea to want someone to respond, but in a month this will be gone. No need to act. Just let things play out. Kids are already committing and recommitting. It'll be ok.
    The following users thanked this post: carolinaherdfan, biggreenarms, thelonderee

    Offline gochneaur645

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  • What a PR nightmare!

    The national media right now is controlling the narrative, and it will only get worse unless we make a definitive statement.

    We were never out in front of this situation from the get go. We tried the approach of letting certain leaks get out to Herd fans and hoping that they believe it.

    I'm seeing far more people putting the blame on the system than on us.
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    Offline gochneaur645

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  • Lockette more faithful to Huff than the Herd. Interesting seeing as how that relationship extends longer here. Makes it more obviously why they are pushing the people who want to be here deal.

    Yall are blowing up. I get the idea to want someone to respond, but in a month this will be gone. No need to act. Just let things play out. Kids are already committing and recommitting. It'll be ok.

    I mostly agree with letting it play out, but what do you mean about Lockette being more faithful than Huff?

    Do you have evidence to disprove what other posters are saying about him? Because he needs to be on the curb yesterday if what they're saying is true.

    Offline Scottyo614

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  • More faithful to Huff. He was Shus and Catos coach. He has a relationship with Doc and Marshall that extended well before Huff. It's surprising to hear him turn on the Herd.
    The following users thanked this post: miltonherdfan

    Offline gochneaur645

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  • More faithful to Huff. He was Shus and Catos coach. He has a relationship with Doc and Marshall that extended well before Huff. It's surprising to hear him turn on the Herd.

    Ah, yeah, misread that sentence.

    Offline s1uggo

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  • More faithful to Huff. He was Shus and Catos coach. He has a relationship with Doc and Marshall that extended well before Huff. It's surprising to hear him turn on the Herd.
    Yes but who is his employer? While MU may sign the checks Huff is his employer in that if Huff is in charge here or SMiss he?ll have a job

    Offline Johns1124

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    Offline chris88

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  • Although it's bush league it wouldn't surprise me. He is taking over the last place team in the conference, he needs to do whatever he can to weaken the first place team. With Doege off to Arizona it will be interesting to see who his OC is.

    I wish Gibson the best but the pedigree is eerily similar to Snyder, Doc, and Huff in terms of offensive prowess...which has shown to be the biggest detriment to success until Doege came around. The 2014 team was the exception because of Cato and the loaded team.  MU succeeded despite the coaches IMO. Find a good OC, find a good QB and we will compete. If not it will be a struggle imo.
    "Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity; they seem more afraid of life than of death"  – James F. Byrnes

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    Offline rileylives

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    Online luvherd

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  • This plan to screw is unreal. How in the hell did we let this happen.
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    Offline jdonaccbus

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  • Word is that Dobson has been no saint in all this.
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    Online luvherd

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  • Anybody hearing the punishment for canceling bowl is a ban on several years for future bowl games? 
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    Offline MicDrass1

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  • The players choose to go in the portal not the coaches. 
    The following users thanked this post: elginherd

    Offline rileylives

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  • Word is that Dobson has been no saint in all this.

    I just want hard facts to come forward. Tired of insiders leaking tiny bits of info, has only served to fan the flames of disinformation.