Author Topic: How much longer...  (Read 2621 times)

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Offline Massherdfan

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How much longer...
« on: November 18, 2007, 10:41:15 AM »
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  • Is Marshall going to allow this knucklehead to continue to steal his paycheck? Snyder should have been fired yesterday!

    If anyone thinks next year is going to be any better, then you're living in a fantasy land. Next year will play out just like this year.
    I'm officially a Snyder Sunshinepumper!
    (3-9 & 12-23)

    How much longer...
    « on: November 18, 2007, 10:41:15 AM »

    Offline W0lfman

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 11:15:41 AM »
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  • I think next year we'll be better.  If not hell is going to freeze over. 

    Offline snydergirls3

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #2 on: November 18, 2007, 11:21:51 AM »
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  • I wondered where you had been Zac....the win last week gave you time to rest up your hands from your usual mudslinging!!!

    Offline mr_ash_1995

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #3 on: November 18, 2007, 11:33:14 AM »
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  • I think next year we'll be better.  If not hell is going to freeze over. year is the last free pass for YOUNG SNYDER.  When he was hired, I consulted with my old HS coach (and MU alum) and he suggested I give SNYDER 4 years (since he was hired late).  Well the future is more excuses.  A bowl better be in the picture next year.  And just for the record...I have actually contributed more financially to MU athletics during this DRY spell than I did during the WINNING years.  >:(
    Might as well have been showing a microwave to a caveman. - BBCARD1

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    Offline herdman

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #4 on: November 18, 2007, 11:35:34 AM »
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  • If they give him a contract extension this year someone ought to contact the Attorney General and report a case of fraud, waste, and abuse.

    Offline Massherdfan

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #5 on: November 18, 2007, 11:39:26 AM »
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  • I wondered where you had been Zac....the win last week gave you time to rest up your hands from your usual mudslinging!!!

    I figured I'd let the MS apologists gloat for the week and bask in his signature win. Sorry I have higher expectations for our program than others. I should be crucified.
    I'm officially a Snyder Sunshinepumper!
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    Offline herdfan429

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #6 on: November 18, 2007, 11:43:39 AM »
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  • Why do coaches at Marshall get free passes?  They should be held accountable for their program just like every other coach in the country.

    Offline W0lfman

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #7 on: November 18, 2007, 11:46:04 AM »
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  • People that are associated with Mark Snyder shouldnt think that he is disliked personnally.  Because he is a good man.  Its just that fans have been a part of this program for so long and have a desire to see it taken to its potential.  I can guarantee you most coaches would much rather have a job with a program who's fan base cares about what is going on rather than a fan base that was full of apathy.  Just as a coach will push his players to be at the top of their potential the fan base has that same job to insure that the coaches are pushed to reached their potential.  Thats just the way it is and its only going to get tougher in that profession.
    « Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 11:49:03 AM by W0lfman »

    Offline herd2win

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #8 on: November 18, 2007, 11:53:46 AM »
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  • Snyder has only proven he can't coach.  Look at his quote about coaching mistakes and it is game 11 in his 3rd year.  Nothing against him but he is overmatched to his position.  MU had talent the last 3 years to have winning year the excuse will be a new starting QB and wait for 09.  Let's make the change now and move on...

    Offline Massherdfan

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #9 on: November 18, 2007, 12:00:25 PM »
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  • Snyder has only proven he can't coach.  Look at his quote about coaching mistakes and it is game 11 in his 3rd year.  Nothing against him but he is overmatched to his position.  MU had talent the last 3 years to have winning year the excuse will be a new starting QB and wait for 09.  Let's make the change now and move on...

    I agree. It's never too early to admit a mistake. Hiring MS was an absolute mistake and the BOG need to own up to it and make it right.
    I'm officially a Snyder Sunshinepumper!
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    Offline extragreen

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #10 on: November 18, 2007, 12:45:46 PM »
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  • "If anyone thinks next year is going to be any better, then you're living in a fantasy land. Next year will play out just like this year."

    I have to agree. I seriously doubt we get 5 wins next year. I hope to goodness I'm wrong. I predicted 4-5 wins this year so don't attack me for being negative. As it ends up, I was quite the optimist.
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    Offline snydergirls3

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #11 on: November 18, 2007, 01:34:52 PM »
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  • wolfman....i agree with your statement that coaches like a strong fanbase....but i disagree that you compare what you people do on these message boards as being fans! And yes it is personal when you attack someones character and question their mental abilities! If you posters feel so strongly about the words that you spew on these boards then OWN them!!!! Stop hiding behind your keyboards with your fake names and being the gutless wonders that your are!! How many of you have actually strapped on a helmet and played a down in your life???? Stick with what you know best and sell your crap on the internet like Zac does and quit trying to live out this fantasy that you know more about football than a coach!!!!!

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #11 on: November 18, 2007, 01:34:52 PM »

    Offline murox

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #12 on: November 18, 2007, 01:44:19 PM »
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  • Is Marshall going to allow this knucklehead to continue to steal his paycheck? Snyder should have been fired yesterday!

    If anyone thinks next year is going to be any better, then you're living in a fantasy land. Next year will play out just like this year.

    Coming off our best win in three or four years we were double-digit underdogs, on the road, to one of the best teams in the conference, and defending conference champion.  We missed two field goals and still beat the experts' expectations.  And you think the head coach should lose his job because of it.

    Listen, we get it.  You hate Snyder.  Gotcha.  There's nothing you can do about it.  He's gonna be here for at least two more years, and I'd wager he's going to be here for a lot longer than that, because I truly believe he'll get the program turned around.

    Offline catfanatic1979

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #13 on: November 18, 2007, 02:10:21 PM »
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  • Snyders contract will not be bought out.

    Instead of fruitlessly aiming at him this year, fans should be wondering who we can bring in as the new offensive coordinator and who the new assitant coaches might be. There will be plenty of talent to hire at the end of the season.

    Offline extragreen

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #14 on: November 18, 2007, 02:17:51 PM »
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  • wolfman....i agree with your statement that coaches like a strong fanbase....but i disagree that you compare what you people do on these message boards as being fans! And yes it is personal when you attack someones character and question their mental abilities! If you posters feel so strongly about the words that you spew on these boards then OWN them!!!! Stop hiding behind your keyboards with your fake names and being the gutless wonders that your are!! How many of you have actually strapped on a helmet and played a down in your life???? Stick with what you know best and sell your crap on the internet like Zac does and quit trying to live out this fantasy that you know more about football than a coach!!!!!

    Alright, this gutless wonder will stick with something he understands better...numbers.

    4-7      5-7      2-9

    How's that?
    Your self-determinism and honor are more important than your immediate life.

    Offline tradebait

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #15 on: November 18, 2007, 02:43:06 PM »
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  • Coming off our best win in three or four years we were double-digit underdogs, on the road, to one of the best teams in the conference, and defending conference champion.  We missed two field goals and still beat the experts' expectations.  And you think the head coach should lose his job because of it.

    Listen, we get it.  You hate Snyder.  Gotcha.  There's nothing you can do about it.  He's gonna be here for at least two more years, and I'd wager he's going to be here for a lot longer than that, because I truly believe he'll get the program turned around.
    Superior skill and knowledge win over fear and superstition each and every time.

    Offline HERDFAN1999

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #16 on: November 18, 2007, 03:13:50 PM »
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  • wolfman....i agree with your statement that coaches like a strong fanbase....but i disagree that you compare what you people do on these message boards as being fans! And yes it is personal when you attack someones character and question their mental abilities! If you posters feel so strongly about the words that you spew on these boards then OWN them!!!! Stop hiding behind your keyboards with your fake names and being the gutless wonders that your are!! How many of you have actually strapped on a helmet and played a down in your life???? Stick with what you know best and sell your crap on the internet like Zac does and quit trying to live out this fantasy that you know more about football than a coach!!!!!

    Classic!  I agree 100%.

    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.  The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - - Thomas Jefferson


    Offline HERDFAN1999

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #17 on: November 18, 2007, 03:14:54 PM »
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  • Coming off our best win in three or four years we were double-digit underdogs, on the road, to one of the best teams in the conference, and defending conference champion.  We missed two field goals and still beat the experts' expectations.  And you think the head coach should lose his job because of it.

    Listen, we get it.  You hate Snyder.  Gotcha.  There's nothing you can do about it.  He's gonna be here for at least two more years, and I'd wager he's going to be here for a lot longer than that, because I truly believe he'll get the program turned around.

    Well said.
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.  The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - - Thomas Jefferson


    Offline extragreen

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #18 on: November 18, 2007, 03:35:14 PM »
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  • Coming off our best win in three or four years we were double-digit underdogs, on the road, to one of the best teams in the conference, and defending conference champion.  We missed two field goals and still beat the experts' expectations.  And you think the head coach should lose his job because of it.

    Listen, we get it.  You hate Snyder.  Gotcha.  There's nothing you can do about it.  He's gonna be here for at least two more years, and I'd wager he's going to be here for a lot longer than that, because I truly believe he'll get the program turned around.

    Our best win in 3 or 4 years was against a 6-4 team at our place. The defending conf. champ was also 6-4. And you think beating the double digit spread, missing 2 field goals, providing a laughable onside kick, and going 2-9 are reasons to be hopeful? Expect a typical record next year (4-8, 5-7). But you're probably right, Snyder will be here probably at least 2 more years while the football program wallows in the mire.
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    Offline alumni74

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #19 on: November 18, 2007, 04:10:49 PM »
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  • wolfman....i agree with your statement that coaches like a strong fanbase....but i disagree that you compare what you people do on these message boards as being fans! And yes it is personal when you attack someones character and question their mental abilities! If you posters feel so strongly about the words that you spew on these boards then OWN them!!!! Stop hiding behind your keyboards with your fake names and being the gutless wonders that your are!! How many of you have actually strapped on a helmet and played a down in your life???? Stick with what you know best and sell your crap on the internet like Zac does and quit trying to live out this fantasy that you know more about football than a coach!!!!!

    I was going to stay out of this but  tend to agree with this entire statement. I dont think you define yourself as a passionate fan by showing yourself to be a complete Maroon on the internet upholding the hillbilly sterotype that I would like to avoid like the plague. Not exactly the image I want for my school. Some of the statements are very damaging for alot of things we want for the university. But some people just dont care. They have to satisfy their miserable soul. Its not like only people from Huntington read it. The rest of the nation reads it too. The thing that kills me is that we bash other teams fans which I think is classless, and then turn around and eat our young. Then we justify it by saying every passionate fan acts like this which is bullcrap. Just my 2 cents.

    Offline alumni74

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #20 on: November 18, 2007, 04:15:52 PM »
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  • By the way, I to look at these people as internet cowards. It reminds me of coaching a little league ball game. All the parents in the stands want to critisize your coaching when they know other parents are encouraged to participate, but they just sit on their fat toothless a$$ and complain because they know they can't. 

    Just had to get that off my chest. ;D
    « Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 04:32:44 PM by alumni74 »

    Online TomorrowHERD

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #21 on: November 18, 2007, 04:34:02 PM »
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  • about 380 days, I figure.

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    "I predict future hapiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."-Thomas Jefferson


    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #21 on: November 18, 2007, 04:34:02 PM »

    Offline Oh Herd CR

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #22 on: November 18, 2007, 04:40:01 PM »
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  • I was going to stay out of this but  tend to agree with this entire statement. I dont think you define yourself as a passionate fan by showing yourself to be a complete Maroon on the internet upholding the hillbilly sterotype that I would like to avoid like the plague. Not exactly the image I want for my school. Some of the statements are very damaging for alot of things we want for the university. But some people just dont care. They have to satisfy their miserable soul. Its not like only people from Huntington read it. The rest of the nation reads it too. The thing that kills me is that we bash other teams fans which I think is classless, and then turn around and eat our young. Then we justify it by saying every passionate fan acts like this which is bullcrap. Just my 2 cents.

    I don't like the eat our young mentality of our fan base.  I know a lot of them are young, but YIKES!

    Go Herd!
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    Offline w-sherdfan

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #23 on: November 18, 2007, 04:48:14 PM »
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  • To snydergirls3 - If you are related to MS, you might want to consider avoiding internet message boards.  If you choose to read the contents, then toughen up and be ready to take the printed abuse.  It comes with being the Head Guy and making a very decent living doing something you supposedly 1. enjoy doing and 2. (and this is important) - are effective in being successful in the 'WINS" column.

    If you're going to derive joy from the compliments, then you also have to accept  the questions of one's character, style and results.

    Go HERD !!!   
    « Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 04:50:48 PM by w-sherdfan »

    Offline marshallisqbu

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    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #24 on: November 18, 2007, 04:50:45 PM »
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  • Please tell me we don't have Snyder's family members on here posting now?  THis is going to be ugly.

    Re: How much longer...
    « Reply #24 on: November 18, 2007, 04:50:45 PM »