Author Topic: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!  (Read 6438 times)

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Offline DJdaHERDfan

Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
« Reply #75 on: April 16, 2010, 05:26:51 PM »
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  • WE ARE ......MARSHALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WE ARE NOT .........WVU

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #75 on: April 16, 2010, 05:26:51 PM »


    • Heisman
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    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #76 on: April 16, 2010, 05:46:16 PM »
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  • That is obvious. So what?

    Offline lovetheherd2

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #77 on: April 16, 2010, 08:42:44 PM »
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  • FHF & Marbuff, thanks for coming to our alumni efforts.

    You cannot reason with this dialogue. We may have a larger and longer perspective having lived through the "Marshall College" days and the difficulty of living with the WV board of colleges, and being lumped in with all the other schools, many very deserving but like Marshall "screwed" with funding.

    Since we have moved beyond the confines of the border formed in 1863, we have learned to support the school, the people and the State of WV.

    I grew up in South Charleston, learned BB watching Zeke from Cabin Creek, Hot Rod Hundley, Rod Thorn, and some others.

    Moved to Htgn, HEHS & Marshall. That education gave me the ability to move out, earn a living and be successful.

    I love Marshall. I support the school whenever I can. Have been active in alumni efforts for 25 or 30 years. Have given $$$ to Big Green & Foundation.

    Way back when, went to NY & Madison Sq Garden to see the HERD in the NIT. Dan D'Antoni, George Stone, Bob Redd, Bob Allan, Jim Davidson, etc.

    Helped arrange a bus trip for Ohio fans to see HUCK's HERD in Henderson, helped arrange a visit from Huck & Linda Holmes to Ohio to raise funds for the HERD. Also helped get Coach Pruett etc, for the same reason, raise funds for the HERD.

    Some of these folks cannot see the bigger picture. Yes, I love to beat wv. But EVEN MORE, I love to beat Miami, (o) because I sat in the stands for the 66-6 beating they gave us when not needed.

    This is a never ending With Us or Agin' Us argument, no one wins. I applaud those who try to find a way to WIN.. in the funding race, on the field, on the bb court, etc.

    See everyone at the Big Green Scholarship dinner to raise money for these athletes and again at the Green & White game to help fund Doc's effort to kick some wvu backsides........

    Those who choose to pi$$ and wallow are doomed to get wet and smell at some point... 8)

    GO HERD!!!!!!!

    Offline wvmafia

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #78 on: April 16, 2010, 09:15:23 PM »
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  • Thanks for those...I laughed for a half an hour.

    "When you take that field today, you've got to lay that heart on the line, men. From the souls of your feet, with every ounce of blood you've got in your body, lay it on the line until the final whistle blows. And if you do that, if you do that, we cannot lose."

    Offline ThunderValley

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #79 on: April 16, 2010, 09:44:40 PM »
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  • Well I have to put in my 2 cents worth so here it is..........I can honestly say that I would rather be hitchhiking in the pouring rain with a We Are......Marshall sign in my hand than be riding in a nice dry vehicle with a WVU sticker on the bumper.

    Yes, huggybear, I do live in that little place known as Ashland and I am a die-hard MU fan.


    • Heisman
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    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #80 on: April 16, 2010, 10:07:06 PM »
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  • We have a lot in common, lovetheherd2.

    I remember the Marshall College days very well. I was humiliated to have to wear a silly green beanie during the first week of my freshman year at Marshall. Tuition then for a full-time student was just under $100 per semester.

    As a kid, I watched Charlie Slack, Leo Byrd and Hal Greer play. I followed Jerry West, Hundley, Thorn and WVU basketball on the radio.

    After my military service, I came back to Marshall -- direct from Vietnam -- to complete my degree. I was on the GI Bill, and also worked as the night guard in Laidley Hall. I covered Hodges Hall during holiday periods, and got to know Mike D'Antoni, Russell Lee, Reggie Oliver and others. I was working at Laidley Hall the night of the crash, and helped players' families when they begin arriving around 3:00am. I was in the Fairfield stands for the Marshall-Xavier football game, and was seated at mid-court in the Field House for the Marshall-St. John’s basketball game.

    I also graduated from HEHS and Marshall, and even taught math at Marshall for a year -- just long enough that to realize that I wasn't going to follow in my father's footsteps as a teacher. Thanks in large measure to my Marshall education, I have had more than my fair share of success in the business world.

    I have been very active in Marshall alumni matters, and for over 10 years produced a weekly Marshall newsletter that was read by thousands of Marshall fans and alumni (including many on this board) across the country and around the world. I have organized several major Marshall alumni events and trips in Florida, such as dinner cruises and bus trips to away games.

    It is absolutely true that Marshall has always been and probably always will be the neglected stepchild in W.Va. That is why it is so major dumb for blowhards on this board to seek to divide and alienate Marshall supporters and Herd fans. And, they have the audacity to "determine" that I am not a true Herd fan.

    Offline 2xBison

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #81 on: April 16, 2010, 10:36:07 PM »
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  • yep, we figured that out a while ago
    QB Club
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    Offline MarshallGrad

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #82 on: April 17, 2010, 06:16:42 AM »
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  • FHF, really, it is useless. You are obviously a dedicated MU alum. Most of the "you are not a real fan" rhetoric is just bigotry hiding behind a green facade. You cannot reason with that. You and I know these guys hold no position to judge or to filter what constitutes a real fan. It is just the internet. Watch it for the entertainment value. Don't confuse it with anything that really matters. And thank you for your service to our country. That one was a tough road.

    Offline marcbuff

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #83 on: April 17, 2010, 08:42:40 AM »
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  • LovetheHerd2, Thanks for the sensible post. You are right on. I was there too for Russell Lee, D'Antoni and the guys. Glory Years for sure  ;D. Ive stayed away from this thread due to the childish nature and simple intent to cause division on the board.However, I must say there is no Herd Fan more GREEN that FHF. He has done more to promote MU here in the Tampa area than anyone I know. He organized bus trips, sent out newsletters and held drawings at every TV Party for years. Our alumni group for many years led all with donations to the Big Green from his efforts. Its too bad some folks just don't " get it ". ::)

    Offline herdfifteen

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #84 on: April 17, 2010, 08:51:58 AM »
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  • Great post Marshall Grad. It is useless to debate some of these people. Has anyone noticed the sillier the thread the more posts we have? We have a new head coach in basketball, exciting times happening in a new era of football, and these guys want to have a discussion one might hear on a third grade playground. FHF and lovetheherd are correct in their assessment , however, to try and reason with this mentality will not work. As Grad says, watch it for entertainment value, nothing more.

    Offline backontrack

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #85 on: April 17, 2010, 10:59:16 AM »
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    Offline lovetheherd2

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #86 on: April 17, 2010, 02:19:33 PM »
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  • FHF, we miss that weekly news letter!!!!

    It was read by folks from Huntington, to Cincinnati, to Buffalo, Wyoming and many other points - north & south, east & west. The time you put in on that effort was exceptional.

    Any chance you might make the Green & White game? Allegiant has some decent fares to Lexington, KY....

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #86 on: April 17, 2010, 02:19:33 PM »


    • Heisman
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    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #87 on: April 17, 2010, 08:43:31 PM »
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  • I'm going to try to make it. My son, who grew up in Brandon went to Marshall with his good friend Tim Openlander.

    Both graduated from Marshall, married WVa girls, have families and live in WVa. So, my wife I have to make periodic trips to Huntington to visit my son and his wife and their 3 kids -- all big-time Thundering Herd fans. As you might be aware, my wife is considerably younger than my son, and she goes nuts over the grandkids.

    BTW -- my son and I are going to campaign for Marshall sports HOF recognition for Tim. I think he ended his career as Marshall football's #2 all-time scorer.

    Offline herdman

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #88 on: April 17, 2010, 11:38:45 PM »
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  • Hell with wvu. I grew up hearing about "the university" and people saying I went to "the university". Well, damn it, I did too. Marshall University. I remember or have read about those @#&%#s fighting our university status and trying to fight our medical school. They took our engineering school and would take the medical school now if they could get away with it. They don't like Marshall playing D1A football or D1 basketball. I even hear that their baseball team refuses to play Marshall anywhere other than Morgantown.

    I have never seen or heard of anything like wvu in my life. They are the enemy in my opinion. They don't like us and I don't like them. I don't care about Jerry West or Rod Hundley. They mean nothing to me. I am from WV and I don't support them and I never will. They take things to a new level so hell with them.

    I hope we beat them in football and those SOB's have to live with that forever.
    « Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 11:41:10 PM by herdman »

    Offline 2xBison

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #89 on: April 18, 2010, 08:50:21 AM »
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  • you tell them herdman.

    sounds like to me the longer perspective crowd is just the spineless crowd that is happy to accept MU as the step child in this state and watch the state just totally screw us financially while they dump money into uspam to subsidize educations for NJ and Pa residents that can't afford or get into their local schools.
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    Offline W0lfman

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #90 on: April 18, 2010, 09:11:49 AM »
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  • i remember in the 80's wvu was building new everything with taxpayer money.  The flip side of that is MU couldnt get a gallon of paint to paint the dressing rooms.  now they spout off how "self supporting" they are completely ignoring the fact hard working WV'ians tax dollars went into that place to get them there.   

    Offline BHFIOHIO

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #91 on: April 18, 2010, 09:26:56 AM »
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  • I'm always happier getting the short end of the stick if I have my middle finger extended the whole time.....getting the same results(funding, one for one etc) with my lips attached to a smelly place leaves me feeling so so small, dig?


    • Heisman
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    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #92 on: April 18, 2010, 02:11:50 PM »
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  • Getting back to the subject of this string, initiated by a Moderator for this board and supported by the owner of this board --
    You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    -- if it is true that one who cheers for WVU is not and cannot be a true Herd fan, then I must not be a true Herd fan.

    I openly root for the "enemy". If I root for the enemy, wouldn't that make me part of the "enemy"? If I am part of the "enemy", then shouldn't I be banned from this board?

    I called those who are seeking to divide and alienate Herd fans a bunch of blowhards. Am I going to be allowed to get away with that?

    Offline 360

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    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #93 on: April 18, 2010, 02:30:18 PM »
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  • Getting back to the subject of this string, initiated by a Moderator for this board and supported by the owner of this board ---- if it is true that one who cheers for WVU is not and cannot be a true Herd fan, then I must not be a true Herd fan.

    I openly root for the "enemy". If I root for the enemy, wouldn't that make me part of the "enemy"? If I am part of the "enemy", then shouldn't I be banned from this board?

    I called those who are seeking to divide and alienate Herd fans a bunch of blowhards. Am I going to be allowed to get away with that?

    I don't think you should be banned from the board, but you should be made BLUE (if you aren't already) and others shouldn't consider you a HERD fan. IMO

    People need to pick one school. MU or the other one. It's like you can't root for the Vikings and the Packers as well. You can't root for the Red Sox AND ALSO the Yankees. A true fan of one team, doesn't root for the rival "sometimes". That's absurd.

    It's like saying I root for the USA, but sometimes I root for Al-Qaeda. Absurd.

    Ohhh...I've got an idea...anyone who roots for both schools should be made YELLOW!!! Fitting.

    « Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 02:32:35 PM by 360 »

    Offline W0lfman

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #94 on: April 18, 2010, 02:31:29 PM »
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  • Obviously you are targeting me with your post, so let me ask you this you enjoy this forum?  Do you enjoy the openness that myself and the rest of the MODS allow here?  Aren't you banned from a certain other Herd board?  Why push buttons like you are?  Why not just ignore this thread altogether?  To my knowledge you've never had an issue with how we operate this forum...why are you trying to instigate or redicule us for not banning you?  I dont get it?
    « Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 03:05:16 PM by W0lfman »

    Offline MarshallGrad

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #95 on: April 18, 2010, 02:43:44 PM »
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  • It's like saying I root for the USA, but sometimes I root for Al-Qaeda. Absurd.

    What is absurd is that analogy. Not even in the same universe of comparisons. It is a fact that you most certainly can root for two teams when they are not playing and one over the other when they do. It is not up for debate as to whether that is possible as many do it, in college and pro. You can not like it and you can wish it weren't so, but you cannot say it can't be, because it occurs a lot. Real fans, yelling and screaming in support, wearing the colors, cheering on the players....for more than one team. Shocking!


    Offline 360

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    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #96 on: April 18, 2010, 03:15:04 PM »
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  • What is absurd is that analogy. Not even in the same universe of comparisons. It is a fact that you most certainly can root for two teams when they are not playing and one over the other when they do. It is not up for debate as to whether that is possible as many do it, in college and pro. You can not like it and you can wish it weren't so, but you cannot say it can't be, because it occurs a lot. Real fans, yelling and screaming in support, wearing the colors, cheering on the players....for more than one team. Shocking!

    I'm not challenging the fact that it can be done. I'm just saying true fans of one team don't root for the rival. If you root for both, you probably don't follow either program that closely.

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #96 on: April 18, 2010, 03:15:04 PM »

    Offline marcbuff

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #97 on: April 18, 2010, 03:53:48 PM »
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  • LMAO @ 360. Nobody follows BOTH schools any closer and equally than I do. Many consider me a walking encyclopedia of MU & WVU sports. I have bought season tickets at BOTH for years and give to the Big Green and MAC equally. Unlike FHF , I do have a degree from WVU as well. I don't understand with Doc turning the football program around ( plus 18 starters back from a bowl winning team ) and coming off a 24 win basketball season with a new coach that I believe will be better than the previous one, that we spend time with these non-sense threads instead of concentrating on the positives with the Herd.  ::)


    • Heisman
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    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #98 on: April 18, 2010, 04:42:41 PM »
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  • I would rather have a small fanatical fan base that gives financial support and backs the program than having a bunch of marginal fans that wont give AND will be wearing yellow in our stadium on Sept 10.  But that is just one fan's opinion.

    You are not doing Marshall any favors, WOlfman, by alienating Marshall supporters and dedicated Herd fans who don't live up to every letter of your expectations.

    This, from BHFIOHIO:
    season ticket holders who wore enemy colors two yrs ago after wearing green game after game for several yrs, shoulda had their pics taken and the true Herd fans around them shoulda made their lives so miserable thereafter that the traitors soon didn't come back

    This, from backontrack:
    Despite recent attempts to make nice with marcbuff I still maintain that if you root for the piss-yeller-and-blew at any level you inadvertently root against MU

    To which Moderator DJdaHERDfan replied:



    GO HERD!!!!

    From 360, about yours truly:
    I don't think you should be banned from the board, but you should be made BLUE (if you aren't already) and others shouldn't consider you a HERD fan.

    Finally, from WOlfman:
    Obviously you are targeting me with your post, so let me ask you this you enjoy this forum?  Do you enjoy the openness that myself and the rest of the MODS allow here?  Aren't you banned from a certain other Herd board?  Why push buttons like you are?  Why not just ignore this thread altogether?  To my knowledge you've never had an issue with how we operate this forum...why are you trying to instigate or redicule us for not banning you?  I dont get it?

    WOlfman, you have a flair for the obvious. Yes, you were one of the targets of my post – for a reason. You instantly sided with DJ’s (one of your board Moderators) subject inferring that a Herd fan who also cheers for WVU cannot be a true Herd fan. I find that deeply offensive, and I’m not the type to stand idly by and let such intimidation tactics go unchallenged. The ultimate irony is that some on this board who decry the hateful manner of some WVU fans are themselves acting like those WVU fans.

    I have never initiated a subject dividing Herd fans. Others have, including board Moderator DJ in this case. You suggest that I should have ignored this thread altogether. I suppose that I could have taken the cowardly way out by ignoring this thread. But, I chose to challenge the blowhards who are seeking to alienate Herd fans.

    You say that you prefer a small fanatical fan base, WOlfman. I am a dedicated life-long Herd fan, but I will never fit your idea of a fanatic. If, in your opinion, that makes me part of the enemy camp, then I probably should be banned from this board. But, as long as I am here, any time my loyalty to Marshall is challenged I won’t do as you suggest and ignore the thread. Instead, I will openly challenge and defy those who really are fanatics who take it upon themselves to dictate the rules and standards for Marshall fans.

    Offline MarshallGrad

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #99 on: April 18, 2010, 06:17:56 PM »
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  • I'm not challenging the fact that it can be done. I'm just saying true fans of one team don't root for the rival. If you root for both, you probably don't follow either program that closely.

    An I am challenging that it is a fact that it is done all the time by many that follow more than one team. You are trying to say that those that root for more than one probably don't follow either closely and I am saying that is factually not correct as demonstrated by several on this board and many I interact with. It isn't a thing subject to opinion. It occurs frequently. I get that you don't like it, but not liking it, and pretending it is not possible are vastly different.

    Re: You are either with us or with them!!!!!!
    « Reply #99 on: April 18, 2010, 06:17:56 PM »