WOW. Everybody run, the internet badass is back in town. How dare people have opinions.
Take your Prozac and catch a nap. Overreact much??
Yes, run.
I get mad because you guys don't see a better alternative to complaining.
How about this website unite and pool their donations to Marshall for a specific thing?
This place was sooooo mad about Kelly Green being taken away that all they could feel they could do was huff and puff and write about it on forums.
Instead of that, you could've pooled money together SPECIFICALLY for the uniforms to bring back the Kelly Green look or some old logo.
You feel you have the right to complain because you give money to Marshall.
You really don't since it's a donation and could go anywhere...even to something wvu related which would have you all irate as hell...but it could very well be going there!
Your donation check isn't specified to where it goes...even the Big Green check you write isn't always going to the football's going where it needs to go for the sports.
Until you do, it's not worth you to complain or even tell Marshall to "get rid of that look" because honeestly, the color of the uniforms was probably about #93 on a 100 item list of things that need looking at.
Give yourselves more power!!
Go Herd!