Author Topic: "Anytime a new recruit comes onto campus, one of the first things they want....  (Read 3186 times)

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Offline Thundering In MD

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  • So instead of actually have something to say, you decided to post a movie clip... Ok, so for all those who doesnt know the movie, it is about the future, and we have pushed out smart people to none existence because we are so stupid and keep breeding. So pretty much you are saying that if we "young folks" dont listen to the old people, then we are bound to screw ourselves into stupidity. I would have rather you taken your ball and go home. Since we have now changed gears to childish antics, I give you this.  And im done with this thread.

    No.  I said nothing about "young folks" or "old folks."  I find it interesting that you are the one that keeps stirring the pot on this issue, then point your finger at others.  I don't think the issue has anything to do with age.  It appears to just be posters that agree with you, and those that don't, as judged by you.

    I posted the video clip because the quality of rhetorical devices being used in this dialog reminded me of the movie.  But then again, I have to hit "Unignore" to see half of the posters in this particular thread. :P
    « Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 04:22:11 PM by Thundering In MD »
    Twitter:  @ThunderingInMD


    Offline korun

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  • I beg you to please ignore me. You seem like the kind of person I wouldn't want responding to most of my conversations any how. I don't post much and I listen a lot more. I don't puke up crap just to get it on the interweb. I like to have a reason to have a valid point to discus and not just to say "its the way it has been and the way it will always be" kind of mentality.  Also, you didnt have to say anything about young or old. Your post is virtually worthless without that being the basis of your reasoning behind posting that clip. You can say what you want about how the conversation sounds to you, but due to the fact that you have blocked many people in the past, tells me you are closed minded and dont want to hear anything anyone else has to say if it differs from you. Probably the best piece of advice I can give you Mr. MD, is go find that reflective surface in your house (ie, the looking glass) and tell me what you see... Im pretty sure its what is wrong with a lot of the older fans. Closed minded and self righteous.
     Im out, enjoy the rest of the off season. Maybe we can come together around September the 1st and agree that football season is finally starting, but I think you would argue that its springtime, just for the sake of arguing.

    Offline Scottyo614

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  • For what this topic was started, as a recruit in the last 4 years I had several schools who pushed their equipment on me really early in visits. I wanted to talk tradition, depth chart, practice schedule, work out plans first. Uniforms were always up at the front and what kinda gloves, visors, bands that you could get team issued. Fact is, that's what has became a recruiting tool for coaches.

    For what the topic became... I'd love to bring the green lid back for a game or two. I love all green if it matches. I'm a huge fan of the block M and don't want that changed... If we were going to rebrand we should have done it Docs first year. We sorta did, sorta didn't.

    Quite frankly I'd love nothing more than us to bring OU to town and do a big unveil like they did. Smack them around and get the W just to shove it in their face.

    Offline Thundering In MD

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  • Sorry, I had a typo.  I meant "posts" not "posters."  There was only one that I ignored.  He didn't really care about it anyway. ;D
    Twitter:  @ThunderingInMD


    Offline Dunk

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  • I've come to the conclusion that it's not got as much to do with age as it does with closed mindedness, self-righteousness and the ability or inability to "get it".  Some people don't have it and some do.  We need to just move into the 21st Century with our thinking...Hamrick is dragging people kicking and screaming with his work, but it's a tough job.


    It is just a common perception that older people tend to restrict and fight against change, but that is not always the case. I don't think anybody here really thinks that all older people are close-minded. It is just an easy way to refer to the traits since they are often linked.

    We all want what is best for the university and the athletics programs so we need to work together and make things happen. More often than not the more walls you tear down the faster you can progress and build towards a brighter future.

    There are traditions that are important and need to be kept, but there comes a time when many traditions are holding back progress just for the sake of holding back progress since they are petty and unimportant. The key is deciding on what traditions are valuable enough to keep in the grand scheme of things.


    Offline wvmafia

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  • This...

    It is just a common perception that older people tend to restrict and fight against change, but that is not always the case. I don't think anybody here really thinks that all older people are close-minded. It is just an easy way to refer to the traits since they are often linked.

    We all want what is best for the university and the athletics programs so we need to work together and make things happen. More often than not the more walls you tear down the faster you can progress and build towards a brighter future.

    There are traditions that are important and need to be kept, but there comes a time when many traditions are holding back progress just for the sake of holding back progress since they are petty and unimportant. The key is deciding on what traditions are valuable enough to keep in the grand scheme of things.

    Not only is this true, but it's visible right here at Marshall.  Look at the fan's love for the "glow sticks".  How much tradition is in that idea?  ZERO.  If you just cut loose with the creative juices and make the effort to do something fun or wear something unique --- you might just CREATE a tradition.  It's like the old saying, "just because it's old, doesn't make it antique"....well, just because you do something for 100 years, doesn't make it some iconic tradition.

    "When you take that field today, you've got to lay that heart on the line, men. From the souls of your feet, with every ounce of blood you've got in your body, lay it on the line until the final whistle blows. And if you do that, if you do that, we cannot lose."

    Offline Herdfan2005

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  • Rough Draft but some what of an idea?


    Offline LetsDoThis

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  • As a young person (26) I don't see whats wrong with changing the uniforms up a bit. Since I've been going to Herd games (1989) and we've made subtle changes to the uniforms the entire way including last year. I don't want to see anything too drastic but nobody is advocating that. IF we had a super traditional uniform such as Alabama that hasn't changed in 50 years I would see everyones point (even though they were pro combats recently). A few alternate uniforms would be fun and the players would love it, its not a big deal at all guys its really not. Either way GO HERD!
    GO HERD!

    Offline ADub4Heisman

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  • Here's the problem with black uniforms: it's overdone.

    I'm all for Marshall changing up the football uniforms and keeping black as a distant and third color. I don't have a certain style I want Marshall to try in mind, although I don't like a large font on the front of a jersey.

    Marshall can change up the uniforms and make them look nice AND say Marshall without throwing black all over them. Let's make them nicer than what they are for an entire season, not just for one or two games a year.
    Go Marshall Herd!!!

    Offline Dunk

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  • Here's the problem with black uniforms: it's overdone.

    I'm all for Marshall changing up the football uniforms and keeping black as a distant and third color. I don't have a certain style I want Marshall to try in mind, although I don't like a large font on the front of a jersey.

    Marshall can change up the uniforms and make them look nice AND say Marshall without throwing black all over them. Let's make them nicer than what they are for an entire season, not just for one or two games a year.

    Having a special uniform in your bag of tricks is a nice, fun, easy way to elevate your players motivation for important games. It may sound cheesy to you, but there is evidence all around you that points to the fact that it has an effect on players so you cannot deny the benefits.

    If it matters to the people who are putting the work in then it matters.


    Offline catfanatic1979

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  • Their new uni's look ugly.

    Offline Scottyo614

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  • Rough Draft but some what of an idea?

    I don't like the matte finish, but dont mind how it looks. Would love to see a green stripe down the middle.

    Offline TomorrowHERD

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  • Ummmm  What is considered "old."  I need to know that definition before I can pick a side....  :D

    "I am for a government that is rigorously frugal and simple. Were we directed from Washington when to sow, when to reap, we should soon want bread."
    "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
    "I predict future hapiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."-Thomas Jefferson


    Offline TomorrowHERD

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  • If it matters to the people who are putting the work in then it matters.

    If it matters to the people who are putting the work in, then it matters.


    TomorrowHerd's rules/comments for alternate uniforms...
    As long as the block M on the helmet is there, I am cool with it! 
    The greens have to match...
    Grey, Kelly and Black go together well btw....  :P
    I Loved the Cat in the Hat socks!!
    Many of the pro-combat unis Nike has put out suck!
    I like shoulder stripes.
    I think our pea pods should be the same shade of green as our field... ;)

    And some of you will call me old.

    "I am for a government that is rigorously frugal and simple. Were we directed from Washington when to sow, when to reap, we should soon want bread."
    "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
    "I predict future hapiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."-Thomas Jefferson


    Offline MUonium

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  • opinions are like ticks, flies and locusts....i don't care which uni they field and when. whatever boosts the confidence of the staff and players;hopefully the investment makes a difference. 8)

    as far as donations and support are concerned, i dont give a flip what age it comes from, or which GPS coordinate it comes from, the Herd AD needs every's a ridiculous argument but TG you're free to carry on with it ;)

    Offline 2xBison

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  • korun...if you give them enough of your new money.  i'm sure they'll do whatever you say and wear what you like. 
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    Offline CoachA10

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  • I don't like the matte finish, but dont mind how it looks. Would love to see a green stripe down the middle.

    The college kid in my living room thinks this helmet rocks!  So do I, but I'm old.

    Preach on, Korun!

    Offline Scottyo614

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  • CoachA10 Im only 23 man...

    Notice I said don't mind it. I just think matte finish is ugly and overdone. IMO matte just looks like cheap dull paint and it's soley my opinion. I make no decisions for Marshall University so I could despise it, but at the end of the day ill support it.

    Just Love seein the shine of the helmet in the lights and sun. If there was a green stripe it would really make both the block m and black pop with or without matte finish! That's all my post was about.

    Offline banker

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  • This thread makes me laugh.

    Easy solution for you, korun.  Call Hamrick and tell him you are interesting in providing the money for a new set of unis if they are interested in having them.  It should only set you back about $300,000.

    As far as "old money", by which you seem to mean "old fans", when I look around campus I see Joan C. Edwards Stadium, John Edwards field, Joan Edwards Performing Arts Center, Joan Edwards Cancer Center, Weisberg Engineering School, Drinko Library, Shewey Building, etc.  I see Chris Cline chipping in $5MM for the new IPF.  Joan and John are now gone, are the rest of those people the ones you hope die soon so they get out of the way of our progress?  You do realize that nearly all of Marshall's recent growth can be directly attributable to the generosity of those folks, don't you?

    Hamrick is in the middle of raising $30MM to improve facilities.  Question, which do you think will make Marshall better and get more recruits, a state of the art IPF and sports medicine center with a great academic center or new uniforms?  Where should his attention be focused?  With limited resources should we be peeling $300,000 out of the budget for new unis or leaving it in the Vision Campaign?

    Offline ADub4Heisman

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  • Ultimately, as others have said, I'll support the Herd regardless of what we are wearing. That said, if we are complaining about getting matching home/road uniforms, then I doubt we see a third uniform/jersey anytime soon.

    Therefore, I want to see the Herd get a nice, new look that is used every game. A uniform that looks nice and people don't question who is playing when they see us on TV. If we use much black, we are going to blend in with everyone else, IMO.

    Tennessee, Texas, and wvu have all used a black jersey here recently, and I thought it was dumb for all of them. Both of the UT's, however, have enough prestige they can do whatever they like. We aren't at that level, especially monetarily. 

    IF we manage to have the funds for a third uniform, let's do a throwback day. Like Virginia Tech did against us in 2009.
    Go Marshall Herd!!!

    Offline biggreenarms

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  • Rough Draft but some what of an idea?

    I really like this if it were a matte black with a glossy kelly green block M and kelly green helmet stripe. I think a lot of us can agree that we like the kelly green and I've noticed that it really stands out and pops on a black back ground. I for one would be consider by some of you to be old and crusty but I love the black and kelly.  ;)

    What I would like to see if it was doable (edit: after TomorrowHERD's reply - 3 color schemes I would like to see / no particular preference for when they are used)

    1) Matte black lid with kelly green block M and kelly green stripes, kelly green jerseys, black digits trimmed in white, black pants, black leggings and shoes

    2) White lid with kelly green block M and kelly/black helmet stripes, white jerseys with kelly green digits trimmed in black, kelly green pants, kelly green leggins and shoes

    3) Kelly green lid with white block M and white/black helmet stripe, Kelly green jerseys with white digits trimmed in black, kelly green pants, kelly green leggings and shoes
    « Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 06:51:04 AM by biggreenarms »

    Offline MarshallGrad

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  • Korun, I want to be able to speak the praises of your insight, but you have yet to provide proof that the reason we do not have the new uniforms that will satisfy the new recruit is because old people have prevented it. You have boldly stated you only provide facts and others want to argue without facts.  Without specific evidence or verifiable "facts" about old people keeping new uniforms away, your arguments are not much more than a straw man........I say it is so, therefore it is. Who are the old people that prevented an otherwise willing and able Marshall administration from changing the uniforms. You like facts. Surely you can provide those. So far is is speculation, fingerpointing, and a bit of hypocrisy. Clear all that away with the names or specific scenario that you are aware of that has led to old people preventing new unis. Should be simple.

    By the way, I'm 56 and I love change. Love it. Bring it on. I frankly don't care one iota what the unis are or the "tradition" of whatever one thinks it is or should be. My broken record is, all I care about is wins. If you win, it shuts everyone up. When you start building a tradition of losing, the natives start arguing over things like old people, new people, and uniform colors.

    So......who are the old people that have prevented the uni changes you clamor for?
    « Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 05:19:54 AM by MarshallGrad »

    Offline TomorrowHERD

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  • BGA, I believe our away jerseys need to be white.  "3) Kelly green lid with white block M and white/black helmet stripe, Kelly green jerseys with white digits trimmed in black, kelly green pants, kelly green leggings and shoes (Away Unis)"
    I prefer the shiny helmets. 

    Was it the old ones or the young ones who killed Marco and left us with this alcoholic, meth-head scooby doo rip-off?  If Marco wasn't MU tradition I don't know what was. 

    "I am for a government that is rigorously frugal and simple. Were we directed from Washington when to sow, when to reap, we should soon want bread."
    "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
    "I predict future hapiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."-Thomas Jefferson


    Offline Herdfan2005

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  • Obviously it wont look as bad as that helmet but it gives you somewhat of an idea

    Offline Ovaltine Jenkins

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  • Korum,

    I don't know anything about you other than your posts in this thread.  From what I've read, you personify the adage, "Youth is wasted on the young."  If you're lucky enough to age or become old as you term it, you will understand this and look back with a different perspective.  To paraphrase Richard Pryor, "You don't get old by being a fool.  There are a lot of young wise men out here deader than a mf"