Author Topic: "Anytime a new recruit comes onto campus, one of the first things they want....  (Read 3211 times)

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Offline STEPHENS24

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  • are the uniforms that they will be wearing,"

    Just throwing more fuel on the tradition vs new looks fire :)

    Offline STEPHENS24

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  • Still don't quite get how we also have a contract with Nike yet we can't even get a set of road jerseys to match the new home ones.

    Offline Carolina_Thor

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  • I don't give a crap about what WVU wears as long as they are wearing black and blue prominently after they play us.


    Offline Thunders

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  • Those WVU unis look horrible.. Gray??. No way
    Yoda says:    Blow the Mountaineers do!!


    Offline HerdEcon

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  • I don't give a crap about what WVU wears as long as they are wearing black and blue prominently after they play us.


    Yep.  Their new uniforms look horrible. 

    Offline Thundering In MD

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  • are the uniforms that they will be wearing,"

    Just throwing more fuel on the tradition vs new looks fire :)

    And you know this because....????
    Twitter:  @ThunderingInMD


    Offline ThunderZone

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  • There are 7 comments at the bottom of that link and 0 have anything positive to say about those uni's ... A couple are asking for people to be fired.

    Offline korun

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  • Hey, old people, get over yourselves. Maybe, once upon a time, your decision mattered in the way the university ran, I am gonna guess it didn't. If the guys on the football team want to wear purple and green because its the cool thing to do, then that is THEIR choice. I go to every practice and every game, and I see these guys working their @ss off to make sure you all can sit on your hands and scream "Tradition by god!". WVU is a moving on to a better conference and snazzier uniforms, yet we all sit here and judge the other guys, and we cant even afford a practice facility, baseball field, or anything else.

    So let me see if I can get this broken down a tad for easier understanding..

    1. We can barely sell 30k tickets on a good day, yet WVU almost sells out every game
    2. We only allow beer to be sold in the big green room because it makes the upper 10% feel better about themselves and more elite. WVU banked nearly 600k, with estimates of coming years of 1 million. (I like to think of this as a class system, rich reap the reward of what they can afford, while the poor have to accept that this is just the way it is)
    3. We sit in this crappy conference and try and justify why its gonna be just swell to play Huntington Junior College of business. We all know we want to be in the Big East and continue to play UCF and Houston.
    4. We scream " No new uniforms!!! We are traditionalist!!!" and all the football players sigh and put their heads down. WVU and Ohio get new uniforms and they kick the dog p1ss out of us because they are being rewarded for working hard. The sales of the 3rd jersey skyrockets and they cant keep them in stock....

    So here is the conclusion...
    alt jerseys = happy players and jersey sales
    happy players = more wins
    more wins = larger ticket sales
    larger ticket sales = more people who wanna party and make the Joan rock! (Beer sales)
    Beer sales = more $
    More money = better facilities
    better facilities = better conference
    better conference = better player and recognition
    Until we start doing any of that ^ we are not going to move on to better and greener pastures. Its a domino effect. Plain and simple.
    I just wish that the "powers that be" would stop the controlling of everything. Change is good and it can show that we care about the younger crowd that is coming to the University.

    Sorry, may have gone off topic, but I had to get that off my chest.

    (EDIT: The WVU style of jersey is not good, but we dont even have an option.)
    « Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 09:04:56 AM by korun »

    Offline Oldtimer

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  • All your facts are great. Try this one. Most of the support money for the school and athletics is coming from us old "traditional" people.

    Offline HerdKelly

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  • All your facts are great. Try this one. Most of the support money for the school and athletics is coming from us old "traditional" people.

    And therein lies the problem.....

    Offline korun

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  • No, the old money can easily be replaced with new money once we see the ability to change.

    Offline korun

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  • All your facts are great. Try this one. Most of the support money for the school and athletics is coming from us old "traditional" people.

    Oh, and your old money made the decision to route the interstate around Huntington, to put the mall in Barbourville, to keep the Civic Center out of Marshall hands in a joint venture. Yeah, you have made some awesome choice. Please tell us all how that has worked out for everyone. No, wait, I will.... Barboursville is the richest communities in WV, the civic center  rarely used for something other than monster trucks or lawn and garden shows, Huntington can hardly afford to pave roads and is a nut hair from bankruptcy. So please... tell us all how great of a job the old money has done to the city of Huntington. We are............ listening.

    Offline Oldtimer

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  • No, the old money can easily be replaced with new money once we see the ability to change.

    Then put the money up and you can have more input to bring about change. You can't wait for change then jump on board.

    Offline korun

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  • You dont know me... I am a big green supporter. I pay a lot to this university. I have a degree and a masters from MU. My wife has a degree from MU. I am a father of 2 and cant wait to put my kids through this university. I am new money. The old money needs to die off. Old money ideas are like cancer, when its being pushed into everyone's face, it tends to bring the party down, but once its gone, it's awesome. I just hope there is enough new money (Chemo) to destroy this cancer and make it useless.

    Offline Johnnyherd

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  • First off, we have changed uniforms in both football and basketball over the last 2 years.  It's not crazy dramatic stuff like Oregon, but it's different than 3-4 years ago....

    I don't think for one second that there are boosters that are preventing Marshall from designing crazy new uniforms....Big Ten schools with 300 times more boosters than Marshall, change their uniforms...I'd say simply that the leadership in the athletic department doesn't want to do it...


    Offline Johnnyherd

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  • Korun if you really feel that strongly about it, email Mike Hamrick.  He answered both emails I sent him...

    Offline korun

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  • We are still waiting, and im pretty sure most of us with bated breath, on the wonderful decisions that old money has made for Huntington. I am truly not wanting to start an argument, but I frequent this board daily and people throw around statements and never actual prove anything.... I gave you a handful of examples and you cant really disprove any of them.  I know the older guys like to relive the past and enjoy the "Al Bundy" style flashbacks, but its time to detach from this and join the younger guys in celebrating the Herd family as a whole and not separating it by generations!  

    No, the old money can easily be replaced with new money once we see the ability to change.

    Then put the money up and you can have more input to bring about change. You can't wait for change then jump on board.


    Offline korun

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  • Changed uniforms? You mean going BACK to kelly green and adding the herd above the front number? Or do you mean the font change that is so minor that Rainman couldn't even tell. You assume that we all want to go crazy and stuff. The uniforms in general are a tiny speck of the over all picture. You have to create a snowball affect, yet we want to b1tch about it, and never do anything.
    I have emailed Hamrick and I speak with him a couple times a month. He is not a hard person to get a hold of. 

    First off, we have changed uniforms in both football and basketball over the last 2 years.  It's not crazy dramatic stuff like Oregon, but it's different than 3-4 years ago....

    I don't think for one second that there are boosters that are preventing Marshall from designing crazy new uniforms....Big Ten schools with 300 times more boosters than Marshall, change their uniforms...I'd say simply that the leadership in the athletic department doesn't want to do it...


    Offline Johnnyherd

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  • Quote
    I have emailed Hamrick and I speak with him a couple times a month. He is not a hard person to get a hold of. 

    If you don't mind, let me know what he says about your uniform ideas and other ideas for change....


    Offline whf

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  • Korun,  man you might be getting ready for a melt-down.  Cool a bit.  This is a single community of fans and supporters, why are you helx-bent on dividing it.  Old money educated you. Instead of bashing it, go recruit more young / new money to support your desires.  Until then, it doesn't make good sense to bite off MU's nose to spite its face.

    By the way, the Kelly Green issue wasn't hugely an Old Money issue, it was one of the top first three things Hamrick was hit with when he got here. Folks wanted their own identity, one that held their independence from other schools we were tied to because of "money" issues and lack of negotiations in support of our independence.

    And one personal note, your perception that old people are stuck in a rut is just wrong. Many of us are on the leading edge of technology, change and future visions. 

    Offline FlyHawk98

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  • Korun....

    You made my day. No need for me to put anything else as you hit the nail on the head. Old timers wanna stay stuck in 1960's.

    Too bad we ever left Fairfield.....

    Offline korun

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  • Melt down? Far from it. I just speak my mind like you... im not willing to follow the flock like you though. And im sorry, I am in the technology field and have been for 15 years. For you to say that many old folks are on the leading edge of technology is laughable at best. I will say that I am sure there is some old people that have embraced technology and are visionaries but there are still young people that want to become Amish. Doesn't mean its right, but it does happen. Old money NEVER educated me. What aggravates me (and you are assuming, because of most of your response are telling me to relax, I can only assume that you see me screaming at my monitor or something) is that you think i am mad. I am not mad. I have lain out a very well rounded argument.  I cover all the point ( I am a little hard on old people, only because they cant drive and are sucking my SSI dry so that I can never use it. Get over it, many younger people feel this way, I am just willing to say it.) and I think I bring a lot of valid points. Instead of telling me to go do this, that, or the other ( I am assuming its easier for you to push me aside and carry on with your day to day lives ) why cant you actually tell me something that you have done that has progressed us. Dont get me wrong, I do take steps to get friends involved in the big green. Many of my tailgate buddies donate, whom never did before. I am pushing to get changes.  You are assuming that us whippersnappers are smoking "the weed" and screaming peace and love. It is this divide that you all set, not us. Most new generations have to cleanup the previous generations screw ups.... just sayin.

    Korun,  man you might be getting ready for a melt-down.  Cool a bit.  This is a single community of fans and supporters, why are you helx-bent on dividing it.  Old money educated you. Instead of bashing it, go recruit more young / new money to support your desires.  Until then, it doesn't make good sense to bite off MU's nose to spite its face.

    By the way, the Kelly Green issue wasn't hugely an Old Money issue, it was one of the top first three things Hamrick was hit with when he got here. Folks wanted their own identity, one that held their independence from other schools we were tied to because of "money" issues and lack of negotiations in support of our independence.

    And one personal note, your perception that old people are stuck in a rut is just wrong. Many of us are on the leading edge of technology, change and future visions. 

    Offline Herdmeister

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  • Melt down? Far from it. I just speak my mind like you... im not willing to follow the flock like you though. And im sorry, I am in the technology field and have been for 15 years. For you to say that many old folks are on the leading edge of technology is laughable at best. I will say that I am sure there is some old people that have embraced technology and are visionaries but there are still young people that want to become Amish. Doesn't mean its right, but it does happen. Old money NEVER educated me. What aggravates me (and you are assuming, because of most of your response are telling me to relax, I can only assume that you see me screaming at my monitor or something) is that you think i am mad. I am not mad. I have lain out a very well rounded argument.  I cover all the point ( I am a little hard on old people, only because they cant drive and are sucking my SSI dry so that I can never use it. Get over it, many younger people feel this way, I am just willing to say it.) and I think I bring a lot of valid points. Instead of telling me to go do this, that, or the other ( I am assuming its easier for you to push me aside and carry on with your day to day lives ) why cant you actually tell me something that you have done that has progressed us. Dont get me wrong, I do take steps to get friends involved in the big green. Many of my tailgate buddies donate, whom never did before. I am pushing to get changes.  You are assuming that us whippersnappers are smoking "the weed" and screaming peace and love. It is this divide that you all set, not us. Most new generations have to cleanup the previous generations screw ups.... just sayin.

    you too someday will get old. (At least I hope you do). I hope that those younger than you will be more respectful of you than you seem to be of some of us.
    Today, I consider myself, the luckiest man on the face of the earth..
                   ----Lou Gehrig


    Offline Herdfan2005

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  • The uniform change has nothing to do with Old Money.  I was told that the equipment manager at Marshall would not go with all black uniforms because we go for a traditional look.

    Offline Thundering In MD

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  • I was just asking the Stevens guy what his source was.  Was it:  1) he works on the staff and actually hears recruits say it; 2) he can cite to an article that says it; or 3) he watched the OU tape when they played us, or something like like.

    I don't necessarily agree that we have to jump through hoops on the uniform issue.  Do you want to look like Maryland?  How many of you want to see Snyder's helmuts again? 

    I do like the idea of an ocassional game jersey change.  The only problem with that is that you have to decide what your "big game" is.  If you do it like OU did and win, then great.  If you bring out the new duds and lay a dud, then you look stupid.
    Twitter:  @ThunderingInMD