Author Topic: Travon Van gone  (Read 3725 times)

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Offline djszincgt

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Re: Travon Van gone
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2012, 07:54:43 PM »
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  • Ive seen multiple posts where you called out someone's language or told them to tone down their posts.  Kind of hypocritical don't you think?? -1've seen exactly 2 posts where I said something to someone regarding their DISRESPECT (not their language).  That being the one where someone said F*ck know, the president of the university and the one where someone was extremely rude to the person who runs this board.  It's not their language, it's the disrespect they showed to people for no reason.  I really could care less about the language someone uses.

    You're just upset because I owned you after you jumped on me in another thread where I was obviously joking with someone else (aka, none of your business) which showed complete lack of respect for me.  And I admitted that my post was over the top.  I wasn't calling anyone down in my post above.  I was simply telling the truth.  A lot of people on this board don't like the truth, including yourself.  So you go right ahead and keep hitting the -1 on my Karma; that crap doesn't bother me in the least.  If it makes you feel like a big man to push a button go right ahead.   ::)

    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #50 on: November 02, 2012, 07:54:43 PM »

    Offline BuyNtelos4

    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #51 on: November 02, 2012, 09:38:16 PM »
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  • I'm not a sunshine pumper, but I don't recall you owning me in another thread.  If it happened, I must have missed reading it.  I'd just never seen you here before, and right off the bat you were telling people how they should or shouldn't post.  I don't have a problem with that either, just figure you otta be here posting for atleast a week before you start telling more than one long time poster to tone their shot down.  We have mods for that, and they do an excellent job.

    Offline BuyNtelos4

    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #52 on: November 02, 2012, 09:44:06 PM »
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  • BuyNtelos4 quote to djszincgt:
    Who cares if he separates his thoughts with .....
    Lots of people do that on message boards nowadays, and as I just said, message board not research paper or resume or typing class for that matter, nor are you in any position to be critiquing him.  The only thing correcting someone's spelling or grammar says about you is that you don't have enough knowledge of the message boards subject matter to bring new and correct useful information on the subject to the conversation.   

    Ok, my previous post was a little rough and got deleted (and it probably should have been); I'm big enough to admit it.  However, I will post something a little less aggressive.  

    I was simply poking a little fun, and not trying to critique anyone.  Some people need to be a little less sensitive.  If used correctly I have no problem with anyone using ....  I use it myself.  It was hard to read what he posted because of all the dots, misspelled words, dots in the middle of words, etc.  Lighten up dude; it was all in fun.

    Wow, that is where you "owned" me?  I want some of what your smokin... Enough said.  Conversation over... You just came across to me as bossy and telling others how they should be conducting themselves at least twice in your first 50 posts.  I thought it was a little much and was honest about how I felt about it.  Nothing to do with your self proclaimed owning me. Laughable.
    « Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 09:51:11 PM by BuyNtelos4 »

    Offline djszincgt

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    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #53 on: November 02, 2012, 09:59:26 PM »
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  • I'm not a sunshine pumper, but I don't recall you owning me in another thread.  If it happened, I must have missed reading it.  I'd just never seen you here before, and right off the bat you were telling people how they should or shouldn't post.  I don't have a problem with that either, just figure you otta be here posting for atleast a week before you start telling more than one long time poster to tone their shot down.  We have mods for that, and they do an excellent job.

    Look man, I have been registered here for nearly two years.  And you're right, I haven't posted here much until just recently.  However I have been here reading stuff for a long time.  As a matter of fact I've had posts deleted for a lot less then those 2 people I commented to.  The one guy admitted he got out of line and apologized for what he wrote.  There is a line that you just shouldn't cross.  It doesn't matter if you have 1 or 1,000,000 posts it still shouldn't be crossed, plain and simple.  If I want to comment about it I will.  I don't care who it is.  

    Offline BuyNtelos4

    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #54 on: November 02, 2012, 10:10:02 PM »
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  • And when I don't think it doesn't concern you and you shoulda left it be, I'm gonna tell you about it.  The one that really got me was when you got all over the poster for using ..... To separate his posts.  Grammar police gone to a new level...  Them to say you owned me regarding that thread.  That was the icing on the cake lol... I don't hold grudges man, but really, if you don't like somebodies ..... Or there thoughts of Kopp, send them a personal message, instead of acting like your %^&* don't stink.  Again, we have several mods, and I think they handle this well.  I figure often times they send personal messages to warn posters without calling them out.  You let it be known you have had posts deleted for saying less than what they said, so perhaps you have a problem with the mods, I don't know... I've never once had a post deleted that I remember, and I've been critical when it was deserved.  You probably called out or through players under the bus, which is a board no no, however, letting your feelings about coaches, AD's or presidents is fair game.  They are big boys being paid to be on a public position.

    Guess since you neglected to bring it up anymore, you have also concluded that wasnt close to owning me?   
    « Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 10:13:33 PM by BuyNtelos4 »

    Offline djszincgt

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    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #55 on: November 02, 2012, 10:15:10 PM »
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  • BuyNtelos4 quote to djszincgt:
    Who cares if he separates his thoughts with .....
    Lots of people do that on message boards nowadays, and as I just said, message board not research paper or resume or typing class for that matter, nor are you in any position to be critiquing him.  The only thing correcting someone's spelling or grammar says about you is that you don't have enough knowledge of the message boards subject matter to bring new and correct useful information on the subject to the conversation.   

    Wow, that is where you "owned" me?  I want some of what your smokin... Enough said.  Conversation over... You just came across to me as bossy and telling others how they should be conducting themselves at least twice in your first 50 posts.  I thought it was a little much and was honest about how I felt about it.  Nothing to do with your self proclaimed owning me. Laughable.

    What part of my previous post was deleted did you not get?  Nice try quoting something that no longer exists on the board.  You stuck your nose where it didn't belong.  I WAS JOKING WITH SOMEONE about the .... and you took it as me attacking the person.  I'm sure if he felt that I was attacking him he would have typed something back.  But you had to come in like you were the internet grammar police. 

    Buddy, I don't know what's up your @$$, but I can tell you one thing, you are the ONLY person I have had a problem with on here, and we are ruining this thread and it isn't cool to the guys who are in here to discuss the topic of the thread.  If you have a problem with me feel free to PM me, but I'm not going to keep this up with you. 

    Offline djszincgt

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    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #56 on: November 02, 2012, 10:18:10 PM »
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  • I want to say I'm sorry to everyone reading this thread.  Our conversation should not have been in here. We are both out of line.

    Offline BuyNtelos4

    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #57 on: November 02, 2012, 10:28:07 PM »
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  • Good save buddy... Since you didn't own me in another thread as you claimed, you turn it to we shouldnt be high jacking this thread which I agree with.  Glad you have only rubbed one person the wrong way in you first 80 posts, but I'd say it's more only one person called you out.  Looks like 13 other people thought something you said was disliked by them as well.  To have been joking In the poster using ..... To many times, you sure wrote it in a serious manner and not a joking manner.  You say my most didn't belong there, but you posted it on a public forum, and again if your new at this, public forum equals everybodies business, PM's aren't my business, use those if you don't want me to tell you that your post was rude.  I agree, let's allow the thread that had died anyway to move on.  Next time I think your acting like a "please be respectful", I'll pm you instead of making your -1 public, which very few people seem to have the guts to do.  I'm sure lots of people who receive negative karma would like to know where it came from and why-- just thought I'd give you that courtesy.

    Offline field pass

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    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #58 on: November 02, 2012, 11:15:49 PM »
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  • who cares if Travon is gone...lets just lock the thread and end the silliness.  Van was talented but injuries and family issues seem to point ti his deaprture.  hes proven that he isnt even a starter...why all the energy lost arguing on this thread?  youd think cato had just decided to leave by the tone of this thread.  get a life!
    « Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 11:22:00 PM by field pass »

    Offline wasbarryb

    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #59 on: November 03, 2012, 10:44:17 AM »
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  • who cares if Travon is gone...lets just lock the thread and end the silliness.  Van was talented but injuries and family issues seem to point ti his deaprture.  hes proven that he isnt even a starter...why all the energy lost arguing on this thread?  youd think cato had just decided to leave by the tone of this thread.  get a life!

    Someone with nearly 4000 posts telling people with less than a thousand to get a life? Try taking your own advice maybe.

    Offline BuyNtelos4

    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #60 on: November 03, 2012, 12:11:35 PM »
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  • Haha, I'm laughing because I had to read that 3 times to keep it from going over my head:)

    Re: Travon Van gone
    « Reply #60 on: November 03, 2012, 12:11:35 PM »