Can't say I"m very proud of my Home state, Indiana, right now. In one of these "down ticket" elections that probably has more day to day impact on families than any other vote cast the state kicked out it's Superindendent of public education and replaced him with a union puppet.
This, in spite of the fact that he's done more for reform, school choice,teacher evaluations, test score bumps and overall teaching conditions than anyone ever has in my lifetime. Indiana has the broadest range of school choice options of any state in the country and we aren't exactly known for our school funding or outside the box thinking on big picture items. He did these things for the kids rather than his own political career.
just another case of another special interest group voting for itself and screw the kids and the parents that have to deal with these union bastaards. The parents stuck with these substandard schools and teachers deserve the crappy education they get. But, don't worry... that union teacher will have a job for life.