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Offline ZackUSAF82

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Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
« on: April 30, 2013, 05:27:08 PM »
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  • GO HERD!!!

    Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « on: April 30, 2013, 05:27:08 PM »

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 07:07:02 PM »
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  • Yikes. You know I'm never one to criticize... ;)... but really... who thought sticking this in at the beginning was a good idea?

    (Looks like a high school pep rally with that press box shack up there.)

    When you line them up like that, it really hits you that that's a literal "who's-that?" of FBS schools. We've got our work cut out for us.

    We can't sit back as a conference and be content. If we're going to rise up and be the predominant conference of the Go5, and accordingly going to grow in relevance nationally to the point that we can attain TV revenues in the millions rather than the thousands... we're looking up at two conferences, and have another one jockeying with us from the side.

    Players and coaches are in a position to say "Just win baby" because that's something over which they have some control. We fans don't... I mean... we don't have that control. And so what we can contribute to the cause has to be in some other vein.
    « Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 07:08:39 PM by _sturt_ »

    Offline goherd24

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 07:07:53 PM »
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  • Only good thing they can say about us is that we have a vision campaign lol. Please let us win a championship this year!

    Offline mckayt

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 09:36:44 PM »
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  • When I watch that video, I certainly don't get the holier than thou attitude that some have around here.  I think we are lucky to be where we are cosidering the investments, the student population, the money, and the history that some of those schools have.  Our $30 million Vision Campaign doesn't even measure up to the $46 million that Rice is willing to put into their football stadium that, if they are lucky, 5,000 people gather in on a football Saturday.  We haven't done anything at all lately on the field or on the court and what we are currently doing financially does not measure up to what our peer schools are doing.  Some of y'all better check yourself and open your eyes.  Do something to help, instead of bitch all the time about our "new conference".  I've kept my mouth (keyboard) shut for a long time, but it's hard to sit back and see people bitching about our situation yet they provide no real answers to our alleged problems.  Hell, do something about it!  Start a fundraiser.  Start a damn revolution or something against people that don't fund what you want us to be!  Where do we get off saying that we are better than these new teams?  I don't get it.  Hell, these new schools and teams scare me.  We don't have the resources that they have.  We just wanna bitch and blame Hamrick for everything.

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #4 on: April 30, 2013, 10:12:36 PM »
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  • Very cool. Looking forward to the new setup in CUSA.

    Offline herdfan429

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #5 on: April 30, 2013, 10:55:05 PM »
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  • That high school pep rally had 3xs more fans show up at their spring game than we did

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #6 on: April 30, 2013, 11:43:45 PM »
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  • mckayt, hold up... you talk like we're the Houston Astros of FBS... we've been mediocre, not pathetic. And one year or two of success does not vault any given Sun Belt program over ours, even though we've only seen a couple of bowl games in the last 5 years.

    And Rice? Rice is a private school in one of the more economically-viable cities in the nation. There's nothing embarrassing about falling short of their fundraising.

    But I do agree with you that, as opposed to a month ago when it appeared there was still some reason to think we could escape the downgrade, it's time to talk about what can be done to elevate our conference. And fwiw, I for one have been doing just that.

    People who won't admit that we've taken a substantial step backward, who think we should feel great about how blessed we are... those people are going to be the death-knell of this program if they are left unchallenged and able to grow to constitute a majority of Herd Nation... that mindset promotes a contented attitude that we've always ordinarily associated with MAC fans. We have to remember who we are, and not let this stagnant period lull us into expecting less.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #7 on: May 01, 2013, 11:39:13 AM »
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  • That high school pep rally had 3xs more fans show up at their spring game than we did

    Um, I wasn't being critical of Charlotte's program or fans, but rather the decision by someone at CUSA HQ to use that camera shot in a promotional video. Put our fans in front of our press box, it looks good... put fans in front of that shack, and it looks only slightly better than what we had at dear ol' Vinson High.

    Offline herd1986

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #8 on: May 01, 2013, 06:22:46 PM »
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  • That footage was from a soccer game.  Look closely.  The signs say "College Cup Finalist" and "Charlotte Soccer."  Why would that footage of a soccer game be embarrassing?  It looks like a very well attended soccer game.  Knucklehead.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #9 on: May 01, 2013, 06:53:22 PM »
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  • Knucklehead?... lol... really?... of all the names you could have called me, you chose "knucklehead?"... I suppose I should thank you... that might be the nicest put-down I've had on this board.  ;D

    But, ummm... 86... my dear, dear friend...

    First, I believe it was your dear, dear friend (and mine, too, of course) 429 who brought up the idea of a football crowd... a review of the evidence, though, shows I didn't say one way or the other myself...

    And that's because actually it doesn't matter to the point... ie, that looks like a SHACK up top there... and I know if that was a Marshall shack, I'd be perturbed not only that they were making us look bad, but just as bad, that the producer evidently wasn't paying attention well enough to realize it.

    And second, do you really think that in the second or two that they flashed up this clip that anyone would have caught what sport was on display?

    I don't, but maybe you do.

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #10 on: May 01, 2013, 06:55:04 PM »
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  • Um, I wasn't being critical of Charlotte's program or fans, but rather the decision by someone at CUSA HQ to use that camera shot in a promotional video. Put our fans in front of our press box, it looks good... put fans in front of that shack, and it looks only slightly better than what we had at dear ol' Vinson High.

    That "Shack" you speak of is their 4,000 seat soccer stadium.....


    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #11 on: May 01, 2013, 06:58:24 PM »
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  • ....That "Shack" also hosts their media during their outdoor track events....


    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #11 on: May 01, 2013, 06:58:24 PM »

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #12 on: May 01, 2013, 07:06:45 PM »
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  • That 4000 seat soccer stadium looks great.

    But... as much as you're straining to not admit it... using that shot looks like Charlotte has a high school press box.



    Offline ZackUSAF82

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    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #13 on: May 01, 2013, 07:10:15 PM »
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  • Looks like a really nice soccer complex to me, the "hut" is definitely different but I think it makes it look unique.  While I'm still not thrilled about this new league I've just learned to accept this is where we will be for now and I'm looking forward to facing some new competition in the next few years.  If we start winning consistently in football and if "Double T" can somehow (doubtful) right the ship in basketball...and then you add in our facility upgrades we could be positioned very nicely for the next round of realignment if/when it happens.  Until then, I really don't think there's too much else we can do other than continuing to support the Herd as much as each of us can afford...Lord knows we need every penny.
    GO HERD!!!

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #14 on: May 01, 2013, 07:11:40 PM »
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  • Hey Stu....Did you ever see the baseball stadium? Guess you aren't impressed with that either?....


    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #15 on: May 01, 2013, 07:16:16 PM »
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  • That baseball stadium looks great.

    But... as much as you're straining to not admit it... using that soccer stadium shot looks like Charlotte has a high school press box.



    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #16 on: May 01, 2013, 07:24:07 PM »
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  • Cant leave out the football stadium can we Stu? remember, this is WITHOUT the upper deck that's supposed to be added by the time they start CUSA play.

    The finished product when the upper decks are installed.......


    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #17 on: May 01, 2013, 07:25:56 PM »
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  • I sure hope we eventually get a baseball stadium like Charlotte has some day. :-\

    Would love to see Marshall have a home ball park like that. Share it with a farm team of the Reds would be perfect.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #18 on: May 01, 2013, 07:28:12 PM »
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  • Indeed, we can't.

    That football stadium looks great.

    But... as much as you're straining to not admit it... using that soccer stadium shot looks like Charlotte has a high school press box.

    (Okay, no more name calling. It bores me.)

    Btw, Steve... did you ever come to some conclusion about whether LaTech would have preferred to stay in Sun Belt had they taken that invite and gotten another from Britton in January? Did I ever get your answer to that? You remember? You were asserting that Britton had to make a move or risk losing LaTech permanently to the Sun Belt... ostensibly since CUSA and Sun Belt are virtual equals in your mind, I suppose... ?  :-\ ... I dunno.
    « Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 07:33:13 PM by _sturt_ »

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #19 on: May 01, 2013, 07:48:29 PM »
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  • Call me crazy Stu but I forgot the fairly new basketball arena....How in the world did I forget that?......Have you seen it?.....


    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #20 on: May 01, 2013, 09:35:26 PM »
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  • Yes, I have.

    ....oooooo.... aaaaaaahhh....

    That arena looks great.

    But... as much as you're straining to not admit it... using that soccer stadium shot looks like Charlotte has a high school press box.

    Come to think of it.... with all these facilities lookin so nice.... intrestin that you Charlotte huggers aren't pizzed off that their new conference made them look so bush league in this new video.... perhaps says something about how much more important it is to you to try to take a shot at ol sturt than to defend your pride and joy niner newbies... suppose I'm flattered, come to think of it... but then, I *do* care about the new conference and the image it's projecting, and in this particular case, Charlotte... suppose I'm the real Charlotte hugger... so how bout giving me a little less attention and being sincere to care about putting the conference's best proverbial foot forward, eh?

    (Nah. I didn't think so.)

    Oh... and... La Tech?!?... you were sayin?!?... or still avoiding?!?

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #21 on: May 01, 2013, 09:37:56 PM »
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  • Yes, I have.

    ....oooooo.... aaaaaaahhh....

    That arena looks great.

    But... as much as you're straining to not admit it... using that soccer stadium shot looks like Charlotte has a high school press box.

    Come to think of it.... with all these facilities lookin so nice.... intrestin that you Charlotte huggers aren't pizzed off that their new conference made them look so bush league in this new video.... perhaps says something about how much more important it is to you to try to take a shot at ol sturt than to defend your pride and joy niner newbies... suppose I'm flattered, come to think of it... but then, I *do* care about the new conference and the image it's projecting, and in this particular case, Charlotte... suppose I'm the real Charlotte hugger... so how bout giving me a little less attention and being sincere to care about putting the conference's best proverbial foot forward, eh?

    (Nah. I didn't think so.)

    Oh... and... La Tech?!?... you were sayin?!?... or still avoiding?!?

    La Tech was a great add. A huge upgrade over Tulane. I don't think anyone would argue that.

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #21 on: May 01, 2013, 09:37:56 PM »

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #22 on: May 01, 2013, 09:44:24 PM »
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  • La Tech was a great add. A huge upgrade over Tulane. I don't think anyone would argue that.

    Competitively, they were the best add. I don't disagree.

    But answer the question?

    You remember, right?

    You were contending that Banowsky needed to add LaTech lest the Sun Belt extend an invite?... as-if CUSA 3.0 must be on the same level as Sun Belt and LaTech might prefer SB?

    And... how bout a better angle on that soccer stadium so it doesn't look bush league... good idea, no? I realize you've put so much effort into posting all those pretty pictures just to oppose me, but when you think about it, don't you really want the league office to study what they put out there a little better?

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #23 on: May 01, 2013, 10:16:03 PM »
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  • Competitively, they were the best add. I don't disagree.

    But answer the question?

    You remember, right?

    You were contending that Banowsky needed to add LaTech lest the Sun Belt extend an invite?... as-if CUSA 3.0 must be on the same level as Sun Belt and LaTech might prefer SB?

    And... how bout a better angle on that soccer stadium so it doesn't look bush league... good idea, no? I realize you've put so much effort into posting all those pretty pictures just to oppose me, but when you think about it, don't you really want the league office to study what they put out there a little better?

    I'll give you a few nuggets Stu...... What a lot of people don't know is that while CUSA was getting teams taken away, Marshall, UAB, Southern Miss and ECU were all contacted by the Sunbelt commissioner to consider coming over as a package deal to go along with La Tech and Charlotte to the Sunbelt conference. Those six schools met as a group and talked about the offer and the options that were available.

     Instead of going that route, the group worked with Banowsky to get those teams (La Tech/Charlotte) on board in CUSA instead. La Tech made the jump with FIU and North Texas (Replacing SMU and UCF) while Charlotte publically turned down the Sunbelt and joined CUSA when it got the offer. ODU originally said they weren't going to make the jump but reconsidered when Charlotte came on board and watched VCU leave for the A-10. There were actually several others that CUSA was talking with but ODU was at the top of their list and got voted in unanimously.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #24 on: May 01, 2013, 10:35:00 PM »
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  • Benson's courting of CUSA is well-documented, though I would agree that many people aren't aware of it... largely b/c it was a non-starter... there never was any good reason to give it much consideration in the first place... the money was with CUSA.

    And you know that I know that that still doesn't address the question.

    Banowsky screwed up. And I'm not sure if he's your favorite uncle or what, but it's a huge thing to you to admit that for some reason. I like the guy myself, but he moved too fast, and AAC exists today because he did.

    Just looking for a little integrity here... admit the camera angle was a bad choice... seemingly, no big deal... and, admit that time has shown that Banowsky was impatient. How bout it.

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #24 on: May 01, 2013, 10:35:00 PM »