Author Topic: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video  (Read 6642 times)

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Offline marshallz13

Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2013, 11:00:32 PM »
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  • Sturt the amount you know about this conference stuff amazes me.

    How do you keep on top of it cause I could care less but its cool you know a lot about it.

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #25 on: May 01, 2013, 11:00:32 PM »

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #26 on: May 01, 2013, 11:01:10 PM »
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  • Benson's courting of CUSA is well-documented, though I would agree that many people aren't aware of it... largely b/c it was a non-starter... there never was any good reason to give it much consideration in the first place... the money was with CUSA.

    And you know that I know that that still doesn't address the question.

    Banowsky screwed up. And I'm not sure if he's your favorite uncle or what, but it's a huge thing to you to admit that for some reason. I like the guy myself, but he moved too fast, and AAC exists today because he did.

    Just looking for a little integrity here... admit the camera angle was a bad choice... seemingly, no big deal... and, admit that time has shown that Banowsky was impatient. How bout it.

    People put to much emphasis on Banowsky himself......truth is, Banowsky reacts to what his membership wants. Banowsky will make suggestions to the members but in the end its comes down to a majority vote from its members when weighing options like expansion. Its not like Banowsky just woke up one day and decided to add all these members. That's not how it works.

     In the end, its the voting body that determines the true direction of the league. Just ask John Marinatto.  ::) His members originally turned down a huge TV deal (even after he recommended they vote yest on it). They voted it down and the rest is history. Cant blame John for that. The commissioner can have "visions" of what he wants for the league but none of that matters unless the leagues members agree and vote to approve of any measures.

    I know some people on the board seem to get agitated with your posts Stu....but they don't bother me. I enjoy reading your posts. You are obviously a young little feller with the name calling and all that stuff but that's okay. I think its funny but interesting all at the same time. Stick around here long enough and you might learn a thing or two...  ;D
    « Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 11:03:20 PM by MarshallSteve »

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #27 on: May 01, 2013, 11:01:59 PM »
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  • Sturt the amount you know about this conference stuff amazes me.

    How do you keep on top of it cause I could care less but its cool you know a lot about it.

    He doesn't know much, he just thinks he does... ;D
    « Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 11:03:46 PM by MarshallSteve »

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #28 on: May 01, 2013, 11:24:02 PM »
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  • Steve, yeah... I'm a young little fella... hehe... thanks...

    Name calling? When did I... oh... you mean "knucklehead?"... hehe, really?... if you want to count that, okay I guess, but I think it was pretty clear that I was just having fun with 86's schtick... my friend, I've never, ever, ever called anyone anything, even when they were saying idiotic things... I may call their arguments "ridiculous," and I may characterize their behavior as MAC fan-like, but far be it for the one who is always trying to get others to stay on-topic to ever, ever be attacking a person.

    Your insight into the inner workings of the CUSA office are probably about as informed as your insight into my age and stature... but... I will grant you this much, which is that we can't really know who the power-player presidents are who may have been taking strong stands, and that it is an unknown whether Banowsky led the charge and got the presidents to back his vision... I would offer that Banowsky is, however, the person who is the face of the conference, and part of the job description is that the buck stops with him.

    As to your being or not being agitated with my posts... congrats, I don't get agitated by yours either. But I do think you could stand to show a little more integrity and answer things straight-up. If you don't want to lay it all at Banowsky's feet, for example, okay, but the point remains that the leadership of CUSA--whoever that is--moved too fast, and AAC exists today because they did.


    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #29 on: May 01, 2013, 11:28:48 PM »
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  • Sturt the amount you know about this conference stuff amazes me.

    How do you keep on top of it cause I could care less but its cool you know a lot about it.

    I have to admit... I wonder why I'm so intrigued by it all myself... but I am. I suppose I perceive the conference status as being so important... it's a platform from which our school can either launch into a stronger national regard or grow weaker.

    Offline MarshallSteve

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #30 on: May 01, 2013, 11:42:34 PM »
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  • Steve, yeah... I'm a young little fella... hehe... thanks...

    Name calling? When did I... oh... you mean "knucklehead?"... hehe, really?... if you want to count that, okay I guess, but I think it was pretty clear that I was just having fun with 86's schtick... my friend, I've never, ever, ever called anyone anything, even when they were saying idiotic things... I may call their arguments "ridiculous," and I may characterize their behavior as MAC fan-like, but far be it for the one who is always trying to get others to stay on-topic to ever, ever be attacking a person.

    Your insight into the inner workings of the CUSA office are probably about as informed as your insight into my age and stature... but... I will grant you this much, which is that we can't really know who the power-player presidents are who may have been taking strong stands, and that it is an unknown whether Banowsky led the charge and got the presidents to back his vision... I would offer that Banowsky is, however, the person who is the face of the conference, and part of the job description is that the buck stops with him.

    As to your being or not being agitated with my posts... congrats, I don't get agitated by yours either. But I do think you could stand to show a little more integrity and answer things straight-up. If you don't want to lay it all at Banowsky's feet, for example, okay, but the point remains that the leadership of CUSA--whoever that is--moved too fast, and AAC exists today because they did.

     The AAC still exists because they still had the Big East name as a big bargaining chip along with some exaggerated TV promises. Not to mention that the basketball schools were still there at the time. Once the football side was able to add who they wanted, the basketball schools split and took the name with them. It was probably planned that way all along.

    That AAC name (Because its new) doesn't carry any more weight than CUSA or the MWC does. Matter of fact, the leader of the GO5 is most certainly the MWC now. No doubt about it. Everybody else is just trying to claw their way to the top and get that new at large bid. Hopefully it will be us getting that bid in the next couple years. We just need to get back on track and start winning consistently again. The rest will take care of itself. Don't believe me? Just ask the folks at in Boise Idaho.
    « Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 11:46:26 PM by MarshallSteve »

    Offline mckayt

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #31 on: May 02, 2013, 12:05:30 AM »
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  • Enjoy the ride!

    Wait!  I'm not sure I like the angle that was used to show Angus' hat!!!  It makes all hats look bad.  HAHAHAHA!  Get over yourselves, haters.  I'm gonna riiiiiide on!!!!
    « Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 06:48:23 AM by mckayt »

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #32 on: May 02, 2013, 12:06:30 AM »
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  •  The AAC still exists because they still had the Big East name as a big bargaining chip along with some exaggerated TV promises. Not to mention that the basketball schools were still there at the time. Once the football side was able to add who they wanted, the basketball schools split and took the name with them. It was probably planned that way all along.

    That AAC name (Because its new) doesn't carry any more weight than CUSA or the MWC does. Matter of fact, the leader of the GO5 is most certainly the MWC now. No doubt about it. Everybody else is just trying to claw their way to the top and get that new at large bid. Hopefully it will be us getting that bid in the next couple years. We just need to get back on track and start winning consistently again. The rest will take care of itself. Don't believe me? Just ask the folks at in Boise Idaho.

    Okay. I'm convinced now. He IS your favorite uncle. You just won't go there, will you.

    AAC exists because CUSA leadership replaced the defector schools too quickly. Period.

    Had the leadership been patient, once Boise made its move back to MWC, the CUSA defectors would have backed out similarly in order to avoid paying fees just to play each other, leaving Cincy, UConn, USF and Temple with little option but to join CUSA, or MAC, or go indy.

    And actually, if one bothers to run some unbiased numbers, top-to-middle-to-botom, the AAC's 5 year Sagarins are decidedly stronger than MWC's... though I'll agree that it won't take long for AAC to regress back to MWC.

    No matter, both we and the MAC are looking up at those two. Critical point: We can't sit back. We have to be the innovators here and so some things differently so that we can claw up to AAC/MWC's level of recognition nationally.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #33 on: May 02, 2013, 12:18:59 AM »
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  • Ride on, bitches.  Enjoy the ride!

    Wait!  I'm not sure I like the angle that was used to show Angus' hat!!!  It makes all hats look bad.  HAHAHAHA!  Get over yourselves, haters.  I'm gonna riiiiiide on!!!!!

    mckayt, looks like you got your pills confused again... this, is NOT your viagra...


    But seriously... just a little bit, anyhow...

    Hating the producer? Okay. Yeah. If they did that to us, I'd be twice as upset. It's nuts, especially given all of the nice facilities they could have shown (thank you MSteve), or even have shown that same soccer stadium in a way that didn't make it look like this FBS newbie had a high school shack for a press box... why do you defend that?

    Oh. Wait. I get it.

    The bell rang, and you salivated.

    « Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 12:38:18 AM by _sturt_ »

    Offline mckayt

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #34 on: May 02, 2013, 12:27:19 AM »
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  • Predictable.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but there is nothing more predictable than your posts.  We seriously get how you feel at this point.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #35 on: May 02, 2013, 12:36:48 AM »
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  • Nah. You don't. Which was why I said what I just said. Your response speaks of hating. Hating the video shot? That would have been correct. But you think I hate Charlotte. Even now after all that's been said in this thread.

    I do hate the position we're in... you're right that I'm predictable there. But to not hate it is to be a pacifist. My hate for this situation just makes me want better, whereas the love of some for this situation just makes them content.


    Offline GoHerd2010

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #36 on: May 02, 2013, 05:52:46 PM »
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  • LOL I think they showed one MU highlight and it was girls basketball...

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #36 on: May 02, 2013, 05:52:46 PM »

    Offline MUsince96

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #37 on: May 02, 2013, 08:38:24 PM »
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  • So if I'm following correctly. We've fallen off the map because Charlotte looked to have a crappy press box. When it's pointed out its just a soccer press box and they have sweet facilities, we've fallen off the map because they used that video. I love ol Stu, you can't prove a man wrong when his argument never stays the same.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #38 on: May 02, 2013, 09:27:29 PM »
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  • So if I'm following correctly. We've fallen off the map because Charlotte looked to have a crappy press box. When it's pointed out its just a soccer press box and they have sweet facilities, we've fallen off the map because they used that video. I love ol Stu, you can't prove a man wrong when his argument never stays the same.

    96, one of us must be visually-impaired because for the life of me, I'm having incredible difficulty locating the part where I say something about us falling off the map because Charlotte looked to have a crappy press box. And then, same problem... difficulty finding that there's some gap between that supposed statement and a later statement when I say something about us falling off the map because they used that clip.

    Nope. Looks to me like I said that from the *very first post*...

    Yikes. You know I'm never one to criticize... ;)... but really... who thought sticking this in at the beginning was a good idea?

    (Looks like a high school pep rally with that press box shack up there.)

    I love ol 96... you can't prove a man wrong when he makes up stuff that you can't prove is showing up on his screen, even though it's not showing up on your own.

    Offline ThunderValley

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #39 on: May 02, 2013, 09:39:22 PM »
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  • LOL you couldn't catch _sturt_ in a steeltrap   ;D

    Offline 00mag12gaVa

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    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #40 on: May 02, 2013, 09:54:02 PM »
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  • I say something about us falling off the map because Charlotte looked to have a crappy press box.

    Don't sweat it, they are the bottom of the college football barrel and we are right there with them, soakin in the brine of apathy.
    No political dreamer was ever wild enough to think of breaking down the lines which separate the States and compounding the American people into one common mass.
    John Marshall (1755 - 1835)

    Offline MUsince96

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #41 on: May 02, 2013, 11:39:45 PM »
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  • "When you line them up like that, it really hits you that that's a literal "who's-that?" of FBS schools. We've got our work cut out for us.

    We can't sit back as a conference and be content. If we're going to rise up and be the predominant conference of the Go5, and accordingly going to grow in relevance nationally to the point that we can attain TV revenues in the millions rather than the thousands... we're looking up at two conferences, and have another one jockeying with us from the side."                                Sorry I'm on my phone and had to quote you without the normal box of quoting people, but I think my original post of you insinuating we fell behind makes sense when you read the whole comment and not paste the part you want people to read

    Offline MUsince96

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #42 on: May 02, 2013, 11:43:24 PM »
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  • And before you respond, what did you mean 'if we're going to rise up' based on that picture if we haven't fallen?

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #43 on: May 02, 2013, 11:58:54 PM »
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  • Hmmmm... who's changing his argument in mid-stream now?

    After "Yikes," there are two statements about the press box clip... so when you poke your finger in my chest asserting that I said we fell off the map, first, because of the crappy press box, and later, because of the video clip... since those are the ONLY statements I made about the press box clip... you kinda have to figure out some way to justify the accusation.


    The balance of the post is NOT about the crappy press box.

    Is it critical of our new peers? Not in any sense that isn't widely acknowledged--ie, these are schools that are not household names.

    I say "We've got our work cut out for us," because--and again, even those who love this new environment acknowledge this--ummmmm... we *do*.

    96, do you think I'm wrong?

    Are you suggesting we *can* sit back as a conference and be content?

    Are you suggesting we *already are* the predominant conference of the Go5?


    Offline MUsince96

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #44 on: May 03, 2013, 12:02:13 AM »
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  • Stu, if you didn't talk out of your ass so much, people wouldn't have so much crap to throw back in your face.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #45 on: May 03, 2013, 12:05:48 AM »
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  • And before you respond, what did you mean 'if we're going to rise up' based on that picture if we haven't fallen?

    What do *you* mean? Are you suggesting we *haven't* fallen back? And if so, do you have any *objective* ways of supporting that assertion?... because, as you know too well, I've bothered to do the math, so it would be amusing to see how you could possibly come up with something quantitative to back up such high praise.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #46 on: May 03, 2013, 12:09:11 AM »
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  • Stu, if you didn't talk out of your ass so much, people wouldn't have so much crap to throw back in your face.

    Predictable... when one has no actual substance to back up his talk, he turns to cutesy insults hoping somehow to distract anyone from noticing. Case in point. You've done it before. No surprise you're doing it again. Weak.

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #46 on: May 03, 2013, 12:09:11 AM »

    Offline MUsince96

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #47 on: May 03, 2013, 12:12:47 AM »
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  • I think by that post you've proven the point of my original post. Thanks.

    Offline _sturt_

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #48 on: May 03, 2013, 12:19:11 AM »
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  • You're welcome.

    And I think by that post, you're embarrassed that you hit a dead end and can't justify your original statement... and doubly embarrassed by the hypocrisy of accusing me of changing my argument, given that that's precisely what you just did.

    Why do you do this to yourself. Over and over again. I dunno. Just stop making things up, and review your words for accuracy and that will cure 96% of your problem.

    Offline MUsince96

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #49 on: May 03, 2013, 12:28:44 AM »
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  • OK, let me break this down for you dum&^$r*(. If in your original post you weren't insinuating we had fallen a level, what did "if we're going to rise up" after the picture you posted mean?   (No need to answer. We've all seen your long winded posts about how we've been left behind. Just don't be a chickenshit and run away from what your post really meant. A 1st grader could read between the lines.)

    Re: Conference USA 2013 School Introductions Video
    « Reply #49 on: May 03, 2013, 12:28:44 AM »